When Ming Mei returned, Chi Rui was exercising.

Seeing Mingmei enter the door, Chi Rui came out of the exercise area, walked quickly to the entrance, and took out slippers for Mingmei.

Ming Mei just entered the door, Chi Rui put the slippers up and straightened up.

In this process, two bright red points at Chi Rui's collarbone were exposed.

After changing into slippers, Chi Rui turned around and went to the small kitchen and brought a fruit plate out.

"Just now the staff sent some melons and fruits over, I thought that it is rare to have such good melons and fruits in winter, so I made you some platters to taste."

Chi Rui said with a somewhat cautious smile.

Ming Mei snorted and inserted a fruit with a skewer to eat.

Ming Mei counted the days, it was almost January.

This year's Spring Festival is at the end of January, stay two more days and return to the magic capital.

Mingmei lay on the sofa and swiped her mobile phone, just brushing the news of An Mingyu's crew.

Mingmei suddenly remembered some small toys she had ordered before, smiled, and called An Mingyu with a call.

"What are you doing?"

Bright asked.

Over there, An Mingyu returned to his resting place and replied with a red face: "Mingmei, our crew has just started, and I'm filming."

Ming Mei snorted and leaned back on Chi Rui.

"Are you still used to eating and living?"

Bright asked.

An Mingyu's face turned even redder, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly: "Still used to it."

Mingmei chatted with An Mingyu again, checked the news of this crew at random, and called the director's company.

Mingmei directly chartered a hotel near the crew, so the actors didn't have to squeeze into the dormitory room.

Among them, the room arranged for An Mingyu has a lot of space and several cameras.

The location of these cameras was obvious, An Mingyu hesitated slightly, and at this moment, Mingmei's phone called again.

"How's that, do you still like the room?" Bright asked.

As soon as An Mingyu heard that he was going to change his residence, he knew that most of them were made by Mingmei, and at the moment he felt sweet in his heart: "Thank you Mingmei, I like it very much." "

It's just... Looking at the cameras in the room, An Mingyu was a little puzzled: "Mingmei, did you put these cameras?" Ming

Mei snorted, and inserted another piece of watermelon to eat.

An Mingyu didn't know what to think, his face was red and scary, hmm-hmm twice, and then stammered and said a few words to Mingmei, and hung up the phone.

The next morning, An Mingyu received a bright call.

(This paragraph goes to Webb's "heart stops from today".)

Two days later, Mingmei took Chi Rui back to the magic capital.

Wei Hang took Zhao Chen to pick up the plane.

Ming Mei got off the plane and walked to his private passage, and Wei Hang took the small bag in Ming Mei's hand.

"Almost all the things you bought in Kyoto in the past two days have been delivered," Wei Hang said, "and they are all in the storage room."

Mingmei snorted and took Wei Hang's hand: "Miss me?"

Wei Hang's eyes softened and he nodded slightly.

The next day, Ming Mei woke up from the largest room on the third floor.

There is no other feature here, that is, the bed is big.

Rosita still has two days to come back, and Chi Rui is also tired in the past two days, just slowly, so...

Ming Mei lay Wei Hang on the left and Zhao Chen on the right, and the two slept deeply.

Wei Hang's bare shoulders were all dotted with red marks, and there were still a shallow strangulation marks on Zhao Chen's neck.

(Go to my Weibo at the end of this March)

Mingmei touched Wei Hang's exposed collarbone, kissed Zhao Chen's face again, and lightly got up to wash.

After more than half an hour, Zhao Chen woke up in a daze, saw Wei Hang on the other side, immediately sobered up, his face turned red all of a sudden, stretched out his bare arm and groped to find his dressing gown, dragged it over and draped it over himself, got up and limped to wash.

Mingmei finished breakfast, stretched and sat on the sofa, just brushed the old Ford for a while, and received a message from An Mingyu's agent.

Mingmei's face turned cold.

An Mingyu was isolated on the set.

Here, An Mingyu finished filming today's scene.

The small table on the side was full of tea, An Mingyu walked over and took a cup of freshly poured tea, and slowly blew and drank a small half cup.

It's just that An Mingyu just stood there, and the male number three on the side quickly smiled at him awkwardly, quickened his pace and left near the small table.

An Mingyu was silent for a while, ignored it, and continued to drink tea.

This is not the first time this has happened.

At first, An Mingyu did not react, thinking that it was another dispute over coffee positions.

Now An Mingyu reacted - he was isolated.

He is now different from Xiao Transparent who has just entered the industry, he has some acting skills, a few films taken out, and famous teachers to teach, which can be said to be pivotal in the circle of Xiao Xianrou.

He came to film, no one in the director team dared to throw him a face, the star who was bigger than him did not dare to embarrass him at all, and the coffee position was smaller than him and did not dare to touch him.

He didn't think anything was there at first, but after a long time, he realized that something was wrong - when he asked the director about the script, the director looked like you are good.

When he discussed the plot with the actors of the same crew, the actors in the same crew found various reasons to refuse.

By now, even wherever he went, the people in which place immediately dispersed.

He understood, he encountered the legendary isolation.

He felt quite fresh.

He has studied well since he was a child, grew up well, and has never been isolated.

This is the first time.

However, this will not work.

The director and screenwriter are unwilling to tell him the script, and he will definitely not be able to figure it out by himself, even if he has good acting skills that are not in place, he will be sprayed at that time.

The actors in the same crew are unwilling to discuss with him, and the emotions are not right when they are in the scene, and they will become awkward when shooting, which will drag down the progress of the entire crew.

What should he do?

At this time, a bright phone called.

Seeing the words Mingmei, An Mingyu remembered the cat's tail two days ago, his face turned red again, and he quickly picked up: "Bright?

Mingmei snorted and asked bluntly: "You have been excluded?"

An Mingyu didn't expect this matter to be known by Mingmei so quickly, and lowered his head a little disappointed.

"What are you sad about?" Mingmei smiled on the other end of the phone: "It's that they are sad, and they didn't seize such a good opportunity to please you." Huh, a bunch of people who don't have brains.

An Mingyu lowered his head, his face was hot: "I'm not to the point where I can please them..."

Mingmei sneered: "The fact that you are my person is enough for those people to please you."

An Mingyu heard Mingmei's words, and his heart was much quieter.

The two chatted again, and Mingmei hung up the phone.

"Who is the director of this crew?" Ming Mei checked, smiled, found a contact information from the mobile phone address book, and called.

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