After leaving the tea house, Mingmei returned home and told Huang Xue, Ma Yao, and Xu Ran about this matter as soon as possible.

If this association is pulled up, the first batch of donors will definitely be this group of people.

[Huang Xue: Bright cow p, remember to call me when the association is ready, I will definitely donate a large amount of money to you! ] [

Xu Ran: Awesome, bright, remember to call me when the association is ready. My sister has a lot of powerful female lawyers, and she will find me if she needs it. [

Lan Lan: If you want to advertise, remember to call me, there are several popular TV stations under our family. It is OK to charge you personal work fees in the non-golden stage, and give you half the price in the golden stage~]

After a while, Ma Yao's phone called.

"Bright, you're so good!"

Ma Yao said.

Mingmei smiled: "It's just that this matter happened to be met by me."

The two exchanged a few more words, and Ma Yao said: "Say Mei, how do you plan to promote this association?"

Ming Mei thought for a while and said, "Let's start with TV commercials."

"But have you ever thought about it," Ma Yao said, "most of the people who can watch TV now are people of the age of our parents and grandparents, and we rarely turn on TV at our age, most of them are mobile phone dramas, and even open members for free advertising." If you just hit TV commercials in the early stage, the promotion is not strong, right?

Ming Mei thought the same, and after thinking about it, he said: "I will try to talk about some website advertising." Another point is that we can cooperate with the Women's Federation, just like the National Anti-fraud Center APP, to advertise in various large shopping malls and banks.

"Downloading our app can reduce a certain amount of cash, going to the bank to deposit money and downloading our app can get an extra barrel of oil, etc., of course, only for women."

"In order to prevent people from fraudulent, lying, or deliberately exaggerating the facts, a woman can only bind an account with her ID card, brush her face every time she uses the app, and so on."

"You can also ask the staff of the Women's Federation to come to the door to carry out publicity registration and so on."

"I'm still thinking about it, don't worry, since you want to contribute, I won't pit your money." I will come up with a specific publicity plan.

Ma Yao snorted: "Who would be afraid of you pitting money?" Only, brightly, if our platform is only for women, will it cause male dissatisfaction?

Ming Mei smiled: "Let's not say that there are far more female victims than male victims in rumors, let's just say that Chen Ting is a female victim, so she supports other female victims." "

Even if there are men who are dissatisfied, let them be dissatisfied, we do not violate the law, the second is not illegal, the audience is women, they can also go to the association or APP whose audience is men, and we will not object."

Bright said with a smile.

It's March, and there's a little breeze on the street, just flattening some of the irritability and anger in Mingmei's heart.

After solving this matter, within a few days, Chen Ting called the school's academic affairs office according to the method taught by the lawyer to talk about it.

"I'm sorry, this student," the teacher on the other side said helplessly, "I'm deeply sorry for what happened to you, but we have already expelled him from school for this matter, and we can't do more."

"Then you know that Zhao Zifeng is wrong?" Chen Ting smiled and said.

The teacher on the other side stammered a little, although he knew that Zhao Zifeng was indeed wrong, but he was afraid that he would say the wrong thing, so he hung up the phone after a few words of confusion.

"Is the audio recording?" Li Mingkang on the side asked.

Chen Ting nodded.

"Good, let's make a call!"

Chen Ting made another call to the principal's office.

The first two calls didn't get through, and the third call was finally answered.

Chen Ting recounted the incident, and then asked: "You withdrew Zhao Zifeng from school, right?" The

opposite answer was yes.

Chen Ting couldn't help but show a mocking smile: "Then may I ask why you didn't deal with it when I sent the evidence to the school some time ago?" Do you have to wait until the police deal with Zhao Zifeng?

The other side was silent for a while: "Classmate Chen Ting, this matter has passed..."

Chen Ting said categorically.

"You should have found out about this matter as soon as I submitted my evidence, instead of waiting until this matter became bigger!"

"Classmate Chen Ting!" The secretary of the principal on the opposite side was also angry, he didn't understand, Zhao Zifeng has been detained for ten days, a student with a great future detained for ten days is equivalent to a completely ruined future, all like this, why does Chen Ting not rely on it?

He even viciously wondered if it was because of Chen Ting's unforgiving character that he provoked Zhao Zifeng and caused so many incidents.

Women, it's better to be gentle and introverted.

Don't dare to cause trouble.

"Classmate Chen Ting, classmate Zhao Zifeng has been detained and expelled from school, he has already been punished, please don't be unforgiving." Otherwise, we'll have to consider whether you're allowed to go back to school..."

said the principal's secretary with a smile.

The application for returning to school after suspension is approved by the school, but the school does not allow it, and you do not have a graduation certificate even if you stay in school.

Chen Ting pretended to be afraid, exchanged a few words with the principal's secretary, and hung up the phone.

Chen Ting looked at Li Mingkang, Li Mingkang looked at the recording in the mobile phone, curled his lips and smiled.

"Okay, nourish your spirits, wait for the trial!"

Li Mingkang said with a smile.

That night, the Zhao Zifeng incident was on the hot search, and countless people started Aite Modu University.

【@魔都大学 The students you teach are so good~ I can't learn to pinch this ordinary two-book student]

[@魔都大学 Is this how you teach students? 【

@魔都大学 I am proud that my son was admitted to your school, and now it seems that I am proud early. 【

Are you enough?】 Didn't Modu University already expel this man?

At this moment, Modu University issued a notice.

[Modu University: After investigation and verification, the illegal behavior of our student Zhao Moumou is true, and the public security organ has made an administrative punishment decision. The student will be expelled from school in accordance with the relevant regulations of the school, and the subsequent procedures will be followed. Our school attaches great importance to cultivating morality and cultivating people, and will further strengthen students' ideological and moral education and legal education, and effectively maintain a healthy and uplifting educational environment in the school. Thank you for your concern and attention to our school! [

Four years in vain, cool. 】

【Why did you go before... It's been six months since the girls have investigated themselves, and you were fired? Why don't you wait for people Zhao Zifeng to get married, have children, and then expel people after his son is admitted to college]

[It's a little late. 】

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