"This is the three-legged golden crow,"

Zhao Chen's father lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of disturbing something, and as if he had a kind of awe: "It is the family emblem of the Ming clan." "

Min's? I don't remember hearing about this family.

Zhao Chen's mother asked her husband suspiciously.

Zhao Chen's father's eyes were deep: "It's right if you don't remember... It should be said that now I still remember the Ming family, and it is estimated that there are only a few.

"Do you remember how my Zhao family started back then?"

Zhao Chen's father asked his wife in a low voice.

Zhao Chen's mother also subconsciously lowered her voice: "I vaguely remember that my parents mentioned it, it seems that your grandfather's generation got an expensive thing, and the principal that came after selling that thing..." Zhao Chen's

father nodded: "That's right, that's right."

His eyes were deep and nostalgic: "My grandfather told me when he was a child... He was just an ordinary student. At that time, the war had just ended, the country was in ruins, and my grandfather was a college student.

"Those days... College students are both valuable and worthless.

"On the day he went out to buy food, he inadvertently helped a young woman. The young woman gave him two beads to thank him.

"Those two beads were the belongings of a great emperor of our Dragon Kingdom, and it is said that they were given to a favored courtier, but neither the bead nor that favored courtier has a specific record."

"Later, a family in the Wangfu Hutong in the capital recognized the bead and gave our Zhao family the capital to settle down."

"But at the same time, it also let my grandfather know what kind of behemoth the Ming family is."

Zhao Chen's father looked into the void, his eyes ethereal: "That's a huge force that has been passed down for thousands of years... If it is still a feudal society, it is a dynasty hidden in the shadows.

Zhao Chen's mother gasped.

"Millennium King Xie..." she subconsciously said these words.

The Wang Xie family is definitely a family that has been passed down for thousands of years, and the Wang family of Wang Zicong now is the branch of the Wang family in Wang Xie.

Zhao Chen's father shook his head: "The current Wang Xie is no longer the Wang Xie of the past, these two families have had several ups and downs, and their bloodlines have changed several times, but they still bear the name of Wang Xie." "

The Ming clan, after thousands of years of ups and downs, has stood tall."

"Isn't it comparable to Wang Xie and the like?"

Zhao Chen's father said with emotion: "According to my grandfather's understanding and records back then, thousands of years ago, the first dynasty of my dragon kingdom was established, and fairies came from the divine palace and brought rice seeds that were ripe three times a year, so that the king of the first dynasty of Yanhuang had the confidence to conquer the Xiongnu in the south and attack the hundred yue in the north."

"Later, when the world was lonely, the fairy returned to heaven, but left a bloodline for the emperor of the world."

"It is said that the child was very strange, and when he was born, he spit out words, he could run and jump, but within a few years, with the departure of the fairy, the child disappeared, and the emperor of the world could not find him, and finally, the second generation of the dynasty died."

"Since then, various dynasties, large and small, have emerged one after another, and every change of dynasty or major event has a shadow behind it."

It was a force that called itself "Ming", and the first master's name was Ming Tonghui, which was taken from the meaning of sun and moon and same light.

"After that, the Na Ming clan stood tall in the change of dynasty, and there were many amazing and talented family masters, among which there were a terrifying swordsman who could rival a thousand horses, and there were intelligent people with unparalleled business acumen..."

"The amazing female head of the Ming family a hundred years ago left all her family property to help the construction of the motherland after the end of the war, and moved her family overseas to work hard."

Zhao Chen's father slowly said: "That President Ming, our son's girlfriend, is estimated to be the descendant of this female family master. What

Zhao Chen's father didn't say was that the female head of the family took away more than a dozen of her husbands.

(In the plot, I can't let me write it, I can only say hi woo, who can know that there are thirteen people in my original harem list, and only five are deleted, deleted, or reduced)

No one knows what Zhao Chen's parents talked about tonight.

The next day, Ming Mei stretched out and got up, leaned over and kissed the confused Rosita who slept, and got out of bed lightly to wash.

After washing up, Wei Hang had already laid out breakfast.

"Bright, are you up?" Wei Hang saw the figure of his lover, and a smile immediately appeared on his face: "Drink red jujube coix porridge in the morning, the chef made you custard buns and fried shrimp dumplings, and the shrimp dumplings were personally wrapped by me~"

Wei Hang said as if showing off.

Mingmei sat down and ate a whole shrimp dumpling very face-saving: "Well, the size and taste are just right, dear is awesome!"

Wei Hang blushed because of the bright sentence, turned his head and saw An Mingyu seemed to want to clip a fried meatball, Wei Hang immediately moved the meatballs to a place: "You forgot that you are going to rehearsal today?"

After speaking, he put a small plate of vegetarian dishes and a bowl of white porridge in front of An Mingyu: "Let's eat this first, after the rehearsal, I will ask the chef to make fried chicken for you."

An Mingyu deflated his mouth and drank the white porridge aggrievedly.

"Well," Ming Mei comforted, "I'll take you to dinner after rehearsal."

An Mingyu ate with a smile.

The housekeeper went to send An Mingyu to the crew rehearsal, and Mingmei stretched out, briefly dealt with the things to be dealt with today, and then leaned on the lazy sofa to swipe the mobile phone.

After reading the novel, playing a few more games, Mingmei clicked on the fast sound platform.

Brushed a few casually, and Ming Mei saw a red dot in her attention.

Click on the red dot, it turned out to be the butler.

The housekeeper sent a new video.

Ming Mei became interested and clicked on the video.

[At the beginning of the video, the camera is pointed at a door, and two capable women dressed as nannies check the cleaning tools in their hands, glance at each other, and use the key to open the door. ]

The housekeeper's elegant and shallow voice sounded: "Today is Monday, according to the rules, it is time to clean the master's cloakroom."

"The master's cloakroom~

" "In other words, is the master of the housekeeper male or female?"

"Didn't the housekeeper say it was his own young lady before? The young lady is definitely a woman, right? "

During the barrage, the camera also entered the cloakroom.

The barrage was silent for two seconds and broke out instantly.

"You tell me it's called a cloakroom?"

"Your cloakroom has a sofa, a coffee table, and a small bar?"

"I'll go, this cloakroom looks bigger than our family!"

"One or two hundred flats, right?"

"Why is there still a door inside?"

"Is this the day of the rich? The cloakroom of the rich is bigger than our

house..." "After decades of struggle, I bought a cloakroom in someone's house..."

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