
came Wei Hang's voice muffled.

Mingmei put her hand on Wei Hang's shoulder and snorted.

Wei Hang rubbed Mingmei's thigh: "Mingmei, I don't like An Mingyu."

Ming Mei let out a shallow laugh, and her fingers slid down her shoulders to her collarbone in circles: "Oh? The reason?

Wei Hang buried his face: "Since he came, you can't accompany me often."

Ming Mei smiled helplessly: "I can't accompany you every day when he is away." "

She is very busy, Weihang is not an idler, and she also has some of her own industry.

"However, when he is away, as long as I look for you, you will accompany me, and you will have to allocate some time for him after he comes..."

Mingmei sighed, put down the tablet, touched Wei Hang's throat, and rubbed the Adam's apple delicately.

"But I told you long ago that I'm not a single-minded person. There are probably a lot of other people around me.

"An Mingyu is just one of them, there will be others around me in the future, and the time I can give you will only be less and less."

"If you feel like you can't accept it, you can leave now, we can just be friends."

Escort was silent.

Ming Mei touched the man lying on his lap without one hand, and suddenly touched the wet hand - Wei Hang cried.

Ming Mei bent down and left a kiss on his cheek: "Wei Hang, what do you think?"

Wei Hang wiped away the tears on his face in a panic, stood up and threw himself into Mingmei's arms: "I'm not leaving, I don't want to leave you, it's okay if there are more and more people around you, as long as I'm still there."

Mingmei smiled after listening to him.

"As long as you're still here."

The two of them are warming up here, and over there, An Mingyu continues to broadcast live.

Just in an instant, the original live broadcast room with hundreds of thousands of people suddenly lost nearly 100,000 viewers, and An Mingyu's mobile phone also constantly jumped out of the hot search of various software.

However, there are no celebrities collapsed and the like, most of them are relatively positive hot searches.

#惊! A traffic star boldly burst out his girlfriend #

#真爱还是作秀? Traffic stars announce their love ##震惊 despite girlfriend fans

! Celebrities did such things in the live broadcast room! Attracted a large number of netizens to complain! Click to see

##没有对比就没有伤害, on the one hand, fall in love and hide and set up a single persona, on the other hand, immediately make it public #


After watching a few hot searches, An Mingyu had to praise the marketing numbers and the speed of the reporters.

He once witnessed a somewhat famous paparazzi with two revelations of nearly 2,000 words in five minutes, which were clear and reasonable, and the draft did not need to be typed.

Many authors shed tears of envy, envy and hatred.

"Brother Mingyu did a good job, if you have a girlfriend, you should announce it, instead of continuing to establish a single persona" "

Are you sure that your brother Mingyu has found a girlfriend instead of entering the family?" It's called the little boss lady. "

Most of them are rich women, according to the scenery outside the window, most of the places where An Mingyu live broadcast is the villa area of Huacheng Famous Mansion in the magic capital, and the most basic assets that can live there are tens of millions

..." "Maybe it's eating soft rice (dog head) (squinting smile)

" "How good it is to eat soft rice, I also want to eat soft rice..."

"Carefully calculate, tens of millions of "Horse Diagram", hundreds of millions of villas, precious antique pianos, rich sister, Dragon Kingdom is monogamous, you already have a husband, now you have a wife to form a perfect family!

"Can walk upright, can talk, rich sister look at me!"

"..." The

barrage was intense, and suddenly I heard footsteps on the ground with high heels stepping on the ground in the live broadcast room.

An Mingyu is reading fans' private messages, and the live broadcast room is very quiet, so the sound of high heels stepping on the ground is particularly obvious.

Ming Mei planned to spend a good night with Wei Hang, so she went to the tool room to get some props.

On the way back to the bedroom from the tool room, I happened to pass by An Mingyu's live broadcast room.

Mingmei saw that the door was ajar, so she pushed the door open: "It's so late, haven't you finished the live broadcast yet?"

An Mingyu looked at the time on his watch and was surprised to find that ten minutes had passed before the end time of the booked live broadcast, so he replied with a smile: "It's almost good!"

Ming Mei nodded, said to rest early, and left with high-heeled slippers.

To be honest, wearing high heels is indeed a little uncomfortable at first, but it is still quite comfortable to wear for a long time.

An Mingyu remembered that he was still on the live broadcast, turned his head and looked, and sure enough, the barrage became lively again.

"Is it a rich sister? Is it a rich sister?

"Sister's voice is so good, sister, I call it very good, is it really not suitable for me to try?"

"Just me, did I find that An Mingyu is carrying a male watch of millions of Patek Philippe..."

"The rich sister bought it,

he", "That early rest is really good to spoil!" The voice of the female president in the novel represents

he After

that, An Mingyu went down the air despite the wailing of fans.

An Mingyu simply cleaned up the table after the broadcast, and the housekeeper came in with the nanny.

"Mr. An," the housekeeper bowed slightly to An Mingyu: "Miss asked you to go to rest early, so leave it to us here."

An Mingyu nodded, said thank you, and left the live broadcast room and returned to his bedroom.

It's just that when he passed by the Weihang bedroom, he heard a shallow sweet gasp ... It's that the voice is a little low, like the man is covered with his mouth.

An Mingyu hurriedly passed here.

The next morning, as soon as Ming Mei woke up, her mobile phone rang.

Bright picked up her phone in a daze.

Today at noon, she is going to a small cocktail party, because it is hosted by Huang Xue, so Mingmei plans to go and play.

Ming Mei wore a simple blue dress, simply made a hairstyle and went - today's banquet is charitable, and no one will dress up for fancy tricks.

Just drove the Bugatti Veyron Hermes Special Edition that Marven sent away.

However, when she arrived at the venue, Mingmei was slapped in the face.

Ming Mei looked at the woman who was obviously standing on the side but seemed to be the entire banquet center, and a wordless flash flashed in her heart.

It turns out that there are really people who participate in charity dinners and wear flowers and

tricks.... The woman suddenly did not realize that she had become the center of the banquet's gaze - of course, these gazes were not the kind of admiration, but disgust and disdain.

I saw that the woman was about 25 years old, wearing a fiery red off-the-shoulder dress, with a few gemstones dotted on the belt around her waist, and a variety of gemstone jewelry on her neck, ears, and wrists - however, the woman's body was too eye-catching, and the girl herself was simple and gentle, unable to support such a bright color as red.

Therefore, this outfit looks particularly strange.

Seeing Mingmei coming, Huang Xue came over with a wine glass: "Taste it?" My manor made it homegrown. Ming

Mei brought a cup to the face, and glanced at the girl: "Which one is this?"

Huang Xue looked down and smiled: "My family's, my father brought it back."

Mingmei raised her eyebrows and asked in a low voice: "Bastard daughter?"

Huang Xue shook her head: "Little mother." "

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