Han Ziming looked at the bright face, and his heartbeat accelerated a little.

Bright junior... It seems to be getting more and more beautiful.

"Please forgive me for my presumptuousness and bluntness," Han Ziming said, "I have been obsessed with you since your first day of enrollment.

"Maybe you haven't heard of me, but these are the words I want to tell you - I like you."

While Ma Mingyue screamed wildly in her heart, she felt an inexplicable strange feeling, and even had an urge to pull Mingmei out of here.

It's not jealousy or anything - in Ma Mingyue's eyes, Mingmei is already beautiful and rich, and it is normal for a man to like her, even if this person is Senior Han Ziming.

Ma Mingyue just felt an inexplicable feeling, this feeling is not very good, but it is impossible to say where it is bad.

Han Ziming's eyes revealed sincerity, and he looked at Mingmei: "My name is Han Ziming, I have never been in love before, you are my first love."

Mingmei saw the girl who had handed Han Ziming a handkerchief and water before, standing with a pale face.

Some students who did not leave on the side also gathered around to listen to gossip and whisper.

"I know you're very capable and rich." Han Ziming looked at Mingmei with affectionate eyes: "I'm just an ordinary student, my parents are ordinary people, I don't have a particularly good family background, I don't have any ability to take a shot except for a face, but I will work hard, will try to catch up with your pace, whether you want to refuse me or not, I have to ask you something."

"Can you give me a chance to be with you?"

Han Ziming looked at Ming Mei and said affectionately.

A boy playing basketball together on the side first screamed twice, and then put his hand on his mouth to make a trumpet: "Promise him, promise him!"

Many students around also coaxed: "Promise him!"

"Envy envy, Senior Han's affectionate confession!"

"Have you had a crush since the beginning of school? How affectionate!

"If I were, I would say yes!"

Listening to the coaxing on the side, Mingmei's face was a little bad, but she still smiled at Han Ziming: "I'm sorry, senior."

Ming Mei said with a serious expression: "I have no idea of being with you." The

bright volume was not small, and it was very clear, and many people around him lowered their hands with a dumbfounded look.

Han Ziming was also stunned.

Mingmei smiled: "I'm sorry, I'm going back to the dormitory." After

that, turn around and leave.

Xu Xiaoning patted his stunned sister and followed the bright pace.

Ma Mingyue also hurried to follow.

Han Ziming stepped forward two steps: "Senior sister!"

Mingmei stopped and turned around: "Senior, is there anything else?"

Han Ziming's face showed an expression that made the onlookers feel distressed: "Can I know the reason for your refusal?"

Mingmei smiled: "Rejection is rejection, there is no reason." The two of us don't fit in.

"If it doesn't fit, there must be a reason!" Han Ziming said.

Ming Mei sighed: "From the moment you said the phrase "whether you want to reject me or not", I think you should be prepared to be rejected by me.

Han Ziming was stunned and asked why.

Mingmei smiled: "Do you think you are very affectionate?" "

There was silence all around.

"You are so affectionate, Senior Han."

Mingmei looked at Han Ziming, and there was no smile on her face.

"You've had a crush on me since I entered school."

"Excuse me, what did you do for this crush?"

"I took a break from school, yes, but I was in school for a few weeks, right?"

"Those weeks, such a long time, you have such a crush on me, can't you even spare an hour?"

"Your computer teaching building is next door to our finance department, and it takes only ten minutes to go back and forth in between, I don't believe that the past few weeks of study I attended and your school time completely overlapped, even if it completely overlapped, the time between afternoon and evening self-study, you can't even spare a minute?"

"Since you have a crush on me, is it difficult to take a minute to meet me, tell me about it, and tell me that you have a crush on me?"

"Do you have to wait until now to tell me?"

Mingmei looked at Han Ziming, who had a stiff expression, and said with a smile.

Ma Mingyue heard something wrong: "That's it, Senior Han, you like us so bright that you can't even spare time to meet?"

"And don't you think there's something wrong with your words?" Xu Xiaoning said: "Before today, we Mingmei didn't even know who you were, you saw Mingmei and ran over to confess, or in front of so many people, and your classmates gave you praise, don't you think this is moral kidnapping?"

"We don't know you at all, if we don't promise you, won't we give you face, will we gossip about these students who are watching?" If we promise you, we don't even know who you are, can we just say yes? What kind of heart do you have in peace?

"Isn't this a moral kidnapping..." a

crowd of onlookers on the side spoke brightly.

"Moreover, your words are also very interesting, you don't have the ability to take a shot except for a face, when did you think that the face can become your ability?" Your face is what your parents gave you well, what does it have to do with you?

Ming Mei smiled: "What do you mean by that?" It's nothing more than that you have nothing but a face, so I, who is rich and capable, must accept your confession, right?

"Do you think you're handsome?" Ming Mei tilted her head: "What kind of handsome guy do I want and can't find it, why do I have to find you a moral kidnapper?" "

Whenever you write me a love letter, and you tell me privately that you have a crush on me, not in front of your crush," Ming Mei glanced at the girl and continued, "Tell me these words about how much you like me, and I can look up at you."

"What's on your mind?" It's nothing more than that there is a 1% chance that I am a thin-skinned person, I will be shy when I am confessed by you, people coax together, and I promise you as soon as my brain is hot.

"Have you ever thought that when you do this kind of thing in this kind of place and situation, the best option for my reputation is to accept your confession, once I don't accept it, your friends, your classmates, and the people watching today, in the hearts of these people, I will be synonymous with bad people."

"If you really love me as much as you say you do, have you ever thought about it?"

Mingmei looked at Han Ziming and said with a smile.

Han Ziming's face was expressionless.

"That's it, it's all men, who doesn't know what you think you are thinking about, you think you are making a TV series?"

A boy watching on the side laughed and mocked.

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