Mingmei turned on the face value detector and studied it and found that she could detect her own appearance.

That's interesting.

Bright chose to probe herself.

[Detection object

: Bright face value score: 70 points (60 points average)]

Bright Mei looked at the rating, and stood in front of the mirror again, carefully looking at her face.

The face that Ming Mei is using now is six or seven points similar to the original face, but the appearance is higher than the original.

The skin looks fair, but if you look closely, you will see small acne, and there are blackheads on the nose wings.

The figure looks quite good, but in fact, there is a little fat on the waist and thighs, which can be seen by wearing slim clothes.

But the collagen on the face masks these.

Wait, if your current face can only be rated 70 points, that is to say, your original face may not even pass?

Really, more than 30 years long, white grows.

So many skincare products are used in vain.

Bright opened the newbie gift bag, and a burst of golden light flashed in front of her eyes.

...... What a rotten special effect of low-level online game explosive equipment!

A line of words appears on the system panel.

[Congratulations to the host for getting the newbie package.]

The host master gets the following items:

Good Luck Candy x3

Detox Beauty Pill

x1 Perfect Body Shaping Dan x1

Language Mastery x5]

Bright rolled her eyes.

Good fellow, what a good thing the golden light just now made me think.

Detox Beauty Pill and Perfect Body Shaping Pill are both 500 points a piece, good luck candy 100 points a piece, only language proficiency is a little eye-catching, a 5000 points.

Take a closer look, the Detox Beauty Pill and Perfect Body Shaping Pill in the mall can only be used in person, and can only be purchased once.

It also prompts the host to use it before going to bed.

Good luck candy can make the person who eats the candy get good luck in the next half hour, of course, just general good luck, maybe two dollars to buy a lottery ticket can win a few hundred dollars, it is still impossible to win hundreds of millions of jackpots.

This is okay too.

Language proficiency is a skill book, just click to allow the host to obtain a language mastery, the proficiency level is probably the same as foreigners in the same way as in their native language.

And you can choose your own country.

Ming Mei remembered her identity background, she lived in Paris as a child, and proficiency in F Chinese words is a must.

English is already known, and also speaks very well, this does not need to be wasted, these two days to review and review!

There are four language proficiency skills books left, which is beautiful.

After getting all this, Mingmei put her eyes back on the live broadcast.

Scratched again, this time period is almost all some singing and dancing, playing games and the whole life has not yet come up.

Turn on the face detector and swipe the screen up and down.

This looks very good, in fact, the face has been knifed, and the appearance value is only 65 points.

60 points is the level of a normal person, and 65 points is average.

This one looks quite handsome, but the nose should have moved, and the appearance is only 63 points.

This rating is 70, but the voice is average, and he deliberately squeezes his eyebrows towards the screen, which is oilier than a high-quality human man.

Brush the past, brush the past.

After brushing a few more, Bright stopped.

This time the interface is a young man in a wetsuit.

is a dolphin trainer for an aquarium.

The screen name is "Dolphin Trainer Mumu".

The face value detector displays

: [Detection object: Xu Mu

] [Face value score: 87 points (60 points average)]

Bright eyes bright.

This Xu Mu is not the kind of cream boy that is popular nowadays, but has a sunny and vigorous handsomeness, there are no muscles on the body, but it is also very material, the muscles of the eight-pack abs and biceps are obvious, and the height is at least one meter eight or more.

Xu Mu had a smile on his face, his feet were soaked in the pool, and a silver-white dolphin swam at his feet.

Xu Mu has about 780,000 fans, and now there are hundreds of people watching in the live broadcast room, and Xu Mu is telling everyone about dolphin knowledge.

"Dolphin is a collective name for a class of aquatic mammals in the dolphin family..." Xu

Mu's voice is very good, clear and refreshing, and there is no smoke voice bubble sound that those warm Internet celebrities deliberately make on the Internet now, which makes Mingmei's eyes bright.

Kuaiyin's live broadcast is very interesting, only users stay in the interface for more than ten seconds to remind the anchor that a new person is coming.

Bright stayed for more than ten seconds, and the live broadcast room displayed [user "sunny" entered the live broadcast room].

Because there are no titles yet, there are no special effects.

But this was already a surprise for Xu Mu.

Finally a new person has arrived.

Xu Mu came to work in this aquarium after graduating from graduate school, and during this time, due to the rise of online live broadcasting, the leaders of the aquarium slapped the table and asked them to also do live broadcasting.

So Xu Mu, who had the highest appearance, was entrusted with a heavy task.

However, most netizens are only interested in Xu Mu's tens of seconds of explanation video or dolphin selling cute video, which has accumulated some fans for him, but few are willing to watch his live broadcast.

Even if there are one or two occasionally, they are only left for his appearance, and they always send some strange barrage.

