Mingmei took the contract and looked at it carefully.

After reading a few of them, Ming Mei felt a little dizzy.

I haven't learned these myself, how can I see if the other party has dug a hole for myself?

At this moment, the system in my mind suddenly sounded [Dingdong~ The system has detected that the host needs legal assistance, and the "contract scanner" that has locked the mall goods for the host can be taken home with only 200 points! The host has an existing integral of 3680. 【Contract

scanner: If you want to sign a contract, will you suspect that the other party wants to trap you? If you want to sign a contract, are you worried that the contract does not have legal effect? How can you avoid this situation if you are a legal novice? Do not worry! No need to worry! Contract scanner, you deserve it! Just open the contract scanner and after scanning, you can know if your contract has plagued you! No 9998, no 998, just 200 points, 200 points, you can't buy a loss, you can't buy a fool, but you can bring home a contract scanner! Ming

Mei looked at the ancient wind advertisement behind the contract scanner, and a sense of absurdity came to her face.

But this thing... It's quite easy to use ha.

Bright click directly to buy.

[Congratulations to the host for permanently obtaining the "contract scanner"!] After deducting 200 host points, the host has 3680 points left. Contract scanner, used all said good. Wish the host a happy life.

Ming Mei chose to use the contract scanner, and suddenly, the contract in front of Ming Mei emitted bursts of blue light in Ming Mei's eyes.

A small progress bar appeared on the contract, and it was already 10% in the blink of an eye.

Bright pretended to flip through a few more sheets, and the progress bar reached 100%.

【Didi! The contract scanner has been scanned, the contract in front of you has real legal effect, and there is no digging for you~ The person who wrote the contract must be a real person~]

Bright and relieved.

I looked at the rippling tilde behind the contract scanner again, how strange it looked.

But then again, such a big firm as Mingkang Law Firm, if it really cheated on the contract, it would have long been notorious in the industry.

Mingmei pretended not to care and put down the contract, picked up the pen handed over by Li Mingkang and signed her name directly.

After signing, he handed the contract to Li Mingkang.

A smile appeared on Li Mingkang's face: "From now on, you will be our boss."

Ming Mei nodded and said, "Then now, boss, I have one thing to hand over to you."

Li Mingkang converged the smile on his face and became serious, said please wait, and then took out the tablet from the drawer on the side, opened an interface, held the tablet stylus in his hand, and said: "Please assign tasks."

Ming Mei nodded, took out her mobile phone, opened the web post bar of Modu University, and found the post.

"Confession Wall: The goddess of secret love turned out to be the plaything of the big boss, I feel that I was deceived..."

This post has become a hot search in the campus post bar, Mingmei looked at the number of followers, at least 1/4 of the people in the school are following.

Mingmei clicked on the post and handed it to Li Mingkang.

Li Mingkang took the mobile phone, and the first thing he saw at a glance was that the back of the woman in the picture of the town building was the boss in front of him.

Mingmei spoke: "I think you can also see that this so-called goddess of secret love is me."

Ming Mei sneered and said: "I grew up in country F since I was a child, although I have the nationality of the Dragon Country, but it is also the first time to come back, my childhood sweetheart is in country F, the first time I know that I was actually here for the college entrance examination, and there is a person who has a crush on me for so many years, hehe."

Li Mingkang carefully looked at the so-called confession wall and the victim's statement, restored it in his mind, and said: "This so-called confession wall statement and this so-called suitor's statement have some unobvious logical loopholes. What do you mean?

Mingmei sneered and said, "It's not interesting, find out this so-called confession wall and the person who sent this news, I want him to be discredited." And those who insult for no reason, also have to pay.

Li Mingkang nodded and said, "I probably understand what you mean." This case is quite simple, as long as you have proof of your long-term residence abroad and proof of taking the entrance examination of Modu University abroad, this rumor will be self-defeating, the slander will be confirmed, and the other party will not be able to turn over the case even if my mentor and uncle are invited to this case. Ming

Mei said: "This is no problem, I can provide you with information." And then what? What else do I need to do?

Li Mingkang thought for a while and said, "If we only provide materials, we can only sue him in the name of slander, and then we will only need to pay a fine and apologize, I think you should not be satisfied with this punishment, right?"

Ming Mei nodded: "Of course!" "

What repays grievances with virtue, what touches him, does not exist.

Bright is to discredit him.

Mingmei is now rich and powerful, so she can find a lawyer of Li Mingkang's level to clear her grievances.

What if an ordinary girl is rumored?

I'm afraid that even if things can be solved, the girl will not have the heart to continue studying in this school.

The person who drives a car of this level himself still dares to spread rumors casually, which shows that the person's family should also be quite rich.

If it is an ordinary girl who is rumored, I am afraid that there is no way to ask for help!

Li Mingkang smiled and said, "In that case, I want to use your Tieba account to post a note in this post, and with this explanation, I am sure that I can sue the other party from simple defamation to criminal responsibility."

Li Mingkang smiled proudly: "According to Article 246 of the Criminal Law, if the crime of insult, slander, insulting others alone by violence or other methods, or fabricating facts to slander others, and the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, detention and control, or deprivation of political rights."

Li Mingkang said: "After staying in prison for two years, I think this so-called confession wall will understand what it means not to spread rumors casually."

Ming Mei nodded and said, "Then I will give you full responsibility for this matter." I will send you the information within three hours.

Li Mingkang nodded and took the bright mobile phone to send something. Later, he returned the phone to Mingmei.

Mingmei took the phone and glanced at it, and a clear smile crossed her eyes.

This Li Mingkang knows very well.

Li Mingkang smiled and said, "So now, is the boss interested in meeting your new employee with me?"

Ming Mei also smiled and said, "Of course I am interested."

Li Mingkang got up and bent slightly to Mingmei: "Please boss come with me!"

Mingmei got up and followed Li Mingkang to the big office.

The people inside also got up.

At this time, at Modu University, a man in the boys' dormitory

was sitting in front of the computer, his hands were brushing and typing, and the computer was double-open and pasted, which was the post on the confession wall.

This man is the man who took pictures of the bright car yesterday, the administrator of the confession wall of Modu University.

He looked at the rumors he had created, the insults and the replies from women below, and the complacency on his face became more and more.

"Hmph, smelly female cousin, dare to push me, think that a broken car is great? I don't know how long it took to open my legs. Dare to offend me, I will make you unable to fool around in this school!

Liu Hao swiped the sticker while yying.

Suddenly, a reply caught his attention.

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