As soon as she arrived at the door, Zhang Chao's grandmother heard a young woman shout Chairman Zhang.

Zhang Chao's grandmother turned her head and looked at Mingmei.

Ming Mei stepped forward with a smile: "It's an honor to meet you, Chairman Zhang."

Ming Mei said, stretching out a hand.

Zhang Chao's grandmother immediately smiled and stretched out her other hand to hold Mingmei's hand: "I'm also very happy to see you, Patriarch Ming."

Mingmei did not correct Zhang Chao's grandmother's name, but asked: "Are you leaving?" Zhang Chao's grandmother

let go of Mingmei's hand and said with a smile: "I plan to leave, it's almost dark."

Ming Mei smiled and pointed to a café across the street: "That's the café I came down two days ago, are you interested in trying the new barista's craft?" Zhang

Chao's grandmother looked over, it was a long-established café in Beijing, not to mention a hundred years old, it is also a small landmark that is more famous here.

Some time ago, I heard that this café was a little turbulent, and it turned out to be caused by the girl next to me.

"Of course there is. Zhang Chao's grandmother said with a smile, turning her head to look at her second husband: "You go back first, I have some things to do." It

was not difficult to see that the young man said hello gently, turned around and got into the car.

Over here, Wei Hang got into his grandfather's car.

"Grandpa, is there something wrong?" Wei Hang asked, "Mingmei let me go home early tonight."

Old man Wei snorted: "I haven't married yet, so my wife is strict?"

Wei Hang thought that I had always been like this, but did not say it.

The car started, and Old Master Wei sighed and said, "Don't worry, just talk to you and don't delay much time." I asked the driver to drop me off and take you back to Courtyard Two. Wei

Hang was relieved now.

Old man Wei pondered for a moment and said, "Is that her?" Wei

Hang looked at his grandfather's cloudy but shrewd eyes and nodded very seriously.

Old man Wei snorted: "You should know that Mingmei girl is not a simple rich woman, right?"

Old man Wei snorted again: "Then those men around her, you can also accept it?" Wei

Hang did not dare to say that he lived in the same house as those people, so he snorted again.

"I accept.

"As long as it's bright, I accept it." Seeing

his grandson like this, Old Master Wei could only sigh: "I can't say anything else, I can only tell you, since you have chosen, don't regret it."

Wei Hang nodded solemnly.

He will not regret it.

Here, Mingmei smiled and shook hands with Zhang Chao's grandmother.

"Nice to work with. The

same smile appeared on both faces, one old and one young.

Mingmei sat in the car and let out a long breath.

Women's Mutual Aid Association, the most difficult hurdle has passed.

She and Chen Ting solved the problem of money, the problem of site selection, the problem of the structure of the association, and the problem of publicity.

Only one last question remains, and that is support for political axes (non-typos, anti-harmony).

Ming Mei doesn't want the Women's Mutual Aid Association to be the kind of Internet celebrity association, she wants the Women's Mutual Aid Association to become an organization similar to the Women's Federation.

There is political axe support, there is a formal establishment.

In this regard, it is not enough to show up these young people.

Therefore, Mingmei set her sights on the older generation.

For example, Wei Hang's grandfather, Zhang Chao's grandmother and others.

Fortunately, it was easy to negotiate.

It will not be long before the Women's Mutual Aid Association will be linked to the government hall and have a formal establishment.

Back to the second courtyard in the evening, after dinner, I soaked in the hot spring in the backyard, stretched fiercely, and then swiped my phone boredly.

But I saw a hot search.

#Balenciaga pushed and shoved the Dragon Kingdom customer who was cut in line#

Bright eyes froze and clicked in.

After a moment, Mingmei figured out the cause and effect.

Here's the thing.

In the past few days, Balenciaga has released new shoes, and an aunt took her son to the store to buy shoes, but was cut by a foreigner in the process of queuing.

The aunt asked the foreigner not to cut the queue, but was insulted by the foreigner, and the aunt's son stepped forward to defend his mother, but was beaten by fellow foreigners, and the Balenciaga salesman not only did not drive the foreigner away, but insulted the aunt, mother and son and drove the two out of the store.

Bright eyes were serious, and he sent the news to the housekeeper.

When Mingmei finished taking a bath and lay down on the bed, the housekeeper sent a video to Mingmei.

Bright click to see that it is the in-store monitoring of the Balenciaga store where this happened.

Bright and gloomy face turned on the monitor.

I saw a bunch of people lining up in the store to buy shoes.

The third in line was the aunt.

But at this moment, several tall foreigners came in from outside the door, and one of them directly inserted in front of the aunt.

The aunt hesitated for a moment, then patted the foreigner's body, and said in an unfamiliar foreign language: "Young man, how do you cut the queue?" The

tall foreigner seemed surprised that someone dared to speak to himself like this, first looked at the aunt in surprise, and then laughed in harmony with the people next to him.

Mingmei saw many people probing their heads in the video, several clerks saw what was happening here, and an Asian clerk wanted to come over to take a look, but was stopped by two tall European clerks.

The foreigner cursed a dirty word, and then pointed to the aunt's nose and said: "Longguo, I will cut the queue, what can you do with me?" The aunt's

son pulled the aunt behind him: "Here is the queue to buy, what should you do if you cut the queue for others?

Then, as said in the hot search, the young man was angry but scolded the person who cut the queue, and finally the foreigner who came in with the person who cut the line beat the young man.

After the fight was almost done, the clerk came out, and finally characterized the matter as a disturbance from the Dragon Kingdom, and drove the mother and son out.

Bright looked angry.

Mingmei looked at the hot search, because with this hot search, the person in charge of Balenciaga actually came out to reply.

The reply to the things is also bright and angry.

"Dear customers of the Dragon Kingdom, for this incident, our side has conducted an urgent investigation, and according to the monitoring shows that blabla, this incident was an accident caused by the customers of the Dragon Country, and we are not at fault.

Balenciaga actually characterized this matter as a disturbance by the people of the Dragon Kingdom?

Mingmei looked at the comments below, because of the statement of the head of Balenciaga, the comments had a reversal.

"I just said let's stop arguing... "No

way, many elderly people in our Dragon Kingdom have no quality, just get used to it." "

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