Meng Zixuan took the phone and deliberately softened his voice: "Miss Ming."

The voice of the girl on the other side snorted lazily and said, "Is there something wrong with me?"

Meng Zixuan thought to himself, this woman's voice was quite good.

"Is it convenient to meet? Miss Ming.

His voice was low and soft, with a hint of emotion in his tenderness.

It is the favorite soft male voice of girls today, and he has suffered a lot to learn this voice.

However, the woman on the other side was not as addicted to his voice as he imagined.

"It's inconvenient," Meng Zixuan vaguely heard the woman on the other side snort: "If you have something to say, I will hang up." The

corners of Meng Zixuan's mouth stiffened awkwardly for a moment.

If you don't meet, how do you use beauty?

"Miss Ming," Meng Zixuan chose to calculate, "I know that you have been anxious about the Xu family's affairs recently, and I want to cooperate with you, so I have prepared a lot of 'sincerity' and hope to meet you." He

studied how to get the interest of such high-ranking people.

First of all, you have to be special enough, and make special without this special.

Second, have something in your hand that interests him.

Finally, it's the play when you meet.

With three prongs, he was sure that he could hold this woman.

But he didn't want to, and the woman on the other side laughed.

It's like hearing some big joke.

"Except for this? If you want me to see you, this is not enough, what other benefits can you bring me?

Ming Mei played with Rosita's fingers while asking the voice on the phone with a smile in the corner of her eye.

Rosita looked at the smile on Mingmei's face, with some sarcasm and some cheerfulness, as if there was some joke on the other end of the phone, which made Mingmei happy.

Rosita felt itchy in her heart, he quietly got into Mingmei's arms, gently kissed the corners of Mingmei's eyes, and was patted by Mingmei's waist that had been tired all night, and hissed softly.

No trouble.

Bright warned Rosita with her eyes.

Remembering the bright "punishment method", the muscles in Rosita's waist twitched uncontrollably, and Rosita obediently quieted down, not daring to make the slightest movement.

Meng Zixuan on the other side only felt that something was wrong.

Is this different from what he learned?

"I have something in my hands that is enough to bring down the Xu family." Meng Zixuan said fiercely.

Bright smiled again.

"That's it?"

"Don't look too high at the Xu family, don't look too high at you." Ming Mei said slowly: "Sorry, Mr. Meng, you are not qualified to see me."

After that, Mingmei hung up the phone despite the other party's shouts.

Ming Xing knew what his young lady had done when he saw Meng Zixuan's appearance, took the mobile phone from Meng Zixuan's hand, turned his head to give his driver's part-time bodyguard a look, turned around and left the garage.

Meng Zixuan had an ugly face and wanted to say something, but he was suddenly pinched by the bodyguard.

Meng Zixuan raised his hand in horror to knock off the finger on his chin, but was suppressed by the bodyguard's other hand.

"Mr. Meng," the bodyguard slowly spoke, his voice monotonous and indifferent: "Please don't disturb our general manager."

After that, the bodyguard squeezed Meng Zixuan's two hands and led him out of the underground garage.

Here, Mingmei found the person named Xu in WeChat, pulled him out of the blacklist, and then sent him the recording of the call just now.

"Your sons are very interesting." Mingmei sent such a sentence and pulled the other party into the blacklist.

Two days later, Mingmei was surfing the Internet when she suddenly saw a hot search.

#惊! The father and son of the boss and general manager of the Kyoto Xu Group were arrested, and the reason was... #

At the same time, the freshmen in the finance class of Modu University who had just arrived for a few days transferred away, and their noses were blue and their faces were swollen, and students almost called the police.

Seeing this hot search, Mingmei smiled and patted An An's big head that was crawling on her lap.

The white wolf, who was sleepy on the legs of his beloved owner, suddenly sobered up, turned his furry head, and looked at the owner.

Seeing that his master seemed to be in a good mood, the white wolf rubbed his master's arm with his kiss, and continued to close his eyes and sleep.

Soon, a new week arrived.

This week, the Ma Mingyue sisters did not have classes, and Mingmei arranged for a driver to pick them up at noon on Monday.

Over here, the Ma Mingyue sisters have packed up their simple toiletries and are waiting for the car at the school gate.

But a few minutes later, a Bentley slowly approached.

The housekeeper parked the car next to the sisters, got down from the cab, and bent slightly to the sisters: "Miss Ma, Miss Xu, please get in the car." Ma

Mingyue confirmed the license plate number with Mingmei on her mobile phone, and pulled her sister into the back seat.

The car drove all the way to Galaxy Garden Villa A1.

It's too big and spacey, and it's not too bright to live here, but it's just right to entertain friends.

Looking at the large garden villa of two acres in front of him, Ma Mingyue opened her mouth wide, subconsciously took out her mobile phone from her pocket, put it back again, turned her head and asked the housekeeper on the side: "That, Mr. Butler, can I take a picture?"

The butler bowed slightly to Ma Mingyue with a smile on his face: "Yes, please feel free."

Ma Mingyue cheered happily, glanced at her sister, and took out her mobile phone to take a few selfies.

"That's too handsome, isn't it?" Xu Xiaoning looked at the garden villa in front of him, and little stars were popping up in his eyes.

"This is my dream mansion!"

The sisters went in with their luggage, and Mingmei was already waiting at the door.

"Coming?" Bright asked with a smile.

Ma Mingyue looked at Mingmei enviously: "Mingmei, you usually live here?" So handsome, this house!

Mingmei smiled, did not answer Ma Mingyue's words, and gave way to the entrance position: "Don't come in soon?" The

sisters walked into the villa and wowed again.

"The mansion on TV doesn't look as good as this, does it?" Ma Mingyue said in amazement.

Xu Xiaoning tilted his head and thought: "Was the popular TV series filmed here?" The décor looks like ah!

Mingmei nodded: "It's right to take the scene here."

"I asked them to clean up all the bedrooms, and you two will see for yourselves, whichever bedroom you like."

Bright said with a smile.

After the two sisters chose the bedroom, Ming Mei called the two down.

"I prepared a little surprise for you two," Ming Mei said with a smile, "Do you want to guess what it is?"

Xu Xiaoning suddenly thought of the wardrobe that was sorted out separately: "Is it clothes?"

Ming Mei snorted: "It's a pity, there is no mystery."

"Oh, there is no mystery, there is a sense of expectation!" Ma Mingyue put her arm around Mingmei and said with a smile: "Thank you, Mingmei!" Ming

Mei smiled: "No thanks, if you weren't alert, I might not have noticed that someone was going to deal with me." "

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