These people may always have a lot of malice towards others, especially those who are better off than them, because of their own situation and some experience, and do not want to change their situation at all.

At this time, the noise inside was also a little louder.

Ming Mei heard another young male voice say, "We just want a guarantee, who will buy your broken stone without protection?"

Then a middle-aged woman's voice: "Okay, okay, I'm not selling, I'll return the money to you, you return the stone to me, you go to another guaranteed place to buy it!" The

young male voice said unrelentingly, "What's wrong?" Do you know that the stones in your house can't open things, and now you are afraid?

The middle-aged woman's voice was also angry: "How many times have I said, no one dares to guarantee you this thing of gambling stones, no one dares to prove to you that something will definitely be prescribed, you either take something now or go to buy it somewhere else, don't bother me to do business!" The

young man's voice said, "Do you believe me reporting you?

Suddenly, a road split in the crowd.

It turned out that the young man was pushed to the ground by the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman went up and kicked: "Okay, good, you go to report, you are powerful, you call the police!" Even if Mr. Police comes today, I am justified!

Saying that she snatched a stone the size of a man's head from the young man's arms, the middle-aged woman spat at the young man: "Bah! Today is the old lady fell eight lifetimes of bad luck met you this guy, the money I will return to you backstage, you roll!

The young man got up with a hideous face and wanted to pounce forward, but was blocked by the two middle-aged men next to him.

"You kid, don't make trouble if you don't come to play gambling stones or buy jade rough stones sincerely! If you dare to come to our stall to gamble on the stone, we will not bring you back the stone to return the money! you! How can I meet such an unlucky thing as you when I open the market well today! The

young man beside Ming Mei immediately pounced on the fallen young man and helped him up: "Lao Wang, are you okay, Lao Wang!" What do you mean by that aunt? Can't afford to hit someone? The

middle-aged woman turned around and raised a middle finger to the two, snorted, and said, "Hit someone? The old lady hasn't started yet, if the old lady really does it, you can still get up? Huang

Xue saw the middle-aged woman, her face moved, turned her head slightly, and explained to the two: "I tell you, you must not offend this boss lady, this boss lady is very capable of fighting, someone stole stones before, people stepped on cloth shoes and chased the thief for several miles, and forced the thief to vomit, people can still pull the thief back, I feel that people's physical physique is better than me!"

Wang Zicong nodded: "I can see that a young adult man needs both hands to hold the stone, people pick it up with one hand, this eldest sister has practiced!"

Mingmei also nodded: "It is estimated that I have practiced, I observed just now, this eldest sister still has muscles on her arms!" "

It's very similar to my arm muscles in my previous life, not the arm muscles trained by gym protein powder, but the inertia muscles caused by long-term use of arm weights or regular use of arms."

A young woman next to her snorted and said: "These two men are bullying people, Aunt Hong is a single woman, muttering next to me for a long time and didn't see a man in the stall, so I thought that Aunt Hong was a loner, and a woman with thin skin, so I wanted to go up and rely on Aunt Hong, let Aunt Hong give them protection, so that they can make money, I bah!" Why don't they dare to come to my stall and buy it? Aunt Hong's son will come back in a while, and they look good! Ming

Mei turned her head to see that this young woman was standing in the booth next to this red aunt, in addition to the young woman, there was also a big man of nearly one meter nine sitting on a small stool next to the stall, with a QR code hanging around his neck, obviously one of the bosses.

At this time, the two young men also ran away in ashes.

The onlookers saw that there was no excitement, some scattered, some looked at the nearby stalls, some liked the stones and bought, and the ones they didn't like slowly dispersed.

Ming Mei looked at it casually, but Wang Zicong looked at the jadeite rough stone with a large human head that the two young men had just seen.

"Boss, is there a price for this stone?"

The middle-aged woman tidied up her scattered stalls, glanced up at Wang Zicong, and said with a smile: "Oh, national husband!" You want fifty thousand to take away, open the stone for five thousand. Wang

Zicong said that the boss waited for a while, and then turned his gaze to the manager called by Huang Xue, who had been silent.

The manager knew that it was time to play by himself, so he stepped forward to take the jadeite rough stone with a large head, looked left and right, and whispered to Wang Zicong: "If it can be shipped, let alone a waxy seed." Wang

Zitong looked at the jade rough stone, spending 55,000, at least 60,000 things can be opened, not earned, but not a loss, buy an auspicious at the beginning, so directly took out the mobile phone to pay, called the middle-aged woman: "Boss, help us open this!" The

middle-aged woman scanned her mobile phone and received the money, so she took the jadeite rough stone with one hand with a smile and said, "Wang Shao, the whole process takes about 20 minutes, do you keep it and watch it or will I take a video for you and send it back?"

Wang Zicong looked at the time, turned to the bright two and said, "Let's take a look?" Ming

Mei wanted to play today anyway, so she nodded her head unavoidably.

The middle-aged woman took matters into her own hands and got the machine to cut left and right, and there were many onlookers next to her.

After about three or four minutes, the first layer was cut, and someone standing behind the woman said excitedly: "Out of the green, out of the green!" I

saw that the middle-aged woman was more careful, changed a pair of gloves for herself, changed the chassis, and continued to drive stones.

About 20 minutes later, a green-looking stone was opened, and the middle-aged woman put the stone into the large basin of water she had just received, soaked it left and right, and picked it up again.

The manager smiled and said to Wang Zicong: "Congratulations to Wang Shao, green jade glutinous ice species, looking at the size, you can get a few bracelets, and you can also open another ornament." Wang

Zicong was also very happy, and calculated that he could return at least tens of thousands of yuan.

Although he is indeed not short of money, this way of making money is also quite happy.

At this time, a thin man next to him stepped forward and stretched out a hand to Wang Zicong: "Hello Young Master Wang, it is an honor to meet you, I am the manager of Dafu Silver Building."

Wang Zicong also stretched out a hand: "Hello, manager, is there something wrong?"

The manager of Dafu Silver Building smiled and said, "Young Master Wang, if you don't have any special needs, can you sell me 100,000?" We Dafu Yinlou want to open an ornament, this planting water is just right, you might as well sell it to us. Wang

Zicong thought about it, so he sold the rough stone on the spot.

Wang Zicong collected the money here, and turned his head to see that Huang Xue and Mingmei had already gone to another stall.

Wang Zicong stepped forward a few steps and probed his head to look curiously: "What are you two looking at?"

Mingmei raised a jade hairpin: "There are some finished jade hairpins here, Lao Huang and I think the craftsmanship is very good, let's take a look here."

Although Wang Zicong did not understand hairpins, he knew craftsmanship, picked up one and looked at it: "The craftsmanship is indeed good, but unfortunately the jade is not very good." "

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