"If that An Mingyu and the script can't reach the passing line, we don't give it a reason, but the problem people have that ability, but we don't give awards, isn't this offending people?"

Director Li snorted coldly: "You are afraid of offending capital, I am not afraid!" I said if I don't vote for An Mingyu, I won't vote for him! "

The man had a headache.

Several of their programs have investment from Ming's Entertainment, what can I do about this offending thing?

The man here was convincing the director, and An Mingyu over there also called Mingmei.

"Bright," An Mingyu shouted softly, "I miss you a little." "

Obedient, I miss you too~" Ming Mei replied with a smile.

An Mingyu thought with some grievances, since he missed me, why did he bring that Chi Rui to the house?

But he dared to think so, but did not dare to say so, he could only deflated his mouth and spoke: "Bright, the agent took a new drama for me, I just entered the group ~ I didn't go through the back door, I auditioned for it myself." Mingmei

nodded: "Good, keep up the good work~"

The two chatted a few more words, Mingmei suddenly calculated her heart and asked, An Mingyu asked for the address of the specific shooting location.

An Mingyu obediently sent the address.

Ming Mei sent the address to Ming Xing, and so on.

After the explanation, Mingmei stretched out and took a nap, and when she woke up again, Chi Rui fell asleep next to her obediently.

Looking at the watch, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Ming Mei stretched out and simply cleaned up, went to ride a few more horses, and saw that it was already afternoon, and planned to take Chi Rui back to the holiday villa.

As soon as the two arrived at the gate, they saw one or two large vans driving in the distance, one after the other stopped at the gate of the horse farm, a beautiful woman got down from the car on the side, and several men and women got down from the van to move things.

The beautiful woman clapped her hands: "Okay friends, it's time to go to the horse farm, today's video is a bit long, there are many things to shoot, it may be hard for everyone."

A middle-aged man said that he was not working hard while directing the others to move various equipment.

The woman reminded on the side: "Everyone pay attention, be careful not to break

the things in the horse farm..." The woman was explaining things, and Mingmei walked up to Chi Rui and the manager of the horse farm.

"What is this doing?" Bright asked the horse farm manager.

The manager of the horse farm was also confused, and was about to step forward to ask, the beautiful woman turned around and saw someone, and immediately waved her hand: "Hello manager, the deposit is sent to you, we may have to shoot until the evening today, sorry Oh, the extra money for you to make up for it."

The manager was stunned, and Chi Rui looked at the brightness and spoke: "Deposit? What deposit? What are you here for?

"What do we do?" The beautiful woman repeated the bright words, and said inexplicably: "We made an appointment to shoot a video today, didn't we say it in the group last time?" I paid all the deposits.

Ming Mei also felt inexplicable, and said: "Excuse me, I am the owner of this horse farm, what group are you talking about?" I don't remember ever agreeing to someone coming to my horse farm to shoot.

The woman was stunned, and looked Bright up and down, thinking that this girl didn't look like a person who could have a horse farm, she looked good, but there was no name brand on her body.

But turning his head and thinking again, this place in the capital hides dragons and crouching tigers, who knows if this girl has millions of couture?

So he opened his mouth to explain: "Hello ENN, you said that you are the owner here, do you have proof?" Didn't prove that I couldn't explain it. The

girl in front of her may be the owner of the horse farm, or it may be the Tor found by several of her Internet celebrity opponents, and she has to ask.

Mingmei frowned, and the manager of the horse farm immediately called up the horse farm contract from his mobile phone and handed it to the woman: "Hello, this is indeed the owner of our horse farm, this is the contract."

The woman carefully looked at the rules of the contract and the final seal, and after confirming that it was true, she frowned and explained: "Sorry, the thing is like this, I am an Internet celebrity with millions of fans in Kuaiyin, mainly shooting various cosers and cross-dressing, because I exceeded 5 million fans in the past few months, and I filmed a small plot at the request of fans." "

Where the small plot is useful to the horse, I wanted to find a professional horse farm to hire an equestrian instructor, so I asked about this in a Beijing chatter group, and someone gave me the contact information of the manager of this horse farm, saying that it was possible to rent a venue for filming and charge by the hour."

After speaking, the woman tuned up the WeChat conversation and handed the phone to Mingmei: "Take a look."

Mingmei took the phone with a frown and looked at the conversation.

After adding a friend, the woman said the request, and the person opposite said that she could rent the venue and shoot with the equestrian instructor by the hour, and the address was her horse farm.

It's just that the opposite side stays in the afternoon of next week, and this Internet celebrity came a week in advance.

The Internet celebrity standing on the side also watched and chatted again, and immediately found that he looked at the wrong time, and said a little embarrassed: "Sorry, according to the time, I should come to shoot next week, I am a sloppy person, I didn't see the time clearly." Ming

Mei didn't speak.

Next week? I left long ago next week, if it weren't for this Internet celebrity who misremembered the time and came a week earlier, wouldn't he have known about it, was kept in the dark, and his horse farm was made money by others?

Mingmei suppressed the anger in her heart and asked the Internet celebrity: "Can I use your mobile phone to operate it?" The

Internet celebrity knew that there was probably something wrong with this transaction, and nodded while lamenting the deposit that he might not return.

Mingmei clicked on the other party's avatar and called the horse farm manager: "Do you know this person?"

The manager looked at this avatar and scratched his head: "Miss, this avatar is familiar to me, I can't remember who it is for a while, you allow me to take a look at the contact."

Mingmei nodded, the manager took out his mobile phone to check the WeChat contacts, and a moment later handed a person's homepage interface to Mingmei: "Found it, miss, it's this person!" "

Bright look, the two avatars are the same, and the WeChat account is the same, this is this person.

"Who is he?"

Bright asked.

The manager of the horse farm frowned and replied: "Miss, this person is one of the people in charge of our outdoor venue, there are three people in charge of the horse farm, one I am the general manager, one is the person in charge of the indoor venue and the person in charge of the outdoor field, generally nothing is the three of us who come to the horse farm in turn, and next week it happens that this person comes to the horse farm." The

manager of the horse farm also understood that this person was probably using his time at the horse farm to secretly rent out the horse farm for profit.

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