Mingmei contacted the person in power behind Huateng Company through Ma Zhiyue, obtained the WeChat signal of about 100 Dragon Kingdom people in Skelway through the means of internal guards, and pulled everyone into a group through background operations.

Ming Mei sent the meeting point out.

A helicopter gunship can seat four people, and a transport helicopter gunship can seat about ten people.

A couple of racks are enough.

It's just that the cost is a bit high.

Stepping on the land of the Dragon Kingdom again, Ming Mei sighed.

What an outrageous birthday.

After her birthday, Mingmei fell into the busyness of flying all over the world.

[Dingdong ~ Congratulations to the host for successfully developing a new map, and the host has received the following rewards——

] [Spring City covers an area of four acres of garden villa x1

] [Spring City xx Group 30% share contract

] [......]

After sorting it out, Bright flew to another place.

[Dingdong~ Congratulations to the host for successfully developing a new map, and the host received the following rewards——]


a few months, Mingmei traveled all over the Dragon Kingdom, even some places abroad, until the day of the Chinese New Year's Eve to collect all the forces of the Ming clan.

Mingmei only felt that these months were extremely tired.

Stepping into the gate of Hwaseong's famous residence, Wei Hang took the bag in Mingmei's hand, Mingmei sat on the sofa, and Zhao Chen and An Mingyu quickly sat next to Mingmei left and right.

Zhao Chen specially went to learn some techniques, and at this time he was giving Ming Mei a gentle massage.

Rosita and Chi Rui set up lunch, stretched out, and sat down at the table.

Wei Hang and the others sat next to Mingmei, waiting for Mingmei to open the meal.

Ming Mei glanced left and right at these people, and a smile appeared on her face.

"It's time for dinner. Happy New Year. "

Happy New Year!"

———————— END————————


Bright in the quest world and five men lived until they were a hundred years old.

She took the Ming Group to a new peak when she was 25 years old, and finally, bought a private island in a quiet and beautiful place and became the residence of Ming Mei and five men.

Mingmei took five people to play in the whole world, made many people, and experienced a lot of things.

Now Bright is already an old woman with a wrinkled face.

The first to die was Wei Hang, his health was not good, and when he found that his body was slowly deteriorating, even if Mingmei found the world's top medical team, he could not stop Wei Hang from death.

In fact, there is a longevity pill in the system, but when asked if Wei Hang would continue to accompany her, Wei Hang refused.

"Bright..." He was old, ugly, and his teeth were missing, but his eyes were still as warm as they were back then.

"We'll meet in the afterlife.

He said the words slowly.

Mingmei lowered her hand that was ready to exchange for the Longevity Pill.

The second is Chi Rui.

Chi Rui injured the root by fighting black boxing a few years earlier, and Mingmei only kept him until he was in his seventies.

The third is Rosita, who played a trick before dying that Lady Li, the emperor of Hanwu, used cloth to wear a decay and loved to be late, and she was unwilling to look at his old face brightly.

Ming Mei pulled the cloth off his face, and her wrinkled lips kissed his equally wrinkled forehead.

"Fool, I've seen your old face for decades, and I want to dislike it long ago. The

fourth is An Mingyu, crying and holding Mingmei's hand when he left, a handful of snot and tears on his wrinkled face, and Mingmei helplessly wiped away his tears with his own hands.

Accompanying the bright old age turned out to be Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen has been silently in love with Mingmei all his life, and he is always old.

"I'm dying too. The old man lay on the hospital bed and said slowly.

Ming Mei looked at him silently.

"If there is an afterlife," he said, "can I get your only promise?"

Zhao Chen didn't care either, he just wanted to say it.

After sending off five men, Mingmei handed over the family business to the android who was exchanged from the system, and took one last look at the world.

"System, mission accomplished, out of the world. "

[Okay, host. As

soon as the system's words fell, the trembling old woman's back straightened a lot, she threw away her crutches, and the wrinkles on her face suddenly became flattened - it was a face that belonged to a bright previous life, a capable woman with long hair and slightly curly hair and a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes.

The woman's body is slender, and the beautiful vest line and muscle lines under the chiffon shirt loom, like a beautiful snow leopard, full of explosiveness and power.

Ming Mei felt this body.

A selection box pops up.

[Hello dear host. You have completed the Current World Mission. Make a choice about your future. 【

A. Return to the system space to contract other systems to complete tasks in other worlds. [

B. Bring the system to life in the original world. Bright

raised her hand and chose B.

On a white hospital bed in the bright original world

, a pale woman was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, and there were drips on the back of her hands.

On the side, the woman's friends and teammates nervously surrounded the doctor.


doctor pushed his glasses and said, "Please rest assured, that thing is just some irritating bacteria on the teeth, Ms. Mingmei's body is not resistant, she fainted, and she will wake up in a few hours."

A member of the bright team patted his chest: "This is good, this is good, it is good to wake up."

As she spoke, the pale woman on the bed slowly opened her eyes.

[Dingdong ~ Congratulations to the host for returning to the original world Oh, I am a loser system, dedicated to serving you~]

Ming Mei opened her eyes and looked at the faces she had not seen for a long time surrounding her, slowly revealing a smile.

Wait, world.

I will be a great adventurer.

————————— the end of the full article————————

here are the author's fragmentary thoughtsDecember

9, 2022 to April 16, 2023, my first novel ended.

A total of more than 500,000 words.

Here, I really thank you all for being with me for so long.

I am a college student, not long after I got employed, I had a minor surgery and had to squat at home.

Because I read a Qingzhi novel, I opened a copy myself, which is the one next door to the pregnant imperial concubine (also Kangxi's sharp heart).

And because I read a particularly degrading Shenhaowen, I opened this one again in a fit of anger.

It was written that he actually signed a contract, and it was written that he actually made a little money, and then he persevered.

The first book day is even more finished.

At the beginning of writing this book without an outline anything, I began to make money around January to seriously list an outline, from the beginning to the end, if you can really write about 800,000 words, you should find a lot of foreshadowing did not fill in, because the previous two (one) meeting, some of the later foreign plots were directly harmonized by the editor, so overnight changed the outline, harmoniously dropped a lot of plots, here is the end.

I know that my writing is not good, the plot is getting more and more rubbish, and many friends complain that I generally recognize me later, but thank you for being able to accompany me to the end of this book.

Someone complained that I had a bad feeling or something... I don't know how I can explain it, but I can't write enough well, I did finish my outline....

Alas, knowledge is less when it is used, and you should have read more back then.

I will open my third book on May 1st, and if nothing else, the name will be "Opening Vest System, I Lead Reiki Revival".

The heroine is a big guy, the heroine is the strongest, strongest and strongest, and no one is stronger than the heroine.

In addition, the book is not surprisingly CP-free, and the vests are mostly female (there must be male vests, but there will be fewer of them).

(Writing no CP is to think that this kind of plot writing male protagonist will be downgraded, and this book friends should also see that I really don't write emotional lines very well, so I want to go to Green River first to open a romance practice writing and then say, not surprisingly, the imperial concubine next door will open the book that will go through the various worlds to pretend to be ghosts, that would be a female harem GB text)

The following plot:

Female competition

to kill women to release men or kill men and release women


heroine is cold-hearted and cold-hearted, dedicated to completing the task.

Probably typed the outline, if there is no accident within 800,000 words to finish, interested May 1st can come to see.

Or daily more.

(Finally, this is the last chapter of the book, can I quietly ask for some free little gifts?

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