In the end, he is a man with a good appearance, and although he has played with several women, he has not had a girlfriend in the end, which is naturally much more popular than Huang Xue, a woman who does not abide by women's morals.

Huang Xue's face stiffly left, and Huang Rui greeted Mingmei, and soon smiled at Mingmei's eyebrows, looking like a strong affection.

Huang Rui smiled with satisfaction in his heart, and then personally sent Mingmei home.

The two added WeChat.

When Huang Rui was brushing the circle of friends, he suddenly brushed the bright and newly issued circle of friends.

[I met a boy with a good impression today, I don't know if he has a girlfriend...]

However, before Huang Rui could take a closer look, the circle of friends was deleted as soon as he clicked in.

Huang Rui hooked his lips and smiled.

The next day, Mingmei took the initiative to ask Huang Rui to go to an Internet celebrity hotel.

Huang Rui dressed up and went like a human.

On the way, he already fantasized about what kind of life he would live after marrying Mingmei.

However, after arriving at the hotel, Huang Rui did not see Mingmei.

Just opened the mobile phone to ask, just read a WeChat sent over:

[Brother Rui, something happened to my car and there was some delay on the road, it will arrive immediately, sorry, let you wait for a long time. ] Huang

Rui quickly replied that it was okay, he could wait.

So, he drank the tea brought by the waiter and waited for the arrival of the bright light.

However, after drinking a few cups of tea, Huang Rui felt a little dizzy, his eyes closed, and he didn't know anything.

When Huang Rui opened his eyes again, he only felt that his body was sore, and when he looked sideways, his eyes were torn.

His brother, who usually played with women, lay naked next to him, sleeping unconscious.

Huang Rui was terrified, and as soon as he stood up, he heard a commotion outside the door, a group of people broke into the door, and the shutter kept ringing.

Huang Rui is not stupid in the end, where can he not know that he has been calculated, and quickly find a way to cover the quilt on his body - however, the quilt he is covering at this time is not so much a quilt as a small blanket, which cannot cover the traces of his body at all.

Huang Rui looked at the several media who kept taking pictures at the scene, and his heart clicked, there were only two words left, and it was over.

In the afternoon, the hot search on Weibo changed.

#The second generation of a famous jewelry company is actually a male junior

## Click to see how much rich men spend playing

##A rich young hotel hooking up

##... #

It's all news related to Huang Rui.

Bright and satisfied closed the phone.

The rest is left to Huang Xue to solve by herself.

Originally Mingmei planned to spend money to find a duck, but who knew that Huang Xue actually brought a person.

"Put the two of them together," Huang Xue said with a wicked smile on her face: "They don't hurt girls together on weekdays."

Ming Mei nodded and motioned for the bodyguard to do it.

At the same time, Mingmei let the system take over the phone and delete all records.

After that, Mingmei took the three of Guardian Zhao Chen An Mingyu to the first voyage of the "Ocean Mark".

All kinds of media moved the wind.

Prince Cong, Qin Feng and others also came, intending to board the cruise with Mingmei.

Huang Xue wanted to rectify the Huang family during this time, so she did not participate, watching Mingmei and others leave, and asked them to take pictures of her in the back.

In addition to the three people of Wei Hang, Mingmei's entourage also brought a housekeeper, two nannies, two bodyguards and a cook, Wang Zicong and others also brought a lot of people, and a large number of people hugged Mingmei and others to get out of the nanny car.

The nanny car was specially customized later, with a high appearance and a bright like.

Just got off the car, many long guns and short cannons stretched out, Wang Zicong's long legs blocked Mingmei, and Qin Feng left and right escorted Mingmei to the cruise passage, and the accompanying bodyguards immediately raised a statement prohibiting taking pictures.

Fortunately, those present were all regular media, and the irregular ones had no way to come in, even if they wanted to make a big news, they were disappointed to put down all kinds of equipment when they saw the statement of the bodyguard's accident prohibiting photography.

Therefore, most of the guests about the "Ocean Mark", the legendary largest vacation cruise ship, that night, only had side or back photos, and some people recognized the backs of Wang Zicong and Qin Feng, but they didn't know who the beautiful woman in the middle was, so they could only guess.

After Ming Mei and the others got on the yacht, they were taken to the arranged guest room by the respectful service staff, which is located on the first floor of the top deck, where the environment and wind and waves are the most comfortable, and you can see a lot of beautiful sea scenery.

The bright rooms consist of a bedroom, a study, a private entertainment room, a living room, a dining room and a kitchenette.

The bedroom and guest room have just entered the door with a bathroom.

It can be said that it is a very luxurious configuration for sea vacations.

The remaining two nannies have a room, taking turns to take care of Mingmei, two bodyguards in a room, a housekeeper and cook in a room, Wei Hang, An Mingyu and Zhao Chen in a room - of course, three people cannot squeeze a room, Mingmei will pick someone to accompany him every day, and the remaining two people live in one.

Accompanying Mingmei today is Weihang.

With the last guest with an invitation on board, the world's largest resort cruise ship officially set sail.

The voyage lasted 21 days, from the Port of Magic to the Port of Los Angeles, followed by a five-day break, and five days later from the Port of Los Angeles back to the Port of Magic Port, a total of 47 days.

When it was time for dinner, no one would eat in the house for the first two days on board, almost all of them were in various restaurants.

Ming Mei took the three of them and chose a restaurant in country F.

As soon as the four of them sat down to order food, the next table shouted with some hesitation: "Bright?

Ming Mei was stunned for a moment and looked over.

It is a middle-aged man with elegant appearance.

Ming Mei searched through her brain and suddenly realized.

It turned out to be this person.

In her own identity setting, her bright mother is one of the major shareholders of F National Kering Group.

This person is a senior member of Kering, a colleague of his mother.

"Mr. Treres, long time no see, are you okay?" Ming Mei replied in fluent F.

"It's really you!" Tres had some surprise on his face: "I haven't seen your mother for a long time, is she okay?"

Ming Mei nodded with a smile: "My mother is fine, thank you for your concern."

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and Tres left.

"This is my mother's colleague." Ming Mei explained to the curious three.

"Is Auntie from Kering?" Wei Hang asked.

Ming Mei nodded and shook her head again: "My mother only owns a small part of Kering's shares.

Wei Hang snorted and began to eat without speaking.

Zhao Chen and An Mingyu were even more silent.

They just found out today that they can bring too little help to Mingmei....

At least, they don't know anyone from Kering.

Is that why he is the main house?

An Mingyu glanced at Wei Hang cautiously and thought to himself.

After eating, Ming Mei went to the hanging infinity pool to swim a few laps, and then went to the ice arena for a few simple skating.

She had been able to skate in her previous life, she had never touched it in her life, and she tried again only to find that she had not thrown away this skill.

After that, he went back to the bedroom and took a few photos casually to send to the circle of friends, which attracted Huang Xue's envy and jealousy, and then slept with Wei Hang in his arms.

Tomorrow Ming Mei plans to play the entertainment facilities again, and the day after tomorrow there is an auction, and the official cruise ship is mysterious, and Ming Mei is curious.

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