Mingmei swiped the video, looked at the time, it was almost noon.

"Butler, tell the chef that you don't need to cook my meal, I and Mingyu eat outside."

Ming Mei ordered.

The housekeeper bowed slightly to Mingmei: "Okay, miss." Which restaurant are you going to? I informed them to prepare.

Apollo, the bright sun god, stopped at the door of the crew.

Back and forth, many people secretly looked at this luxury car.

An Mingyu finished the day's rehearsals, stretched, turned his head and saw the orange car from the window.

Bright came to pick me up, he thought.

It was as if my heart had been filled with something, and the exhaustion of the morning disappeared.

"Director, I'll go first!" An Mingyu waved his hand, carried the small bag and left.

"Hey? Why is this gone? Don't leave a boxed lunch? I asked someone to add a chicken leg to you? After the director's words, An Mingyu had already left.

The assistant director patted him: "Director, don't you know that someone picked it up?" The

director remembered some of the news circulating in the circle and reacted immediately.

Turning his head and looking through the window, he saw An Mingyu open the co-driver's door of the Apollo Sun God downstairs and sit in.

"Oh, what kind of car is this? I haven't seen it yet! The

director was surprised.

The assistant director glanced through the window: "Anyway, we can't buy a car in our lifetime." "

But who doesn't love luxury cars? The director knew in his heart that he couldn't afford it, but he still reluctantly glanced at it a few times before retracting his gaze.

An Mingyu asked happily after getting into the car: "Mingmei, where are we going to eat today?" "

Splendid Hotel," Ming Mei thought for a moment and said, "There is a branch here in the magic capital."

An Mingyu said yes, the two looked at each other and smiled, and the sun god Apollo sailed to the Splendid Hotel.

On the road, even though the sun god Apollo did not exceed the speed limit and did not violate any traffic rules, none of the people who saw the car dared to honk their horns or speed up.

At the same time

, the Splendid Hotel in the magic capital is different from the Splendid Hotel in the capital, the Splendid Hotel in the magic capital is really just a hotel, it is said that the two masters who originally signed the contract of the Splendid Hotel want to come to the magic capital to develop, so the Splendid Group opened the hotel here.

There has already been a queue here, and the appointment has been scheduled until after next year.

The lobby manager looked at the number in his hand: "There are a total of 200 guests today, and now it is the 70th table, Xiao Wang, you go to receive the 70th table." The

waiter on the side said yes to the manager, turned around and went out.

The new waiter wiped the table quickly while glancing at a location by the window without a trace.

Finally, while the waiter was changing shifts, the new waiter talked to a waiter who had been staying for a long time.

"Brother Wang," the new waiter asked puzzled as he washed his hands, "Why isn't the table by the window open to the outside?" That table can seat five or six people!

The waiter called Brother Wang turned his head and glanced there, wiped his hands, and said, "Remember, this kind of position is reserved for those who have already set the position." Generally, it is a fixed location for customers and is not open to the public. The

new waiter's eyes widened: "Can it still be like this?" The

waiter who was called Brother Wang nodded.

The new waiter asked suspiciously, "So is that table empty when it's empty?" Isn't that a pity? Isn't it good to go out at ordinary times and wait for the fixed customer to come and then leave it vacant?

Brother Wang glanced at him: "If you open a restaurant in the future, you can try it like this." The

new waiter didn't understand where he had said the wrong thing, and his face was full of confusion.

At this moment, the communication device on the waist of all the attendants suddenly lit up.

"Waiters, waiters, all waiters on the first floor!" The voice of the lobby manager sounded: "Now go to the door immediately to greet the distinguished guests!"

Brother Wang immediately straightened up and patted the new waiter's shoulder: "The first time you encounter this, remember a little, I do what you do, don't say anything." The

new waiter quickly closed his mouth and nodded.

As soon as Ming Mei parked the car in front of the hotel, a tall male waiter with a handsome appearance bent slightly and opened the door for Ming Mei.

"Welcome to the magic capital branch of the Splendid Hotel, Miss Ming."

The waiter said in a gentle voice, hunched over as he pulled the bright car door.

After Mingmei came down, An Mingyu pushed the door down from the other side and stood beside Mingmei.

"Is my place reserved?" Ming Mei asked as she stepped into the hotel.

The gentleness in the smile of the waiter on the side can drown people: "Of course, both the location in the hall and the position in the private room are reserved for you." Are you going to eat in the lobby or in a private room today? Ming

Mei thought for a while: "Then it's still a private room." "

A few days later, the days came to May.

Ma Mingyue of Modu University

returned to the bedroom with a smile on her face.

Xu Xiaoning poked his head out of his bed: "Come back, old sister!"

Ma Mingyue smiled with a smile, rummaged around from his desk and didn't know what to turn out, and ran to Xu Xiaoning's position to find an unopened facial cleanser: "Old sister, you borrow me a facial cleanser!"

Xu Xiaoning snorted, and watched his old sister run into the bathroom.

About half an hour later, Ma Mingyue combed her new hairstyle, washed her face, happily came out of the bathroom, found out her makeup, and carefully painted her makeup.

Xu Xiaoning looked amazed: "Old sister, is Meng Zixuan's charm so great?" "

Some time ago, a new person named Meng Zixuan was transferred to their class.

Meng Zixuan's appearance is not particularly handsome, but his facial features are soft and handsome, he is tall, his body is not bloated, he plays handsome, and he is serious in class, and he can always help Ma Mingyue, who is the deputy class leader.

Ma Mingyue slowly fell in love.

Ma Mingyue found that she liked Meng Zixuan, and after repeatedly observing and confirming that Meng Zixuan did not have a girlfriend, she picked it out with Meng Zixuan yesterday.

Ma Mingyue originally did not hold the hope that Meng Zixuan promised her, she just thought that her heart must be known, if Meng Zixuan accepted it, then everyone would be happy, if she did not accept herself, she should not have mentioned this matter, and it would be good to have less contact in the future.

Who knew that Meng Zixuan actually said with a look of surprise that he had already fallen in love with Ma Mingyue at first sight.

Good guys, isn't this a two-way street? Ma Mingyue's heart was bumping.

Today is their first date, and Ma Mingyue specially dressed herself beautifully, hoping to have a perfect date.

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