"Miss Ming," Wei Hang's sister-in-law said in a soft tone: "What do you think of our family

Wei Hang?" Ming Mei sighed in her heart, thinking that she would always come, so she said: "Wei Hang is very good, I like it very much." "

The roots of Wei Hang's ears are red.

Wei Hang's sister-in-law thought that it would be good to like it, so she smiled and said: "Since you also like our family Weihang, do you have any plans to make a decision?"

Wei Hang's sister-in-law said: "It's not too young, your brother and I are already engaged at this age." The two of you will settle down first?" Wei

Hang quietly glanced at Mingmei.

He does not expect to be a bright and righteous husband, he only hopes to accompany her in his bright and leisure time.

As long as you can be by her side, everything is good.

Even if it's a lover who can't see the light.

"We're still young," Ming Mei smiled, "I haven't graduated from college yet, let's talk about it when we're twenty-five or six." Anyway, our family is not in a hurry to pass on the lineage, I think Wei Hang is not in a hurry, right?"

He doesn't care if he can have children, he just wants to be by Mingmei's side and be seen by her.

Wei Hang's sister-in-law looked at the two like this, and it was not good to say much, so she had to smile and play round: "Also, you are all young people and have your own ideas, and we don't want to say much." Just feel happy for yourselves. Wei

Hang's parents exchanged a look, Wei Hang's mother knew that she could not hold her youngest son's children in recent years, but she was not good at urging more, and she could only sigh in her heart.

Although Old Master Wei is old, he doesn't care about these at all. In his heart, his children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and they make their own decisions, so why should these old people interfere so much?

A week later, many of Kering's brands, such as Gucci, Saint Laurent, Balenciaga and other well-known brands, all came to a big change.

The heads of these brands were changed one by one, and the heads of the regions were also replaced by people with local ancestry.

For example, the head of the European region must be European, and the head of the Asian region must be a native Asian, and there will no longer be a person of European origin in charge of the Asian branch.

In addition, a national head has been set up under the regional head, and the person in charge must be selected to manage it, and there will be no more customs and culture that do not conform to local traditions.

This series of changes is complicated and troublesome, and there is still a lot of money invested, and Kering's senior management is certainly unwilling.

If you are willing, you will naturally stay in Kering and continue to be his top management, as for those who are unwilling... Disposing of a person in country F is actually super easy.

Lawrence Butler (Chapter 145) has already reacted more than once that his knife is about to rust.

At this time, in a private villa in country F, Mr. Karen, the largest shareholder of Kering Group except for Bright, held a meeting with his subordinates with a smile as usual, and by the way, released some new arrangements for the group and sub-brands during this time, and then, as usual, said goodbye to his subordinates with a smile, and then turned off the video and turned off the computer.

But no one noticed that Mr. Cullen's fingers trembled and touched the computer interface.

Feeling a slight vibration at the computer interface, Mr. Cullen knew that his computer had been set to a black screen but recording mode, so he put down his heart and was about to say something -

suddenly, a pair of gloved hands covered his mouth, Mr. Cullen only felt a flash of knife in the corner of his eye, his computer's charging cable was broken, and the charging interface was destroyed.

The computer snapped, shut down completely, and the recording mode was canceled.

A cold sweat broke out on Mr. Karen's back.

The man on the back quietly picked up the expensive laptop and handed it to an expressionless young man beside him.

The young man restarted the computer, sat on the sofa and carefully checked the computer, and then slowly spoke.

"Mr. Lawrence, please rest assured that this computer does not currently have any monitoring devices.

Mr. Cullen's hair stood on end, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

The gloved hand then released Mr. Karen's mouth.

"Mr. Karen," an old but elegant voice sounded slowly, "it seems that you have not learned the word well-behaved."

Mr. Cullen took a deep breath and forced a smile on his face: "It's all a misunderstanding, respected Mr. Lawrence."

"Oh, yes?" Lawrence's old eyes revealed a shrewdness that did not belong to this age: "It would be nice if it was just a misunderstanding."

After that, Lawrence waved his hand, and the young man on the side took out a contract from the clip he was carrying: "If it's just a misunderstanding, then please sign this, right?" Mr

. Cullen forced back the trembling of his hand, took the contract, and after seeing what was written on it, he almost tore up the contract.

Contract for the voluntary transfer of shares.

"Mr. Lawrence... Isn't that going too far?" said Mr. Cullen, holding back his fear.

"Oh, don't worry, Mr. Cullen," Lawrence said slowly, "rest assured that we will compensate you for your shares at the market price." Mr

. Cullen almost scolded.

The market price compensates for the shares, and he takes up to a billion to his hands.

But this share in his own hands, at least can play the role of billions of yuan

! This is strong buying and strong selling!

But... Mr. Cullen looked stiffly at the crutch in Lawrence's hand in front of him, a few hours ago, it was this old man who looked trembling, just waved the crutch in front of his bodyguard, and his bodyguard fell down covered in blood, and before he could shout, the old man came to him and covered his mouth.


Mr. Cullen closed his eyes when he saw the red spots that appeared on his chest because he had been staring at Lawrence for a long time.

...... And snipers who don't know where.

He can now only obey and cannot resist.

If there is resistance... I'm afraid there is only one way to die.

“...... I sign. Mr. Cullen closed his eyes and said.

"You have to send the money to my private account in batches, don't go to the public account. "

This is the last benefit he can make for himself."

If you buy your own shares in the public account, the other party will pay a few percent of the tax.

Now it can be saved.

Lawrence smiled softly, took the signed contract, confirmed that it had legal effect, stayed for three hours, and left here.

Such an assignment contract can be notified by telephone to the relevant department of remorse and the contract number can be destroyed within three hours.

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