After confirming the dormitory number, Ming Mei was just about to turn around, when she heard the senior behind her suddenly ask: "Senior sister, can you add a WeChat?"

Mingmei looked up at Li Fangming and clicked on the face value detector.

[Detection object: Li Fangming

] [Appearance score: 84]

Not bad, more than 80 points.

Bright thought.

Unfortunately, Mingmei did not mean to find an object.

She prefers to raise a few good-looking ones rather than find an object.

"I'm sorry," Ming Mei smiled slightly, "no WeChat."

Li Fangming's smile was a little tight.

Seeing the beautiful junior sister walking away, Li Fangming couldn't help but pound the man who had been writing records next to him with his arm: "Lao Bai, did I stay up late playing games yesterday and swollen my face today?"

Bai Hongfei raised his head to look at him, snorted, and then lowered his head to continue recording.

Li Fangming was puzzled.

I kept thinking about bright faces and expressions in my mind.

This face of this bright junior, let alone the finance department, the entire Modu University can be ranked first.

It's really interesting.

Don't know how many rounds of offensive you can hold yourself?

Li Fangming touched his chin confidently.

He was sure that there were few boys in the entire Magic Capital University who were as good looking as him.

He is a well-known finance student and vice president of the student council.

Appearance plus identity, plus a little sweet offensive, and then open a little back door for this junior, add more credits or something.

If you don't believe it, you can't soak it in your hands.

Here, Mingmei told the housekeeper to drive the car downstairs to dormitory No. 5 while walking slowly to Building No. 5.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

It's WeChat.

Ming Mei clicked to see that it was Xu Mu's message.

"Sister Sunshine, I'm live streaming from 3 to 6 p.m. today, are you still here?"

Mingmei smiled and replied: "Today may be busy, look at the time, I will enter your live broadcast room when I have time." The

opposite replied: "Okay, Sister Sunshine, you must call me when you come in!"

Ming Mei thought that this person was quite interesting, and said, "Okay. "

After chatting, Ming Mei arrived at dormitory five.

Compared with the parents and children with large bags and small bags around, the brightness of plugging in a headset and holding the mobile phone without carrying anything is more conspicuous.

At this time, many people have not come, and the Toyota Alpha and Ferrari Rafael parked downstairs are particularly obvious, because it is the door of the girls' dormitory, so many female parents take their daughters to watch, but no one dares to step forward to touch.

Ming Mei glanced in, and estimated that when she sent the news, the housekeeper and nanny went up with their things.

I took the elevator up to the fifth floor and walked to the door of 5101.

Mingmei saw that the dormitory was closed, and there were several people standing at the door.

Bright stepped forward.

"Alas, little girl, don't go in first, someone will clean it inside."

An aunt pulled Mingmei.

Mingmei smiled at her aunt and said, "I know, thank you aunt."

Another middle-aged woman turned to Mingmei and asked, "Little girl, are you also a freshman in 5101?" Ming

Mei snorted.

The middle-aged woman said, "My girl is too!" This is my girl, called Xu Xiaoning, Xiaoning come over, say hello to your roommate!

The round-faced girl on the side spoke: "Hello, my name is Xu Xiaoning."

Mingmei smiled at Xu Xiaoning: "Hello, my name is Mingmei, sunny Mingmei."

Xu Xiaoning said hello shyly, and lowered his head without moving.

The middle-aged woman smiled a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, little girl, my girl has no other problems, it's just too shy, I blush when I say a word, I don't have an opinion about you, don't go to my heart."

Ming Mei laughed and said, "Auntie don't worry, it won't."

At this time, a tall girl came out of the bathroom next to her hand, ran over, and said to Mingmei: "You are also from 5101?" Hello, I am also 5101, my name is Ma Mingyue, nice to meet you!

Ming Mei also responded with a smile: "Hello, my name is Ming Mei, sunny Bright, nice to meet you!"

Ma Mingyue took out his mobile phone from his arms: "There is still one left, let's add a WeChat first!"

The two scanned WeChat, and Ma Mingyue pulled Xu Xiaoning: "Why forgot about this, Mingmei, this is my cousin, called Xu Xiaoning, you two know each other, right?" The two of us are a family, Xu Xiaoning this person is introverted and shy, see people do not speak, don't be too careful!

Mingmei thought that this family was quite similar in speech, so she smiled and said: "It's okay, shy, can understand." Both of you sisters were admitted to Modu University, are you very good? The

middle-aged woman smiled proudly.

That's not it, a total of two girls in the family went to prestigious schools, and there were local media interviews.

Suddenly, the middle-aged woman spoke again: "I don't know who came, we just put things for the children, a few people came in, said to clean the dormitory, invite a few of us to come out first, strange, I see that there are no other dormitories?" The

aunt on the side said: "I just asked, there are no other dormitories, it is estimated that the parents in our dormitory are reluctant to let their children do it, and invite someone to clean it.

After speaking, he quietly glanced at Mingmei, and he didn't think it was this girl.

It stands to reason that there are four people in a dormitory, and two people know each other, and the one who comes to clean the dormitory in this process must be one of the remaining two.

It is very likely that it is the little girl called Bright in front of you.

However, in her heart, the one who still has to ask someone to clean the dormitory at this age must be the kind of coquettish eldest lady, bright and sunny and generous, not like that kind of person.

At this time, the dormitory door opened, and the butler's face was revealed.

Seeing Mingmei, the housekeeper smiled: "Miss, you are here, we have already cleaned the dormitory, and the bed has been made for you, can you see if there is anything else you need?"

The aunt suddenly shut up and turned her head to look at Mingmei in surprise.

Ma Mingyue, who was originally chattering, stopped talking, looked at Mingmei with some shock, and stammered: "Ming... Bright, this is what you asked?

Ming Mei shook her head and said, "This is not what I invited, this is my housekeeper, I will enter school today to help me clean up the dormitory." After

that, he walked into the dormitory.

The current dormitory does not have the smell of dust in the corridor, sprayed with a faint lemon-smelled freshener, the whole dormitory looks spotless, the bright assigned bed, the ladder to bed has been pasted with non-slip stickers, and the walls are even plush wallpaper.

Ming Mei glanced at the plush wallpaper, or good, it will soon enter autumn and winter, just enough to work.

The four people behind him also hurried in and looked around the dormitory.

The dormitory lights were no longer dim chandeliers, but bright LED lights.

The middle-aged woman hesitated for a long time and spoke: "Ming... Miss Ming, this is..." Ming

Mei glanced back at her and said, "Just call my name Auntie." There are some things I am not used to here, so I asked my butler to help change them. In two days, the air conditioner will be changed. I consulted before enrollment, and I can change it at my own expense. Don't worry, I paid the electricity bill alone. The

middle-aged woman smiled awkwardly: "Oh, oh, that's good, that's good." "

Obedient, what kind of family is this? And the housekeeper, still called Miss, why is it like acting in a TV series?

Is this the rich man? I also have to install air conditioning, and I also cover the electricity bill, how much does it cost?

Thinking about it, he secretly looked at Mingmei.

It turns out that rich people also have two eyes, a nose and a mouth!

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