"You are indeed the developer of this blood-embellished technique, I admit it."

Tsunade nodded, looked at Nara Shintaku in amazement, and said admiringly:"If he is not the developer, it is impossible to understand so deeply."

She asked just now, of course, she couldn't figure it out.

But she also wanted to test him.

After all, at the age of six, it was too unbelievable.

It's not that she didn't trust Orochimaru, but she couldn't convince herself.

But the answer just now has proved everything.

Nara Shintaku is the developer of this technique!

"Now you believe it, Tsunade." Orochimaru laughed at the side.

"Shut up!"Tsunade glared at him and cursed,"You are just making fun of me!"

Orochimaru shrugged and smiled without saying anything.

Tsunade was annoyed and wanted to say something.

Nara Shintaku quickly stepped out to interrupt:"Okay, okay, since there are no questions, let's get started."

Tsunade and Orochimaru both looked a little weird.

They were actually smoothed over by a little kid.

"First, we need to determine what kind of chakra is suitable for injection into the blood vessels to build an energy field."Nara Shintaku went straight to the point and said,"In other words, we need to determine what degree of change in nature can reach the passing line of building an energy field!"

He didn't want to waste time.

There was no point in arguing.

With this energy, it would be better to start the research room quickly.

Nara Shintaku's template development progress has been stuck for a long time, and the spread of the shadow curse has only increased to 2%.

He can't wait to reach 10% and get new rewards

"All right"

"No problem for me."

Tsunade and Orochimaru agreed, but their expressions were a little strange.

This child is too efficient, isn't he?

The temperament of a researcher is almost overflowing.



"Chakra whose properties have changed is difficult to penetrate blood vessel walls. Tsunade, is there any solution?"

"Then after entering the blood vessels, its properties will change?"

"No, the operation becomes much more difficult after entering...I should make changes as I enter!"


"Arterial and venous blood flow at different rates"

"This is a problem, it will cause the chakra to be distributed unevenly……"

"No, this is not a problem. This is just the division between dynamic blood equipment and static blood equipment!"


"Orochimaru has too many ninja seals!"

"This is the first version. Let's pursue the effect first and then cut it down later."


"What should I do if an artery ruptures during use?"

"It doesn't matter, the blood will be absorbed by the chakra, so not much blood will flow."


Shintaku Nara stayed directly at Tsunade's house.

The three of them devoted all their energy to perfecting it.

As the developer, Shintaku Nara was also the framer of the blood suit. He was responsible for explaining and illustrating the meaning and function of each step.

Orochimaru was responsible for realizing them from the level of techniques and hand seals.

Tsunade was responsible for risk control.

First edition - second edition - third edition - in just seven days, Orochimaru and Tsunade went back to the drawing board three times.

Shintaku Nara also drastically modified the steps of the framework.

Because some steps can be easily solved by spirit particles, but chakra cannot handle it, so one step can only be broken down into multiple small steps.

It is equivalent to reducing the difficulty to achieve it slowly.

But some steps are difficult for spirit particles to do, but chakra can do it easily.

These steps can be merged.



The three of them were so absorbed in the moment that they completely forgot about time.

But in the outside world, due to the departure of Nara Shintaku, the Nara clan fell into serious anxiety.

"Where did Zhentuo go?"

"Lord Orochimaru is nowhere to be seen either!"

"Ten days! No news at all!"

"This won’t do. Shintaku is the treasure of the Nara clan and he can’t be abducted like this!"

""Go find the Third Hokage!"

The family elders were extremely anxious.

Although they didn't think Orochimaru would harm Nara Shintaku, he had been gone for ten days.

There was no news at all!

Who wouldn't be anxious?

""Let's go find the Sandaime!" The Nara clan leader decided.

Immediately, the clan leader took the lead and went out with several elders to the Hokage's office.

In the office, the Third Hokage was surprised after hearing the Nara clan leader's request.

"Ten days ago, Orochimaru took Nara Shintaku away?"

"Didn’t he…didn’t he not accept the child?"

"Why did you take him away again?"

The Third Hokage's mind was confused.

His impression was still stuck on the time when he failed to become a disciple ten days ago.

How come it seems that he succeeded now?

"Don't worry, I'll ask the Anbu to look for him."The Third Hokage comforted him.

As a Hokage, he didn't have the energy to pay attention to his disciples' whereabouts.

So he didn't know what Orochimaru was doing recently.

He didn't even know that Orochimaru and Nara Shintaku had been living in Tsunade's house for the past ten days, studying ninjutsu day and night.

Soon, the Anbu came back to report.

Ten days ago, Orochimaru brought Nara Shintaku into the Senju clan's territory and never came out.

"Thousand Hands?"

Everyone was stunned.

What happened to Thousand Hands?

"Let's go take a look."The Third Hokage pondered for a while, then stood up and said.

The Nara clan leader and several elders were more than happy to see him.

They left the office and headed for the Senju clan.


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