Ma Mingyue sorted it out.

"Wow! Chanel's earthy eyeshadow palette!

"And chocolate! Old girl, come down and share the gifts!

The sisters happily shared the gifts, and after that, Xu Xiaoning climbed into bed again, and Ma Mingyue shrunk his head and walked next to Mingmei and said, "Mingmei, someone is inquiring about you."

Mingmei raised her eyebrows: "Oh?

Ma Mingyue said: "Someone is inquiring about the freshman named Mingmei in the finance department, isn't it you when I look for it?" There is no second bright among the freshmen in the finance department. It seems to be a senior in our department, what is Li Fangming's name? Do you know?

Brightly, he said, "I see." I'll handle this myself, you don't have to care. "

Li Fangming?


A few days later, it was Friday again.

Mingmei is struggling at this time.

She looked at a car that was on the shelves of the mall for a limited time.

Koenigsegg CCR.

Koenigsegg CCR is a supercar from Sweden, the aristocracy of cars, with an annual production of 30 units, is currently the top model of Koenigsegg, with a top speed of 395 km / h, which is great in all aspects.

Especially this silver-gray one.

The appearance is super high, just looking at it is comfortable.

Looking at the selling price, it takes thousands of points after the discount.

Don't think about it now.

Bright sighed.

Suddenly refreshed again.

Isn't consumption enough?

A few hundred million!

What to buy? Mingmei sat cross-legged for a long time, and finally snapped her fingers.

Buy a building!

Buy a property and start a company.

Where to buy it?

Ming Mei thought about it, and suddenly thought of the rich second-generation group that Wang Zicong pulled her in before.

Before the group talked every day until three o'clock in the middle of the night, she blocked the group, and there was no one to love her, so she forgot about it.

Open the group chat, bright direct @ everyone.

[Bright: @所有人 Who has an office building in the city center? A slightly more off-the-beaten-track place is also OK, I want to buy it, and I saw the full amount directly on the spot. The

group was silent for a few seconds, and Huang Xue replied to her: "What are you doing in the office building?"

Bright replied: "Get a small company." Huang

Xue snorted and stopped talking.

Suddenly, a person picked up on her: "I have it in my hand, next to the Normal University, close to the three districts, there is a subway station." Sixty-six floors. I can show you around if it's convenient. Bright

eyes lit up, and sent an OK private chat.

After a while, the man came up.

[Zhao Chen: Hello beauty, {picture}{picture}{link} you take a look, are you interested? If you are interested, I will take you to see it in the past two days, and only accept the full amount. ]

Ming Mei clicked on the photo and looked, the appearance of the office building is quite high, I don't know how to do it inside, the link is open, this office building was developed by the Zhao Group that year, after the development was completed, the administrative planning went wrong, and some areas that were originally planned near the office building were planned to other places, and the office building has been empty.

Zhao Group? Zhao Chen?


[Bright: Hello, I have time tomorrow, please take me to see. ] If you are interested, I will pay the whole amount. The

opposite side sent an OK.

After eight o'clock the next day, Ming Mei got up on time.

"What are you going to do?" Xu Xiaoning was woken up and muttered.

Mingmei stopped moving and asked a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" Xu

Xiaoning played a game all night yesterday, and he was sleepy at this time, but he couldn't sleep when he was woken up for a while, and waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay!" So what are you going to do early in the morning? Ming

Mei smiled and said to buy a building.

Xu Xiaoning and Ma Mingyue, who had just woken up, snorted at the same time.

Ming Mei drove Kniig all the way to the café that Zhao Chen had made an appointment.

After parking the car, he walked into the café, Mingmei called Zhao Chen, and saw a young man leaning against the window pick up the phone, so he walked over.

As soon as Zhao Chen picked up the phone, he saw the phone hang up, and a voice came from next to him: "Hello, Zhao Chen."

Zhao Chen looked up and saw that it was a young and beautiful woman.

"Hello!" Zhao Chen stood up and stretched out his hand and shook hands with Mingmei.

Mingmei sat opposite Zhao Chen and walked directly into the subject: "Do we go directly to see the office building, or?"

He said while looking at the man in front of him.

Zhao Chen is about 20 years old and has a very high appearance.


He is the most beautiful man he has seen so far.

The temperament is gentle and elegant, fresh and handsome, and the appearance is extraordinary, especially a pair of affectionate peach blossom eyes, and it is a little hooky when tasted carefully.

Mingmei only felt that some of her interests had been picked out for a long time.

Check with the face value detector, Zhao Chen's appearance can also score 90 points.

That's nice! Bright thought to herself.

Zhao Chen smiled and said, "If Miss Ming doesn't mind, I'll take you to see it now."

Zhao Chen also secretly looked at the woman in front of him.

When this woman named Mingmei first joined the group, many people were secretly inquiring about who it was.

It's just that this woman is friendly with the rich second generation of Wang Zicong's level, so the group does not dare to say anything.

Later, the woman did not speak, and the curiosity about her in the group faded.

Mingmei nodded, and the two left.

The two drove around the office building a few times, and then went in to take a look, and Mingmei clapped as soon as she entered the elevator: "That's it." How much is it down?

Zhao Chen was stunned for a moment: "Don't you continue to take a look?"

Mingmei shook her head: "No need. Swipe your card! Zhao

Chen swiped the card with Mingmei and changed the holder, with some disbelief on his face.

The office spent a full 700 million and 7,000 points to enter the account.

Ming Mei looked at her loser point balance, how to see how comfortable.

Zhao Chen watched the arrival of 700 million funds, and quietly swallowed his saliva, a little unbelievable.

How long has it been? Haven't had two hours? Just sold?

Zhao Chen freed up a day for this matter, and it was solved in less than two hours.

Balls...... Unreal.

Seeing the funds arrive, Zhao Chen was grateful and bright in his heart.

Zhao Chen is the eldest son of the chairman of the Zhao Group and the future successor.

Six months ago, the chairman of Zhao's Group invested the group's working capital in a real estate development activity because he trusted others, and as a result, the working capital was trapped, and the front-end capital chain of the company's other industries was broken.

The chairman of the Zhao Group suddenly fell ill in the office, and Zhao Chen, as the eldest son, had to go up just after graduating from college.

Now, the Zhao Group urgently needs an activity fund, so it wants to sell the things that have not been developed before and have not been put into production, but unfortunately a pot of water cannot extinguish the wildfire, Zhao Chen is desperate, remembering the office building that was previously shelved due to travel planning problems.

Before Zhao Chen could operate, someone in the group proposed to buy an office building in full.

So here we are today.

The arrival of the funds means that the company has been saved, and the efforts of their Zhao family for generations have been saved.

Zhao Chen was very grateful for a while.

"Miss Ming, if I can, I would like to treat you to a meal," Zhao Chen said, "You did me a big favor."

"Yes?" Mingmei smiled and said, "If you really want to thank me..." Mingmei

stretched out her hand, touched her palm on Zhao Chen's shoulder, and slid all the way from the shoulder to the chest, Zhao Chen even sensitively felt the woman's hand gently poke her chest muscles.

The palm slipped all the way to Zhao Chen's abs and stayed.

Looking at Zhao Chen's gradually widening peach blossom eyes, Mingmei smiled and leaned forward.

"How about thanking yourself?"

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