Nara Shintaku closed his eyes after he finished speaking.

Across from him

, Orochimaru suddenly looked up and stared at Nara Shintaku with his eyes closed in astonishment.

In his perception, Nara Shintaku, who seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, seemed to be burning with a flame.

It was hot, deep, and painful.

It was as if he turned himself into fuel and wanted to burn everything.

In such a flame.

The chakra aura on Nara Shintaku's body trembled wildly.

Deep in the soul.

The chakra metal that had just been stuffed in seemed to fall into the sun, melting, tempering, and disintegrating rapidly.

It turned into a piece of iron that flashed with a white light!

"Burn yourself too?" Orochimaru looked at Nara Shintaku in shock, his expression lost.

An hour later.

Nara Shintaku slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were cool, like a quiet lake, calm and clear.

A sense of clarity came naturally.

‘I poured my experiences and emotions from my two lives into it.’

‘What kind of things will be smelted?’

‘I'm really looking forward to it. '

Nara Shintaku showed a smile on his face.

In front.

Orochimaru's eyes flickered, he hesitated for a long time, and sighed.

There was determination and enlightenment in his voice.

He also closed his eyes.

Then, a scorching flame burned in his heart.

The hunger of youth... the excitement when he came into contact with ninjutsu... the despair of the Rain Village battlefield... the glory after becoming famous... the regret when Rope Tree died... the desire for the position of Hokage... the bewitching of Danzo... the sadness of the fragility of life... and so on, all burned.

As if tearing open the wounds of the past, when those scenes emerged, Orochimaru was in agony.

But in this pain.

He gained an indescribable relief and calmness.

He also suddenly understood why Nara Shintaku said that this was not only the forging of metal, but also the forging of himself.

Because all of the above are not important.

They are just fuel for the flames.

What really matters is what is left after these things are burned out.


More than an hour later,

Orochimaru opened his eyes. His eyes were calm, even with a hint of tranquil joy.

A sense of relief emanated from him.

"Congratulations on your success."Nara Shintaku said with a smile

"Thank you." Orochimaru smiled and nodded.

Neither of them asked the other what they saw in their hearts when they forged themselves.

This is everyone's secret.

Although Nara Shintaku roughly guessed Orochimaru's heart.

But because of the influence of this time traveler, Orochimaru is destined to take a different path, and the original plot can only be used as a reference.

They continued to discuss and perfect this technique as if nothing had happened.


"Although the forging is completed, it is only a semi-finished product."

"A prototype of little value"

"Reflecting the mind, the special changes that should occur, it has no"

"What do you think, Shintaku?"


"It's simple, it has no spirituality now"

"Our entire process is just to temper it, but not really awaken it."

"Have you ever heard of the saying that the sword becomes a sacrificial spirit, Orochimaru-sensei?"


"You mean, blood sacrifice?"

"No, it's just a ritual of spiritualization, not necessarily a blood sacrifice."

"I seem to have thought of it, the art of spiritualization, right?"

"That's right!"

Nara Shintaku smiled and nodded.

So far, their forging of chakra metal has only reached the stage of"Shādachi", making a mold that can transform from virtual to real and carry the will of the mind.

They haven't made this mold alive yet.

In other words, they haven't heard the sound of the sword yet, awakening Shādachi into a real Zanpakutō.

"The current metal essence is in perfect harmony with our souls, and also possesses the spiritual properties of the soul."

"But it's still just a dead thing"

"Therefore, we need to use the art of spiritualization to activate it and give it spirituality!"

"In this way, the spiritual will we instill in it will be revealed and become a special weapon that reflects our soul."

Nara Shintaku said with a smile. Orochimaru sighed:"You are really a monster, Shintaku... If I do it myself, I am afraid I will never be able to think of such a great technique until I die!"

Nara Shintaku smiled and waved his hand.

The two stopped talking nonsense.

Each of them performed the spiritual transformation technique.

Because the metal essence has been tempered to be incomparably compatible with their souls.

So once the spiritual transformation technique is performed, this elite will be activated along with the soul!



White light, like the sea, gushed out from the essence.

A unique spiritual power was born on it.

This spirituality is extremely soothing.

It was like the child of the two. The moment it appeared, it lightly spun, danced, and rose around them.

Finally, it fell into the hands of the two of them.

Each turned into a different thing.

One is a scalpel.

The other is a crown with intricate patterns.

"Soul Scalpel." Orochimaru grasped the light, and in his hand, it turned into a sharp scalpel.

Nara Shintaku also grasped his light, and it fell into his hand and turned into a crown.

He put the crown on his head.

"Soul Crown."

The air was silent.

Nara Shintaku and Orochimaru were both immersed in the soul weapons in their hands.

Because of the reflection of the soul, their soul weapons each possessed a unique and exclusive power.


‘Crown? '

Nara Shintaku communicated with his soul weapon and felt the power in it.

The soul crown sent a feeling of closeness and cheer.

Like a newborn puppy, it leaned on Nara Shintaku intimately.


Nara Shintaku understood the ability of the soul crown.


Thanks to the big brother"六道※乌智波带土" for the monthly ticket!

Thanks to the big brother"catseye.."Monthly tickets and update tickets!!

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