Lin Feng was driving a car and wondered what to do to Wang Zicong after he had finished developing Goldfinger, but suddenly realized that his Goldfinger was too quiet today.

"System?" Lin Feng shouted and heard a very light sound of electricity.

"Suku... Lord..." Lin Feng only heard the system say something with a very light sound of electricity, and then all the sounds dissipated.

Lin Feng heard a snap in his mind.

After that, I couldn't hear anything again.

"System? Is the system you in? System? Lin Feng shouted hesitantly.

Nothing sounded in my head.

Lin Feng shifted his gaze to the ring he was wearing, and the originally golden ring became much grayer at this moment.

"System?" Lin Feng quickly parked on the side of the road, took off the ring, and bit his finger fiercely, dripping blood on the ring like when the contract was signed that day.

However, nothing happened.

"Ahhh-" Lin Feng shouted in a broken voice.

It's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone

Over here, Lin Feng was tearing his heart and lungs, and the three of them over there finished their meal and came to the racing track.

As soon as the bright three entered the arena, a waitress held a sign and stepped forward: "Three distinguished guests, welcome to the racing track, guests can scan the QR code to enter our racing link and vote for their favorite racing driver~"

The bright three scanned the code.

After Wang Zicong scanned the code, he explained to Mingmei: "To put it bluntly, it is to bet / Bo, bet on the car you see, and then collect money according to the ranking." If you win the bet, you will take the money, and if you lose the bet, you will lose money. Just play a hundred or twenty thousand at a time, or bet with those who really understand this.

Ming Mei nodded and clicked on the link.

Click on the event and the information of the five racers of this race is displayed.

Next to them is their winning percentage.

Ming Mei glanced around, and the racers in this race had a similar winning percentage.

Presumably, for the sake of highlights and benefits, it is impossible for the competition to put two people who are too different to play together.

The place where the bright three-person appointment is at the front of the stands and the best place.

After the three sat down, a middle-aged man with sunglasses sat next to Wang Zicong: "Wang Shao, I'm coming."

Wang Zicong nodded and introduced to the three: "This is one of the resident docents of the underground racing track, and he is also a knowledgeable person, I have been betting with him before, and I have earned a lot." The

middle-aged man heard that Wang Zicong did not introduce the meaning of their acquaintance, and knew that these two women were friends of Wang Zicong's play, not bed partners or something, so his attitude was also more respectful: "If the two young ladies want to bet, you can find me."

Ming Mei nodded, glancing at the five racers who were preparing below.

"Wang Shao, my personal name is more optimistic about No. 4 in this competition," the middle-aged man introduced to Wang Zicong: "First of all, No. 4 has the highest winning rate among the five players this time, and secondly, No. 4's car has undergone a new modification this time..." Wang Zicong

glanced at No. 4 and his car, and his eyes lit up: "This car is very handsome!" Can you tell who gave the number four a makeover? Check out my car another day!

Wang Zicong said.

The middle-aged man nodded: "Don't worry, Wang Shao, I will inquire about it for you in three days at most." Wang

Zicong was about to bet on the fourth, but was held down by Mingmei's hand.

"Wait a minute," Bright said, "this number five has the whole car remodeled, but retains the exterior. Hearing

Ming Mei say this, the middle-aged man quickly focused on No. 5's car, and after about a minute, Mo gasped: "Oh my God, this is Master Mo's handwriting over there in Kyoto, I didn't even notice it just now!" After

the middle-aged man finished speaking, he felt a cold sweat behind him.

Then he looked at Bright without a trace.

What is the origin of this girl?

I haven't seen it after studying for so many years, how can this girl see it at a glance?

Ming Mei turned off her clairvoyant eyes and continued to look at these people.

No. 1 looked indifferent, No. 2 looked very proud, No. 3 shrugged his eyelids, and there was no fighting spirit when he looked at it, No. 4 smiled proudly, and No. 5 had no expression.

It looks like No. 4 has won, but in fact, No. 5 will probably become a dark horse.

Wang Zicong took Huang Xue and quickly bet on the number five.

Sure enough, the last number five got the first place.

The second place on the fourth place, the same as the number of people who bet on Mingmei, several people also got a lot of money.

The prince looked at the extra money in the card with joy.

Although it is only a few million, but a few dollars is also money!

Who would hate more money?

Then he looked at Ming Mei without a trace.

This girl, no matter what her mind was in contact with them, but Wang Zicong could feel that the girl had no malice towards them.

Such a beautiful and capable girl, the family status is equal to them, Wang Zicong smacked his lips in his heart, picked up the treasure ah this is.

In the past, I came to this kind of place to spend money to have fun, my own father always complained that he was a loser, and now he can also earn money in this kind of place, see if my father still has something to say when I go back this time?


Ming Mei looked at the extra millions in Kari, and her heart was also strange.

On the one hand, I am happy, which is more or less the money I earned.

On the one hand, I am worried, this is also dozens of points, but unfortunately the money I earn is not counted as points!

Looking at the happy prince Cong next to him, Ming Mei sighed, the sorrows and joys of human beings are really not connected.

I bet on a few more races, both won and lost, but Wang Zicong made no matter what he said today.

Don't forget, there are also the 63 million surnamed Bai.

I have just asked the manager to come to the monitoring in the chess and card room.

If the surname Bai does not want to be excluded from the circle of friends, this money must be given.

The three left the underground casino, Wang Zicong looked at the time and said that he wanted to go home, and Ming Mei saw that it was still early, and directly asked Huang Xue to go shopping.

"Let's go see some high heels!" Mingmei held Huang Xue's arm and said.

She wanted to buy high heels early in the morning, but unfortunately there was something going on later, so she delayed this matter, and now she has more or less time.

When school started before, the service staff sent a lot of high heels to the door, but they were not interesting to shop by themselves.

Huang Xue nodded, and the two killed towards the shoe city.

The negative first floor of Yida Shopping Center is the shoe city, and the two went straight to the brand-name duty-free shop.

Ming Mei saw a pair of pink high heels with a diamond toe at a glance, and directly showed her membership card, one waiter held a mirror, and the other waiter half knelt on the ground to change shoes for Ming Mei.

Huang Xue went to the other side to change, and Mingmei enjoyed the service of the waiter here.

After changing my shoes and walking a few steps, I felt that there was no problem, and Ming Mei directly said to wrap it up.

After watching a few more pairs, Ming Mei sat next to him after consuming more than one million, drinking the milk tea bought by the clerk and waiting for Huang Xue to come out.

Here Huang Xue came out with a few boxes, and at a glance he saw the brightness of drinking milk tea.

Taking the milk tea handed by Mingmei, Huang Xue drank a few large sips and enjoyed it.

"Although I know that it is mixed with milk tea powder, I still prefer this milk tea from roadside stalls than the milk tea fried with black tea for thousands of yuan a pound at home."

Huang Xue said with emotion.

Ming Mei also nodded: "That is, it is said that KFC McDonald's is unhealthy, but the taste of KFC McDonald's cannot be made at home, alas." "

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