"Ahem, red……"

"You should practice with Zhentaku first. I've been quite busy recently."

"I will come back to teach you when I have time."

Orochimaru said to the confused Yuhi Kurenai

"Yes!"Yuhi Kurenai nodded seriously, without any objection.

Rather, she was a little happy in her heart. She was very excited to be able to meet Nara Shintaku, a famous peer.

Just like a fan meeting an idol, she was very excited.

However, due to her good upbringing,

Yuhi Kurenai did not show it on her face, and she still had a gentle smile.

""Leave it to you."

Orochimaru patted Nara Shintaku's shoulder and left without looking back. Only Nara Shintaku and Yuhi Kurenai were left in the huge training ground.

"Show me how much knowledge you have mastered now."Nara Shintaku quickly got into the state, his expression serious.


Xi Ri Hong immediately corrected her attitude and put her knowledge to use.

——Ninja tool throwing!

——Three body techniques!

——Illusion: The art of walking in the fox's mind!

——Instantaneous body movement!


"Not bad."Nara Shintaku nodded.

This panel, if placed on any ninja school graduate, would be considered excellent.

But it was only excellent.

Those children from the ninja clan, especially those from the direct line, would have learned at least one B-level ninjutsu by the time they graduated at the age of 12, and at the same time mastered the skills of climbing trees and treading water.

Yuhi Kurenai was not good enough.

However, Nara Shintaku did not use the standard of genius to require Yuhi Kurenai.

He and Yuhi Kurenai were only senior and junior brothers and sisters in name.

In essence, they were exchanging interests.

"Today, I will review your existing knowledge and correct your bad habits."After you correct them, I will teach you new things.""

"Yes!" Xihihong said seriously.

""Let's get started." Nara Shintaku nodded slightly.

Then, on the training ground, there were waves of cold scolding voices.

"Who taught you to place your wrist like that when making the 'Si' seal?"


"Repeat the transformation seal 30 times!"


"start running!"

"When using the Body Instant Technique, don't be afraid of bumping into things!"

"If you are afraid, what kind of instant body movement technique should you use?"


"How has the nature of your Yin Dun changed?"

"Relying entirely on talent to use illusion?"

"Are you an animal? Can't you enhance the effect of the illusion on your own?"


"Why do you raise your arms so high when throwing a kunai?"

"Afraid that you didn't dislocate your joint?"


"Wrist! Wrist!"

"How many times have you said it?"

"Don't think of your arm as an arm, imagine it as a whip, shake it at the wrist, and then throw out the kunai!"


Nara Shintaku found the mistakes and pointed them out mercilessly.

Yuhi Kurenai looked weak on the surface, but her character was extremely tough.

No matter how many times she was scolded, she kept silent and seriously adjusted herself to change her wrong habits.

‘This is the advice from Shintaku-kun!’

‘I can't slack off!’

‘It's impossible for others to reach the level of guidance! '

Yuhi Kurenai's eyes were serious and she was fully focused.

After a whole morning

, she was sweating and panting. Her physical strength was exhausted.

Bang - her eyes rolled back and she fainted on the ground.

"Good resilience, no wonder she can become a formal jonin."Nara Shintaku caught her in time and sighed softly.

Then, he used water escape to clean Yuhi Kurenai's body.

After cleaning, he pumped out the clean water.

The whole process was like a fairy's method, completely beyond the boundaries of"jutsu"

"Since you've worked so hard, I'll help you too." Nara Shintaku carried her on his back and headed home.

However, it wasn't Yuhi Kurenai's home , but the Nara clan.

Because Yuhi Kurenai was out on a mission, Yuhi Kurenai lived alone at home.

If she fainted, no one would take care of her.

In the Naruto world, many children have been living independently since they were three or five years old.

Yuhi Kurenai's situation is common.



In the Nara tribe's territory, the tribe members were shocked to see Nara Shintaku carrying a cute unconscious girl on his back.

"Whose girl is that?"

"Hiss, unconscious……"

"Zhentuo, don't do anything illegal!"

"Yes, no matter how much you like someone, you have to pursue them in a normal way!"

"Stop now, let's send her back!"

Hearing these words,

Nara Shintaku's face darkened.

He waved his hand, and the shadow under his feet shot out dozens of black lines.

The speed of the black lines was extremely fast, like arrows.

The surrounding Nara clan had no time to dodge and were hit by the black lines, which covered their mouths, forming a spell that prohibited them from speaking.


"Ugh! Ugh…Ugh……"

"Hum hum!"

"Woo woo woo……"

Even though their mouths were sealed, these people couldn't stop talking and kept saying something in a vague voice.

Nara Shintaku didn't bother to pay attention to them.

He carried Yuhi Kurenai on his back and went to Nara Shikano's house.


"Shintaku, you're here... Where did you kidnap a girl from?"

When Nara Shikano saw him for the first time, the tea in his mouth spurted out.

Nara Shintaku:...

Can't you just think positively?

"She is Orochimaru's new disciple. I am temporarily responsible for guiding her training. She fainted from training too hard this morning."Nara Shintaku put Yuhi Kurenai on the sofa and explained.

"So that's how it is." Nara Shikano heaved a sigh of relief and turned to call his wife.

Not long after, the clan leader's wife came out and took Yuhi Kurenai to wash and rest.

The clan leader's son had grown up and moved out.

Now there were only Nara Shikano and his wife at home, so it was the most suitable place for Yuhi Kurenai to stay temporarily.

"The Yuhi family?"

Nara Shikano touched his chin and smiled meaningfully:"Shinku, this guy has a good plan."

"Don't think too much, clan leader, I have no interest in her."Nara Shintaku waved his hand

"Oh, this kind of thing is not up to you to decide whether you are interested or not." Nara Shikano winked, with an expression of 'you don't understand this', and said:"The people in the village who want to marry you are almost trampling my door railings."

"When you are a little older, do you believe they will be able to put someone directly into your bed?"

"Even if there was no wedding reception, just a one-night stand, they would be happy to see it happen."

Nara Shintaku was speechless.

He seemed to have... underestimated the importance of inheritance to the ninja.


Thanks to the boss"Shengge Jun Duyou"、"The monthly ticket for"Yawu Huanyue"!

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