As soon as Mingmei's words fell, he saw that this Liu Ge's face suddenly pulled down.

"Little girl, you have to grow your brain before you speak," Brother Liu said darkly, "You said that Raphael is Raphael?" Is this car yours?

Ming Mei sneered: "Then this car is yours?" Brother

Liu raised his head: "This is my friend's car, I met it by chance today, just introduce it to my baby." Saying

that, the beautiful woman on the side rubbed her body at Brother Liu, looking coquettish.

Ming Mei tilted her head and smiled: "Is it? While pressing the key to the door, Ferrari Rafael's door unfolded like wings, and the car dripped twice.

Mingmei walked to her car and said, "Why don't I remember that I have a friend like you?" After

that, the person had already arrived in the car and closed the door.

The car clicked twice more and left the garage.

Only the embarrassed beauty and Brother Liu with a blue and white face were left.

The office building found professional decoration personnel to decorate, and the rest was left to the gold manager.

A few days later, Mingmei suddenly received a message from Wang Zicong.

[Wang Zicong: Bright, are you interested in coming to the underground casino tomorrow?

Ming Mei saw this message and replied with a question mark.

[Wang Zicong: The underground casino here in the magic capital is very exciting! ] Dog fights, auctions, underground racing, black boxing, you name it! Ming

Mei thought about it, it was indeed very interesting.

[Bright: Yes and yes, I'm going to play, do I have to prepare anything?] [

Wang Zicong: You can just come here. I'll arrange the rest for you. 【

Bright: OK!

The next day, Mingmei took a leave, called the 4S store, asked people to send a scooter of four or five hundred thousand, and drove to the place Wang Zicong said.

This is the outskirts of the magic capital, which looks like an abandoned warehouse, go to a warehouse, click on the link sent by Wang Zicong, and hand the mobile phone to the middle-aged man who inspected in front of the warehouse.

The middle-aged man squinted, scanned the QR code that popped up in Mingmei's mobile phone with his mobile phone, and bowed to Mingmei with a smile: "Miss Ming, Wang Shao and Miss Huang are waiting for you in the underground private room No. 3, your car is parked here, you enter from the entrance on the left and go to the end, and tell the receptionist to go to the No. 3 private room."

Mingmei smiled and nodded: "Okay, trouble." Finally

got out of the car, handed the key to the middle-aged man, and Mingmei entered the entrance on the left wearing the casual clothes specially explained by Wang Zicong and stepping on flat shoes.

After entering, it was a bright but exceptionally quiet passage, the walls of the passage were silver-white, it looked very bright, and all the way with the passage, about three or four minutes to the end.

When she arrived at a door, Mingmei pointed the QR code of her mobile phone at the code scanner next to her, and with a creak, the lock of the door opened.

Ming Mei pushed open the door and walked in, and the loud music hit instantly.

Ming Mei subconsciously looked back at the thin door, such a small door actually blocked such a loud music, this small door material is not simple!

At this moment, a young woman who looked like a welcome came forward: "Hello this young lady, do you have a private reservation?" Ming

Mei nodded: "Private room No. 3, thank you."

The woman bent down and raised her hand to Mingmei: "Okay, distinguished guest in private room three, please follow me."

Mingmei followed the woman around the underground place left and right, passing a few people playing billiards, as well as drinking and singing, and finally arrived at the door of the third private room.

The woman pushed open the No. 3 private room and bowed to Mingmei: "This young lady, this is the No. 3 private room, I wish you a happy time." The

people in the box looked over.

It was Wang Zicong and a strange red-faced woman, as well as Huang Xue and a handsome young man who was vaguely familiar.

Huang Xue also wore casual clothes and flat shoes.

Seeing that Mingmei came alone, Huang Xue and Wang Zicong were stunned, and then turned their heads to each other at the same time and said the same sentence: "Did you not give her to her?"

The two were stunned for a moment, and said at the same time: "I thought you would say it!" Ming

Mei tilted her head: "Say what?"

Wang Zicong rubbed his face awkwardly: "What, you usually bring a companion when you come here, I think Lao Huang and you are the same gender, it is convenient to tell you this, I thought she said, it's really embarrassing!"

Huang Xue was also a little embarrassed: "What, Lao Wang called you here, I thought he would explain it to you clearly."

Mingmei understood, glanced at the Internet celebrity woman and some familiar men, and smiled indifferently: "These don't matter, and I'm just 18 years old, how can I have so many bed partners like you!" Even if you want to bring it!

Huang Xue waved her hand and beckoned Mingmei to sit down: "What is this, what kind of do you like to tell my sister, my sister will arrange it for you." There are several entertainment companies under my sister, do you know the "meteor" group that has been quite popular recently? It was all held by my sister in one hand. Fancy which one to tell my sister, and my sister let them serve you.

Wang Zicong also took a lollipop and nodded: "Not only Lao Huang, a few of us have more or less shares in entertainment companies under us, if you fancy it, you can tell the brothers, it is the brothers in the brothers in the company to arrange for you, not the brothers in the brothers can also coordinate."

Ming Mei smiled and nodded: "Then I can remember!" If you like it, you will really talk to you. With

a look from Huang Xue, the handsome young man got up from Huang Xue's side, walked around the sofa from behind to Mingmei, and squatted down to Mingmei: "Miss Ming, do you want tea or coffee?"

Ming Mei probably glanced at the table and said, "Iced green tea is good, no sugar." The

young man lowered his head slightly: "Okay, Miss Ming." After

getting up, he picked up the disposable teacup that was not opened on the table, opened the seal, opened a can of Xinyang Maojian on the table, first brewed it with water, and then poured the tea of Xinyang Maojian into the ice tray and put it into the ice machine, about two minutes, and the cold green tea ice cubes were ready.

After that, he poured the ice cubes into the teacup, and poured the green tea that had been brewed and cooled before, and then got up and squatted in front of Mingmei: "Miss Ming, the iced green tea is ready, please use it slowly." "

When squatting down, the clothes worn by the handsome young man will clearly outline his chest muscles and abs, the clothes are very scheming, faintly transparent, when squatting down, you can just see a thin slit in the middle of the slightly bulging pectoral muscles, the man is not the type of muscle, the slender body is attached to a thin layer of muscles, there is a Korean American look.

Short chestnut hair and shoulders, slightly curly shape, with that handsome face, he is also a good little handsome guy.

Ming Mei secretly detected it with the face value detection system, and it also had 78 points.

The name is "Lu Qiao", a very common name, but the face always feels that he has seen it somewhere.

Ask if you can't think of it.

Mingmei turned her head to look at Huang Xue: "Old Huang, why do I think the one you brought today is a little familiar?"

Huang Xue raised her eyebrows proudly: "Of course!" What I brought is Lu Yuming, one of the four small fresh meats that are popular in the entertainment industry! Ming

Mei blinked and didn't say much.

The name is still unfamiliar, but it is vaguely familiar, I should have seen it on TV!

Seeing that Mingmei fell her gaze on the Internet celebrity woman, the Internet celebrity woman smiled lightly and bowed her head slightly to Mingmei: "Hello Miss Ming, my online name is Luo Weiwei, and I am Wang Shao's girlfriend now." "

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