At the beginning, a live broadcast team took a fancy to his appearance and wanted to sign him, but Xu Mu was only interested in dolphins, and the conditions at home were good, there was no trouble of buying a house and a car, and the monthly salary was enough, so he did not change careers to become an Internet celebrity, but seriously broadcast dolphins.

Most of the hundreds of people watching now are aquarium staff and their families, as well as Xu Mu's graduate supervisor to mobilize the student force, only a few really like dolphins and want to understand them, so they watch his live broadcast.

This made Xu Mu very frustrated for a while.

Now, there is a new person!

Xu Mu said happily: "Welcome to my live broadcast room!" Anchor Mumu takes you to learn about dolphins!

Ming Mei sent a barrage: "You speak, I listen."

Xu Mu was inspired and explained the various dolphins more carefully.

The barrage was also a little lively:

"Senior is not fair! Why didn't you speak so seriously when we looked at it?

"Senior is not fair! Why didn't you say welcome when I came in? "

Senior is not fair!"

"Senior is not fair!"

"Senior is not fair!"

The seniors who brushed the barrage were unfair.

Xu Mu smiled embarrassedly when he saw these barrages, and looked a little shy: "What, you are all so familiar with me from a school, it's not easy to get a new person." The

comment section laughed kindly.

Xu Mu coughed twice and continued.

Mingmei listened, Xu Mu explained very professionally, but one point, that is, the lecture was too professional, making many people feel like a class, so they were not interested in listening to it.

Bright click on the recharge page and recharge 1 million into it.

I complained in my heart about how I could only charge 1 million at a time, and then clicked back to Xu Mu's live broadcast room.

Xu Mu's voice is still good.

Bright admired it for a while, clicked on the gift page, and chose the spaceship X10.

Brush brush brush!

The barrage on the screen was empty, and then the sound effect of the spaceship sounded, and the special effects of a Q version spaceship appeared on the page, sliding from the far left to the far right, leaving a night starry sky.

The special effects are good! Bright thought to herself.

Then, a line of words appeared on the screen [User "Sunshine" for the main broadcaster on the spaceship x10! ] Bright

appreciated enough of the special effects, and continued to send gifts.

As a result, the entire screen did not have any barrage for several minutes, only countless spaceships streaked past, and the night starry sky covered most of Xu Mu's face.

Xu Mu listened to the sound effect of gift-giving, and the whole person froze, as if he didn't react.

Xu Mu reacted after a while, and quickly said: "Thank you for the tip of this netizen named Sunny Bright!" Thank you netizens for your tips! This friend, you don't need to tip, I'm just introducing dolphins, no need to tip!

Ming Mei looked at the more than 50 spaceships he sent out, and took the time to send a barrage: "You speak very well, so I will give a reward." Xu

Mu saw this barrage and quickly said thank you, and before he could say more, Mingmei began to give gifts again.

[User "Sunshine" for the main broadcast on the spaceship x90] [User "Sunshine" as the main broadcaster on the spaceship x100] [User "Sunshine" as the main broadcaster on the spaceship x110] [User "Sunshine" as the main broadcaster on the spaceship x120] [User "Sunshine" as the main broadcaster on the spaceship x120



Modu University, Department of Biology Dormitory Building

"Yuanyuan, look at it!" Wang Yaru called her best friend next door, "Senior Xu Cheng is coming to the rich woman in the live broadcast room!" "

What?" When Ma Yuanyuan heard this, she immediately got up and flipped onto Wang Yaru's bed and said, "What rich woman, where is the rich woman?"

Wang Yaru handed the phone over and said, "Look at you!" This one called Sunny has already brushed more than 300 spaceships for Senior Xu Mu! "

Spaceship?" Ma Yuanyuan quickly touched out her mobile phone, "Is it a fast sound platform?"

Wang Yaru nodded repeatedly.

At this time, Mingmei had already brushed more than 350 spaceships for Xu Mu.

Ma Yuanyuan clicked on the live broadcast room of senior Xu Mu, and at this time, there were nearly 10,000 people watching in the live broadcast room.

Send more than 50 spaceships on the homepage, and these are pushed in.

As soon as Ma Yuanyuan came in, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 10,000, and a wave of traffic immediately came, and the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 15,000.

[User "Sunshine" as the main broadcaster on the spaceship x400]


two girls exclaimed in unison.

Wang Yaru clicked on the gift page and confirmed that a spacecraft costs 5,000 yuan instead of five yuan or 50 yuan, and moved his mathematical brain that he has not moved much except for the high math class to calculate, 400 spacecraft, this is 2 million!

In just a short period of time, this sunny gift gave 2 million!

"Sleep-groove, what a rich man!" Ma Yuanyuan also calculated and said.

"Eh, Yaru, how do you know that it must be a rich woman?"

Wang Yaru rolled her eyes: "What you said is not nonsense, the boss has brushed gifts for those female anchors, who has nothing to do to find male anchors?" And you look at this name, it is also called sunny, and the picture is a sun, which is why a woman of my mother's age uses this kind of picture with this name!

