After thinking of this, the boss touched his chin: "Now I'm not sure what attitude that Miss Ming has about this, we can't bet that people didn't find that hot search."

"It just so happens that in two days, Zhang Shao in the capital will hold a small party, and he needs a few to accompany the wine, and it is estimated that Miss Ming will also go." Your team will go, it is best to make Miss Ming happy, and if Miss Ming does not go, it is good to make the other young masters happy.

Zhao Qiaoling clenched her fists, her eyes were somewhat unwilling, but she also knew that she would go down if she chose this path, so she nodded obediently.

In the evening, Xu Lao just arrived at home and received a call from an old friend: "Hello?

"Hello? Old Xu! What's with that calligraphy and vase in your association? "

Opposite is the president of the Antiques Association.

Xu Lao explained: "The "Six Shrimp Diagram" on the market now should be imitated by the descendants of that person, and the real "Six Shrimp Diagram" is in the hands of a visitor today, and it was personally handed over to the visitor's elder.

The president of the antiques association on the opposite side rolled his eyes: "Oh, old Xu, what is the contact information of that visitor?"

Xu Lao frowned: "What do you want to do?"

The president of the Antiques Association on the opposite side smiled and said, "Old Xu, as a citizen of my Dragon Country, do you have to contribute to the Dragon Country?" Holding the real work of Qi Lao in his hand, this is a calligraphy and painting, can the individual maintain it? It is better to donate to the antiques association, let the experts maintain it, and also use it for exhibition and visit, and promote the culture of the dragon country.

Xu Lao snorted: "There is a young man on the other side, but it is not other old people who can fool you with a few words to promote culture."

The president of the Antiques Association didn't care: "Hehe, young people are better pressed."

Xu Lao sneered: "The opposite is the one in the second courtyard of the Wangfu Hutong in the capital."

The president of the Antiques Association was silent for a long time: "You and I haven't made this call." At

noon the next day, Ming Mei was about to go out for an appointment, but received a call.

Ming Mei looked at it, it was Zhang Chao.

Zhang Chao is also a resident of Wangfu Hutong, and asked Mingmei to borrow a private plane before, and his family has a relationship with the General Post Office, and Mingmei's passage logistics can develop so quickly has a lot to do with him.

"Hello? What's wrong?

"Mingmei, are you in Fengcheng now?"

Zhang Chao said.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Well, I'm also in Fengcheng, I made an appointment with a few friends to play mahjong, you also come?"

Just playing mahjong? Bright thought.


Don't play white, don't play.

At noon, Mingmei went to the appointment, Lan Lan took Mingmei to a grilled fish shop in an alley in Fengcheng, a small store with thousands of grilled fish, Mingmei can only be said to be worth the money, thousands of value.

It's just that when I eat, I always feel that Lan Lan's face is not very good.

After eating the grilled fish, the two ordered a few more skewers and beer, and just drank a few sips, Mingmei couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong?" Sad.

Lan Lan sighed: "It's not a matter of quitting marriage." How do I feel that my father kind of promised the Liu family to give me and that Liu Shaoding kiss?

Ming Mei was stunned for a moment: "This can't be, right?" You are your father's daughter, and your family is not to the point of using a daughter to marry, right?

Lan Lan thought about it, so she let go of the doubts in her heart: "Don't think about it, drink beer and drink beer!" This beer is home-brewed! After

two days like this, when it was time to make an appointment with Zhang Chao, Mingmei casually drove a scooter temporarily purchased by the housekeeper, which was a BMW five series, and the car with eight or nine hundred thousand was just right.

Entered the clubhouse and followed the waiter into the booked box.

In the large box of more than 200 square meters, there were three mahjong tables in the middle, at this time Zhang Chao and Lan Lan had arrived, Xu Zhibo was also there (chapter 75), and Mingmei directly did their table: "What kind of mahjong to play?"

"Sichuan mahjong, can Mingmei play?" How many handfuls shall we touch first?

Lan Lan reached out and washed the mahjong and said.

Ming Mei nodded and said yes, reached out and rubbed the cards.

After rubbing two handfuls, the people were almost there, Xu Zhibo stood up and took another man to sit in his previous position: "Come on, let me introduce you, this is Ma Wenyuan, the son of the Fengcheng Ma family, is a friend I knew before, and I will get to know everyone."

Mar Wenyuan looks average but has an elegant temperament: "Hello everyone, I am Ma Wenyuan."

Ma Wenyuan shook hands with several people on the table, and Xu Zhibo waved a few people in: "Take a look, there are those who are good to stay next to you to cut apples for you."

Ming Mei looked over and saw an acquaintance at a glance: "Xue Ziqing? Come to me.

Xue Ziqing was a little surprised that Mingmei still remembered her, and obediently walked to Mingmei and sat down.

Lan Lan pushed the cards in her hand: "Okay, let's start, I haven't played mahjong for a long time." After

two rounds of the card, Xue Ziqing fed Mingmei a fruit after a while, and watched Mingmei kill all sides on the card field.

Ming Mei played cards, the first two rounds were fine, and then Ming Mei felt that this Marven Yuan on the opposite side would count the cards, and was giving them a few deliberate beards.

Mar Wenyuan gave Ming Mei another shot, Ming Mei pushed down the card, and Mar Wenyuan scratched his head embarrassedly: "Oh, I'm sorry, my cards have always been bad luck." Ming

Mei thought to herself, is it really bad luck?

Eat 200,000 once, touch 300,000 once, put 600,000 dishes once, put Hu 1 million once, in just eight or nine rounds, Mingmei has at least entered a few million.

Ming Mei knew that this person probably asked for her.

Zhang Chao is the one who came to draw the strings.

Keep fighting and see what this man asks of her.

Two hours later, Ming Mei entered at least 20 million.

At the beginning, Ming Mei could count the cards to some extent, and then he simply tied the Buddha, what to play, Marven kept firing cannons and beards for Ming Mei, and the people at the table saw some meaning.

Finally, Ma Wenyuan gave Ming Mei another beard, and said a little embarrassed: "Oh, I'm really sorry, Miss Ming, I don't have any money on me." "

Don't pay the bill." Zhang Chao said with a smile.

Ma Wenyuan said: "Of course, it will not be a debt. Miss Ming, if you don't mind, I'll give you this to settle your debt!" Saying

that, he took out a car key from his pocket and handed it to Mingmei.

"Miss Ming, this is a new car I recently acquired, it is a special edition of Hermès and designer Gabriel Pezni jointly created by Hermès and the Bugatti Veyron Hermès, you should like it."

Ming Mei smiled lightly: "I don't know until I see it or not."

Ma Wenyuan also smiled: "Miss Ming is talented, I won't go around in circles, let's tell you the truth." The Zhang's security guard in Hong Kong City has something to do with me, and I want to ask your subordinate Ming Yuan Minghan to raise his noble hand and spare their lives. "

Ming Mei remembered that recently, the security of the Ming family has developed extremely fast, and after killing the Wang family, it has embezzled a lot of Zhang's business.

It turned out that this was the person behind it who came to beg for mercy.

Mingmei looked at Ma Wenyuan's still stretched hand, raised her hand to pick up the car keys from Ma Wenyuan's hand: "I like this car very much, if Zhang is willing to keep the current business to live, I will like this car even more." "

It means that I can stop, but what has been swallowed will not spit out, you have to take the initiative, and we will not give in."

Ma Wenyuan smiled bitterly, but he was already very satisfied with the current scene: "I will make Miss Ming like this car more." Bright

nodded in satisfaction.

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