The next morning, as soon as Ming Mei got up to wash up, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Mingmei opened the door, it was Ma Mingyue.

"Bright and bright!" Ma Mingyue looked flustered: "Look at the school sticker!" Ming

Mei inexplicably opened the sticker bar, and her face immediately darkened.

I saw that the post that was pushed to the top was like this "Confession Wall: The Goddess of Crush is actually the plaything of the big boss, I feel that I was deceived..."

The picture of the post is the bright back.

It is the figure of Ferrari Raphael on the bright sky.

Another accompanying picture is a person's submission to the school confession wall, probably meaning that the girl in the photo is his goddess from high school crush to college entrance examination, he confessed after the college entrance examination, and the girl also agreed, who knows that the girl has been raised by someone blabla.

Bright face darkened.

How did she not know that she had such a crush?

Looking at the comments again, sure enough, they were all condemning her.

"Little fairies are like that."

"Have you ever fired a cannon? If you have fought, you will not lose.

"Worship the golden girl, pity such a good man."


Mei sneered and turned off her phone.

Ma Mingyue said worriedly: "Mingmei, this person is slandering you, right? What to do?

Ming Mei sneered and said, "What can I do?" Find a lawyer! You and Xiaoning don't have to worry, go back to school first, and I'll go see a lawyer."

Ma Mingyue brightened her eyes from her original worry: "Lawyer? Is it the kind of lawyer who does not play well on the opposite side to go in, plays a stable jury and follows in, and plays an extraordinary hammer to also follow in?

Mingmei's originally unhappy mood was immediately destroyed, and she burst out laughing: "What is this?" Where did you see that?

Ma Mingyue was a little embarrassed: "Ahem, what, the comment area of Zhang San, who has been very popular recently, is this."

Ming Mei smiled a little helplessly: "Those are all terriers!" But it's not much worse.

Ma Mingyue was relieved and said, "Then Xiaoning and I will go back to school first!" If there is anything we can help with, just call us! We can help with everything we can!

Ming Mei smiled and nodded: "Got it!" I'll give you the car you call at the door, be careful on the road! The

Ma Mingyue sisters left, and Mingmei's face immediately pulled down.

Click directly to the local post bar of Modu and search for the best law firms in Modu.

"Mingkang Law Firm?" Ming Mei saw this name and searched on the Internet.

This law firm is very famous, the lawyer Li Mingkang graduated from Longguo University of Political Science and Law, just graduated and took on a particularly bad case, helped the plaintiff turn defeat into victory, and became famous at once, and has been singing all the way since then, and is now the top three law firms in the entire Longguo.

It is worth mentioning that this lawyer Li Mingkang's mentor is the senior brother of lawyer Zhang San.

Bright was relieved.

Call Mingkang Law Firm directly.

"Hello, Minkang Law Firm is at your service. How can I help you? The sweet female voice over there said.

"Hello," Ming Mei said, "I want to make an appointment for lawyer Li Mingkang for the entire afternoon today."

The person over there paused and said, "Hello this client, it's like this, lawyer Li Mingkang just ended a lawsuit the day before yesterday, if you want to make another appointment with lawyer Li Mingkang within five days after the lawsuit is over, you will have to pay three times the appointment fee!" Our team of lawyers also has other excellent lawyers, do you consider other lawyers?

Mingmei said: "I just want Li Mingkang." Three times is three times, I can afford it. Please arrange it, please leave it to me this afternoon after two o'clock, and if you can, please send me an appointment link.

After speaking, without waiting for the other party's reaction, Mingmei hung up the phone, asked the hotel to send a fruit platter, and played the game.

I was playing a game, and suddenly WeChat rang.

Mingmei quit the game and click on WeChat.

It's Xu Mu.

"Sister Sunshine, I'm live streaming from three to six o'clock this afternoon, will you come today?"

Ming Mei sent a message and said: "I have some things today, I may not be able to watch your live broadcast, sorry." The

prologue over there replied: "It's okay, Sister Sunshine, your business is important!"

Bright lips curved and put down the phone.

Over there, the front desk of Mingkang Law Firm hung up the phone with a embarrassed face, got up and left the workstation, and knocked on the door of Li Mingkang's office.

"Lawyer Li, there is a client who wants to make an appointment with you, I don't know how to arrange it, I want to talk to you!"

The front desk said after knocking on the door.

"Please come in, the door is unlocked." Li Mingkang said.

The front desk walked in and repeated the bright appointment just now.

Li Mingkang held his chin in his hand and said with interest: "You said that she directly booked me after two o'clock?" The

front desk nodded.

Interesting. Li Mingkang thought so.

"Send her the appointment link," Li Mingkang said, "if you have money, you won't earn money." After

a while, Ming Mei received the appointment link.

Li Mingkang goes to work from 2 to 5 p.m., and the consultation fee for one hour is 20,000, tripling is 60,000, and three hours is 180,000.

Not bad, another little points.

Mingmei directly beat the money over.

Seeing that the time was almost up, he drove directly to the door of Mingkang Law Firm.

Ming Mei glanced at Ming Kang Law Firm, the decoration was very good, and it looked very rich.

As soon as I entered the office, the left wall was full of pennants, and the right wall was full of Li Mingkang and the lawsuits he had fought.

This is the iron signboard!

Bright and admiring, looked left and right, and walked towards the front desk.

"Hello," Ming Mei tapped her finger on the front desk, and the dozing front desk immediately got up and stood up: "Hello customer!" How can I help you? Ming

Mei looked at her watch, it was around 1:50 p.m., and the front desk still had five minutes to go to work.

There's nothing wrong with dozing.

Listening to the voice, it should be the front desk that called himself in the morning.

Mingmei said, "Hello, I called in the morning to make an appointment with lawyer Li Mingkang.

The front desk showed an impeccable smile: "You wait, I'll check it!"

After that, he looked down at the computer, and raised his head with a smile: "May I ask if you are Miss Ming with the tail number 6666 of the mobile phone, right?" Bright


The front desk glanced at Bright without a trace.

The girl looked eighteen or nineteen years old, she looked very beautiful, and she was also very temperamental in dressing.

I don't know what I want to find a lawyer for.

The front desk smiled and said: "Please follow me to the reception area for a while, lawyer Li Mingkang will meet you on time at two o'clock!"

Ming Mei nodded and followed the front desk to the reception room.

The decoration of the reception room is simple and welcoming.

It's just that the style is somewhat familiar.

Ming Mei thought about it carefully, isn't this the decoration style of her Hua Cheng Famous Mansion villa?

A few minutes later, at two o'clock, an elegant-looking middle-aged man pushed the door in.

The middle-aged man is tall, has no signs of fortune, wears gold wire glasses, short hair, and looks very convincing.

While Mingmei looked at Li Mingkang, Li Mingkang was also looking at Mingmei.

The girl in front of her is about eighteen or nine years old, her appearance is very high, and her whole body only reveals two words, exquisite.

Mingmei stood up and stretched out her hand to Li Mingkang: "Lawyer Li Mingkang, hello."

Li Mingkang also stretched out his hand: "Hello Miss Ming, I am lawyer Li Mingkang, and I am honored to serve you."

Both of them sat down, Mingmei looked at Li Mingkang, and suddenly spoke: "Lawyer Li Mingkang, if I want you and your law firm and the legal team to serve me alone from now on, how much annual salary do I need to pay?" "

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