"Wang Shao has practiced quite effectively during this time!"

Bai Shao said with a smile.

"Ok, okay." Wang Zicong chewed on the stick of the lollipop and said vaguely.

He knew he should let go, and winning again would not look good on either side.

Wang Zicong put the cards on the table, and was about to say something and leave, but looked at Bai Shao on the other side and smiled: "Wang Shao, Lao Wang, how about playing the last hand?"

Wang Zicong smiled helplessly: "Isn't this right?" "

Wang Zicong is not the type who will actively admit defeat, but it seems that Bai Shao plays 24 points is really not good.

In Mingmei's eyes, this Bai Shaoxue's card counting method is more suitable for playing games such as fried golden flowers, rather than games where luck accounts for a large part of 24 points.

"Oh, Wang Shao, what's wrong with this. Let's get the last six times, how?

Wang Zicong simply calculated and said, "A handful of sixty-three million, are you sure?" "

In terms of family background alone, the surname Bai is one line worse than him.

I can barely take it out myself, what about the other party?

Bai Shao didn't care and said: "Wang Shao, it's just the last handful, I dare to play, don't you dare?" Wang

Zicong thought about it, anyway, the other party said that he wanted to play, and if he lost, he would be considered bad luck, and if he won, he would be treated as an extra income.

So he nodded.

The corners of Bai Shao's mouth hooked a smile and began to shuffle the cards.

Ming Mei sat on the arm of Wang Zicong's sofa at this time, and said to Wang Zicong, who looked over: "Brother Wang, I watch it lively, don't you mind?" Wang

Zicong remembered that Ming Mei had said that he had learned something, so he waved his hand without minding.

Ming Mei stared at Bai Shao's hand.

Play 24 points, just play it, rely on luck, rely on luck, if you cheat out of a thousand it is not interesting.

Wang Zicong knows how much she will not do such a tasteless thing, but the other side may not be.

Start the first round of cards.

After shuffling the cards, Wang Zicong took the lead and drew a red eight.

After that, Bai Shao drew a square seven.

After that, Wang Zicong drew a piece of spades ten.

That's 18 o'clock.

Wang Zicong squeezed the card and waited for the other party to draw.

Bai Shao did not choose to show the card, but waited for Wang Zicong to draw the third card with an intriguing expression.

As long as Wang Zicong draws the number within three or six in the third hand, it is basically stable.

When the card is in hand, it happens to be Zhang Four.

Ming Mei could see that Wang Zicong seemed to be relieved and planned to release the cards.

Ming Mei calculated the cards, this three to hand, Wang Zicong almost won steadily.

The other party drew another card, but there was still no card, signaling Wang Zicong to prepare.

Wang Zicong counted the cards in his hand, twenty-two points, how to calculate is enough.

Just as he was about to release the cards, he was held down by Mingmei.

Wang Zicong and Huang Xue were both stunned for a moment and looked at Mingmei.

Mingmei smiled lightly, took Wang Zicong's hand, and said, "Brother Wang, draw another one!"

Wang Zicong frowned.

This means that he can only win one or two to guarantee a solid win.

But will his luck be that good?

Bright but gave Wang Zicong a look.

She had just seen it.

The surnamed Bai on the opposite side cheats.

The first hand surnamed Bai drew a number seven, the second drew the number nine, and the third should have been the number five, if Wang Zicong played the card, the surname Bai would definitely lose.

But the surname Bai didn't know what to do, the number five when he started, and the number seven when he raised his hand.

Now the surnamed Bai has a total of three cards in his hand, twenty-three points.

The next two cards, one number two and one number three.

Mingmei carefully recalled the order of the shuffle just now, Wang Zicong is twenty-two points, if the number two is drawn, it is a steady win, if the number three is drawn, it is twenty-five points.

It means losing.

But there is another point, the surname Bai now has twenty-three points in his hand, Wang Zicong draws a card, he must also draw a card, Wang Zicong draws two points, needless to say, Wang Zicong wins, Wang Zicong draws three points, not to mention that Wang Zicong is twenty-five points, and the surname Bai who will definitely draw two points is also twenty-five points.

The two were considered to be tied.

Therefore, if Wang Zicong releases cards at this time, he will definitely lose.

Looking at Mingmei's expression, with some trust in Mingmei, he was originally accustomed to playing cards in the third hand, and he took one more hand and a fourth hand this time.

The face of the surnamed Bai on the other side changed immediately.

He looked at Mingmei, and the look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Wang Zicong took the fourth hand, a number two.

Wang Zicong's face flashed with joy, and the worst of this was a draw.

Wang Zicong put the cards and signaled Bai Shao to also release the cards.

Bai Shao froze his face and put the cards after taking the last card.

Sure enough, twenty-five.

Several onlookers made noises.

63 million ah! In this way, it reached the hands of Wang Zicong.

Looking at Bai Shao's stiff face, one of her dog legs immediately slapped the table and pointed at Mingmei and said, "You woman just watched our Bai brother's card, right?" "

Originally, Wang Zicong was used to playing cards with three hands, if it weren't for this woman obstructing Wang Zicong to get another card, how could Wang Zicong win?

According to the algorithm of three-hand card playing, it should be that their white brother is a little more than Wang Zicong!

It should be that their white brother won these 63 million!

Huang Xue immediately pulled Mingmei behind her: "Bai Shao, what do you mean?" Can't afford to play? If you lose, say that our little girl looks at your cards? People didn't go to your side just now, they kept sitting next to me, and then they sat next to Lao Wang, why did they look at your cards?

The surname Bai's face sank: "Then how do you explain that she let Wang Shao take one more hand?" If she hadn't read the cards, how could she know that I was a little more than Wang Zicong?

Ming Mei rolled her eyes: "Please, this Young Master Bai, I didn't go to your side at all, okay?" Do you want us to look at the surveillance? Ming Mei smiled and pointed to the monitoring in the four corners, and said: "I asked before I came in, these monitoring are all good, and there is the ability of high-definition slowing down and amplification, let's see how Young Master Bai changed square five to plum blossom seven when you took the third card just now?" When

the bright words fell, several other people in the room looked at this young master Bai with unkind expressions.

In this room are the eldest young master, Young Master Bai's several doglegs are not ordinary punks, is the rich second generation with a poor family background, this so-called worse is also compared with Wang Zicong and others, these people have grown up since childhood, playing cards together is to have fun, at first they were angry because they felt that Ming Mei helped Wang Zicong to read cards, this is considered cheating, now look at Bai Shao like this, cheating is not at all the prince of the people, but Bai Shao himself!

Wang Zicong put his hands in each other, leaned his back on the back of the sofa, and just said lazily: "Since Bai Shao, you suspect that Mingmei will help me read the cards, then let's watch the monitoring~ With monitoring, you can't explain that Mei helps me, right?" Wang

Zicong was also quite angry.

Originally, when he won more and lost less at the beginning, Wang Zicong knew that he couldn't fight more today, and if he played more, he would become a bully in the eyes of some elders, plus Bai Shao, whether it was luck, the strength of playing cards, and family affairs, he was inferior to himself, and he won more, in the eyes of outsiders, he bullied him.

But the surname Bai was entangled, and he could only accompany him to fight.

As a result, now, he has started cheating out of thousands?

Wang Zicong's face sank.

Quietly looked at the girl beside him, and felt a little grateful.

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