Bright clicked on the comment area of the video.

Sure enough, the demons danced.

"As a junior, you deserve to be painted."

"Female college students now, gee."

"What's wrong with women now? So worship gold!

"This boss's wife is very hot-tempered at first sight, no wonder the boss doesn't like her, who doesn't like a gentle and understanding female college student?"

"Knowing that you are grumpy, you still marry? Was this wife grumpy from birth? "

What's wrong with the grumpiness? Is grumpiness the reason you cheat?

"What are you spraying Mistress's car for?" Quickly transfer the property and leave the evidence to let the boss leave the house! After dealing with the junior and the junior

..." "..."

Mingmei lowered her face coldly and sent these screenshots to Li Mingkang.

Three minutes later, Li Mingkang sent an ok over.

The next morning, Ming Mei opened the short video and found the account.

A new video was posted overnight, an apology video recorded by the owner of the account.

It probably means that they are a team, specially found someone to rent a luxury car and park outside a luxury hotel, shoot such a video to say what the little three wife and so on to earn traffic, they have realized what is wrong what happened....

Open the comment section.

"Isn't it too late to apologize? Why don't you apologize when shooting a video?


Even if it is rumor-mongering, can you guarantee that there are no such female college students in real life?" "

Okay upstairs, knowing you've been dumped by a college girl, next."

"Now there are fewer and fewer videos of the Zheng'er Ba Jing, and there are more and more marketing videos like this, which affect the perception, does the official confirm not to rectify it..."

"Joke, how to make money after the official rectification?" How to earn traffic?


Mei closed her phone.

At the same time, Li Mingkang's phone also called.

It is a marketing number team that wants to get some heat, originally rented a luxury car, but recognized the wrong car and sprayed the bright car.

The three main figures of this marketing team were detained for a month on suspicion of destroying other people's property, and the remaining ones were also mentioned for 7 to 15 days, and the income from the traffic has been used to compensate for the bright car wash fee, and they also have to compensate the bright mental damage fee....

After solving this matter, Ming Mei hurried to practice the piano again.

Recently, An Mingyu was sent by Mingmei to practice acting, Wei Hang couldn't come back for the time being, saying that he wanted to surprise her, Mingmei seemed to only learn except for occasionally staring at the company.

In the afternoon, Mingmei felt that the day was good, so she asked the housekeeper to make an appointment with a pet groomer to bathe An An and trim her hair.

The butler made an appointment directly with the most exclusive pet groomer.

The pet groomer who came to the door, not only the most powerful groomer in the pet grooming institution so far, but also a pet blogger with millions of fans on the Internet, heard that it was a rare white wolf who wanted to bathe and trim, and called to consult whether it was possible to shoot a video and post it on the Internet, and repeatedly promised not to shoot other things or say anything nonsense.

Bright agreed.

Internet celebrity Xiaodanzi, excitedly brought a shooting assistant, carrying a large number of repair tools and pet washing tools to the door.

It was the housekeeper who opened the door.

"Hello madam," the housekeeper bowed slightly to the little danzi: "Our young lady and Master An An are in the house, please come with me." The

Internet celebrity Xiaodanzi was frightened in place by this rushing rule, and then nodded nervously, and walked into the villa with the shooting assistant who probed his head behind him.

Then I saw that the living room coffee table and sofa had been cleared, leaving only the polished floor and a single lounge sofa.

A large and sturdy white wolf was lying next to the single sofa and flicking his tail, on the single sofa sat a delicate woman, seeing them come in, the woman got up and stepped forward and stretched out her hand: "Hello, my An An will be handed over to you." The

Internet celebrity little danzi quickly returned and held Mingmei's hand: "Okay, okay, Ms. Ming, you can rest assured to hand An An over to me!"

While speaking, he quietly looked at the white wolf An An.

An An heard the owner call its name, turned over with a grunt, shook the white hair on his body, and sat down next to Mingmei, tilting his head at the Internet celebrity little ball.

The net celebrity little ball breathed suffocated, and his eyes flashed red stars.

Yes, it's a heartwarming feeling!

Xiao Tuanzi forcibly resisted the desire to pounce on the white wolf and ravage it from beginning to end, and determined the degree of trimming with Ming Mei, and when she was ready to start washing, she hesitated slightly: How should she control this white wolf?

When I came, I only heard that it was a white wolf and couldn't wait to come, but I forgot whether I could control the washing and trimming of the white wolf.

Mingmei saw the problem of the Internet celebrity Xiaodanzi, leaned down and patted the head of the white wolf An An, and said softly: "Is An An a good child?"

An An obediently nodded her furry head and leaned on Mingmei.

Mingmei continued to rub An An's head: "Then An An listened to this sister's words and bathed and trimmed your hair, okay?"

An An tilted his head and went through the bright words in his head.

Bathing, trimming?

Sounds good.

Uh-huh nodded his head obediently, got up and walked to the surprised Internet celebrity Xiaodanzi and squatted down obediently.

Ming Mei straightened up and said with a smile: "You just have to give it orders, we An An is very smart, don't worry about not understanding." The

Internet celebrity Xiaodanzi said a good word to Ms. Ming, and then looked at the white wolf An An with some hesitation, and said: "Is it okay for An An and her sister to come to the bathroom?"

An An got up obediently and quietly, dangling his big tail to the bathroom, and then squatted down obediently.

The Internet celebrity little danzi's eyes were red, quietly rubbed An An's back and whispered hello, and then changed himself into a gown and took out toiletries.

"Okay, okay to go to the bathtub yourself?"

As soon as the words of the Internet celebrity little danzi fell, An An got up from the ground, suddenly got into the bathtub, and obediently lay down.

The net celebrity little ball adjusted the water temperature, aimed the shower at An An's body, and slowly the water overflowed An An's feet, and then to his stomach, until he soaked half of An An's body.

This bathroom was originally reserved for An An to wash the toilet, the first time the Internet celebrity little group heard that there are people who have a bathroom for pets at home, now it seems to be just right, An An is originally huge, the single bathtub is barely stuffed into half of the body, the double bathtub is too wide, this bathtub should be tailored for An An, An An lies in and puts water just to reveal a head, standing up just over the lower abdomen.

The Internet celebrity Xiaodanzi envied the life of a rich man, and then put on gloves and carefully cleaned An An.

"An An, can you stick out your left claw?"

As soon as the words of the Internet celebrity Xiaodanzi fell, An An stretched out his left claw, obediently released his nails and parted his claws.

While sighing, the Internet celebrity Xiaodanzi grabbed An An's big paw, used special tools to help An An lose a little nail, and carefully polished the cut nails to a state that did not affect daily life, and washed the paws with a special hand sanitizer for pets, and then changed An An's other paw, then the back right paw, the back left paw... An An is incredibly cooperative from beginning to end.

The Internet celebrity little danzi feels that his blouse is worn in white, An An is well-behaved and cute, the water rushes on the body and does not move, and there is no need to worry about whether it will splash water.

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