Wang Zicong and the others didn't say much, but in their hearts, they raised their understanding of Mingmei to another level.

Not long after Ichiro Kojima was thrown out, the auction personnel were almost there, and the host went on stage to read a lot of thanks, and then the first round of auction began.

"First of all, the first auction item, this is a piece that originated from..." A

Citi man sitting next to Ming Mei took the item.

Mingmei vaguely remembered that this man seemed to be a director of Pfizer.

"Next is the second auction item, this is..." "Next

is the third auction item, this is a single garden villa in Richmond, Thames, Ireland, the auctioneer can get the full property rights of the garden villa covering an area of four acres, the starting price is 7 million euros, each auction must not be less than 50,000 euros, the bidding begins!"

"Miss Ming bid 8 million euros!" said

the host excitedly as he looked at the auction record.

"Mr. Gustav offers 9 million euros!"

Located in the Thames River Richmond single-family garden villa, covering an area of four acres, the price of 7 million euros is cheap no matter how to say that it is cheap, most of the heirs can not pay the inheritance tax, can only auction part of the property for tax deduction, the success of the auction can be said to pick up a big leak.

"Miss Karana bid 9.5

million euros!" After that, someone called the price several times, and after thinking about it with the minimum standard of 50,000

euros, he directly offered 10 million euros.

More than 11 million euros there is no need to auction this kind of villa, she is not short of money, but she does not want to be a big deal, in order to compete for the face of the moment, like a child with scattered wealth.

"Miss Ming bid 10 million euros!" "Mr. Gustav offered 10.1 million euros!"

"Miss Karana offered 10.15 million euros!" After

the price was quoted, the scene fell silent.

After being silent for about a minute, the host began to sweep the bottom:

"10.15 million euros once!" "10.15 million euros twice!"

"Miss Ming bid 10.2 million euros!" "10.2 million euros once!" "10.2 million euros twice!" "10.2

million euros three

times!" "This lot was sold! Congratulations to Miss Ming for winning this lot


Ming Mei also smiled.

The price is ok.

Next up was the fourth auction item, a pink diamond from the Cranda Diamond Mine, currently named the Cranda Star. This is currently the second largest natural pink diamond in the world, weighing 65 carats, with a starting price of 20 million euros, and each auction must not be less than 50,000 euros.

"Miss Ming bid 21 million euros!" Ming

Mei remembers that the world's largest pink diamond in her last life was a 170-carat pink diamond found by Australian diamond dealer Lucappa Diamond Company in Angola, Africa, the largest pink diamond found in 300 years, named Lulo rose.

"Miss Erica bid 22 million euros!"

"Hi, Ming, long time no see~"

Miss Erica, who was sitting behind Mingmei, waved at Mingmei.

Ming Mei found this person from his mind.

Erica Edward Boeing.

Miss Qianjin of Boeing, the world's largest manufacturer of civil and military aircraft, remembers brightly that the plane she bought from her parents when she first returned to the magic capital.

"Erica? Long time no see, the new hairstyle is great~"

Bright also greeted.

It was very happy for the girl to be praised by a beautiful girl, and Erica immediately laughed: "Bright, your hairstyle is also great!"

"Miss Ming bids 26 million euros!" "Mr. Claire bids 26.5 million euros!"

"Miss Ming bids 27 million euros


"Miss Ming bid 35 million euros!" Nearly

260 million dragon national coins is already the limit of the value of this pink diamond.


million euros once!" "35 million euros twice!" "35 million euros

three times!" "

This lot was sold! Congratulations to Miss Ming for winning this lot!"

"Next up is the fifth auction item..."

The sixth piece..."

"... The seventh thing..."


Next up is the tenth auction item, the sword of a well-known emperor from the mysterious East, which is called the "Sword of the Yongle Emperor", which was forged in the early 15th century and carefully crafted by the Ming Dynasty Royal Ordnance Workshop, as a gift from the Yongle Emperor to the Living Buddha of Tibet. The sword is 903 mm long, weighs 1.3 kg, and has a scabbard of 2 kg, he represents the highest level of sword casting in the 15th century! The starting price is 30 million euros, and each auction must not be less than 100,000 euros, the auction begins!" As

soon as the host's words fell, the faces of the dragon kingdom present were not very good-looking.

Because this sword of the Yongle Emperor is a relic of the Dragon Kingdom and was once collected in the Old Summer Palace.

Later, because the eight-nation coalition army burned and looted the Old Summer Palace, the sword fell into the hands of various foreign collectors, and it appeared at auction once in previous years, and now it appears in the auction hall.

"Miss Ming bids 40 million euros!" Ming

Mei was the first bid.

Her face is really not good-looking.

The treasures of the Dragon Kingdom, but appeared in foreign auctions... Mingmei sneered in her heart.

"Mr. Karta offered 45 million euros!"

"Miss Ming bid 50 million euros!" "Mr. Andy bid 55

million euros!" "Mr. Matsushita Motoyasu bid 60 million euros!" Bright looked over, this Matsushita Motoyasu


also sitting in the first row of the island country Panasonic Group, is looking at her with a smile on his face at this time.

"I'm sorry, Miss Ming, I really like this sword.

Matsushita Motoyasu said triumphantly.

Ming Mei suddenly showed a bright smile: "Mr. Matsushita doesn't need to care, the one with the highest price will get it."

"Miss Ming bid 65

million euros!" "Mr. Matsushita Motoyasu bid 70 million euros!" Matsushita Motoyasu

smiled and said: "Miss Ming, you also said, the highest price wins." "


Ming bid 80 million euros!" "Mr. Coren bid 90 million euros!" Coslen

Mingmei and the man named Coron looked at each other, searching for this person from his mind, and the disgust in his eyes flashed.

It is the descendant of a collector who made his fortune through the Eight-Nation Alliance.

Now one of the celebrities of the Citi State ... Hehe, it's worthy of the Citi country, and everything dirty and smelly is collected inside.

"Miss Ming bid

100 million euros!" "The first lot with a price of more than 100 million yuan was born!" As

soon as the host's words fell, the atmosphere was slightly lively.

Matsushita Motoyasu gritted his teeth, more than 100 million euros is somewhat more than his budget ... However, when he thought of how this hateful woman had united with the people present to bully the people of their island country, he was angry.

Can't just forget it, Matsushita Motoyasu thought.

"Mr. Matsushita Motoyasu bid 101 million euros!"

said the host excitedly.

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