After speaking, he clicked on the bright homepage: "And the gender indicated on the homepage is female!"

Ma Yuanyuan said the same, turned her head to look at the screen, and there was another lying groove.

500 spaceships have already been sent!!

"Rich woman, eat, hungry!"

Someone sent such a barrage, Ma Yuanyuan looked at the screen name, it was her own secret.

So Ma Yuanyuan also followed closely with a sentence: "Rich woman, food, hungry!"

As a result, more people sent out "Rich woman, food, hunger!" For

a while, the barrage was overwhelmed by these six words.

After sending out 600 spaceships, he finally stopped.

Xu Mu swallowed his saliva and said carefully: "Sunny netizens? Are you still there? Don't wait for you to add me to WeChat, I'll return it to you.

Mingmei thought that this person was interesting, so she sent a barrage: "No need, it's for you." You have a good voice, go on. When

these words came out, the barrage boiled again.

"Is the world of the rich so unpretentious? If you think it sounds good, spend millions to keep listening! "

Rich woman, rich woman, are you still missing leg pendants?"

"Same question, is Sister Sunshine still missing leg pendants? In 98, he can cook with a delicate waist and a soft waist!

"Is Sister Sunshine still missing a leg pendant?" 00 years, will society shake, you let me go east I don't go west, you let me cook vegetables I don't kill chickens! "

Is Sister Sunshine still missing a waist pendant?" In 01, I will use my smartphone, and I know how to run home when it rains!

"You guys are enough, aren't you rich?" Is it worth it for you to be so low? You all get out of the way, it's enough for me to lower three or four alone!

"Good fellow, upstairs wants to monopolize Sunshine sister! Brothers, rushed him for me! "


There are also a few untimely barrages.

"Hehe, brush millions for an anchor, and I don't know if it's so good to your biological parents?"

“?? Upstairs suggests that you check your brain, can parents who can take out millions of tips have a bad life? Maybe the cockroaches in people's homes eat better than you!

"I used to think that some people would think of their parents when they saw cats and dogs, but I didn't expect that now some people can also think of their parents when they see someone tipping the anchor, which is really powerful!"


Another scolding battle.

Ming Mei glanced helplessly at the barrage and recharged some money into the account.

Keep giving gifts.

[User "Sunshine" for the main broadcast on the spaceship x700] [User "Sunshine" for the main broadcast on the spaceship x710] [User "Sunshine" for the main broadcast on the spaceship



Xu Mu was so excited that he couldn't speak!

How much does that cost?

He didn't think about making money through live broadcasts at all, and usually a live broadcast made up to a dozen dollars, most of them were some free gifts from juniors and sisters in the same school or usually watched the live broadcast lottery win, so he brushed it for him.

The most time, that is, the tutor swiped him a gift of 50 yuan, and his income exceeded 100 on the day.

He thought it was his peak.

Who knew that someone would give him so many tips this time?

Xu Mu was happy and disappointed, happy that there was a reward, and what was disappointed was that this reward was not for his explanation, but for his appearance and voice.

"You go on, I'll listen."

Bright sent out a barrage.

Because Mingmei has given more than 1 million tips to this live broadcast room, he is currently the person who has given the most tips in the live broadcast room, so Mingmei's ID is very obvious, and every speech has its own special effects.

Xu Mu was encouraged to continue speaking, and also directed the dolphin to make a few movements.

[User "Sunshine" for the main broadcast on the spaceship x970] [User "Sunshine" as the main broadcast on the spaceship x980] [User "Sunshine" as the main broadcast on the spaceship x990] [User "Sunshine" as the main broadcast

on the spaceship x1000

! After

sending enough 1,000 spaceships, Ming Mei stopped.

Had to stop because the phone was getting hot.

"Thank you Sister Sunshine!" After Xu Mu finished speaking, he said carefully: "I call you Sister Sunshine, is it okay?" "

Bright barrage sent a hmm.

Xu Mu immediately laughed: "Sister Sunshine, thank you for the reward, do you like dolphins?" I work at Seoul Aquarium, so if you come to Seoul, you can find me to see dolphins!

Mingmei thought about it, maybe you can go to Seoul to play during the summer and winter vacation, so she sent another um, touched the hot mobile phone, felt that it was time for her to end, and sent another barrage: "When will you broadcast live next time?"

Xu Mu said: "Sister Sunshine, I live broadcast from 10 to 12 o'clock in the morning every Friday, usually live broadcast from 3 to 6 o'clock every afternoon, not live broadcast on Saturday and Sunday, usually if not live broadcast, I will explain it on Weibo in advance!"

Ming Mei sent a barrage: "Okay, I'll come when I have time in the future." "

Then I quit the live broadcast.

After returning the live broadcast, I found that the private message was already 99+.

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