The second monk of Prince Congzhang was puzzled: "Mingmei, which one are you doing?"

Ming Mei took out the second landscape painting she had just bought, let a few waiters out, locked the door and said with a smile: "Comrades, I seem to have found a treasure."

Wang Zicong touched his chin after hearing this: "That feeling is good, let's see, what baby?"

Ming Mei spread the painting on the table, and Wang Zicong Huang Xue, including the manager, leaned his head over.

"Hmm... A pair, landscape painting?

Huang Xue looked at it for a long time and hesitated to speak.

Ming Mei shook her head and spoke to the manager on the side: "That manager, you should bring a tool kit with you, right?" Borrow me to use it. The

manager also didn't see anything, but Ming Mei and the others were the bosses, and he didn't want to say anything, so he handed the kit to Ming Mei.

Ming Mei opened the kit, took out a thin blade from the inside, and touched it in the four corners of the painting.

The three understood at once.

"Mingmei, you mean there is a painting in this painting?" Huang Xue came over and asked.

Bright nodded and did not speak.

The other three also knew that they could not disturb Mingmei, so they carefully held their breath and watched Mingmei gently slide the blade next to the painting.

Suddenly, I don't know where to scratch, Ming Mei quietly lifted it with her nails, and the painting above was lifted.

Several people held their breath and watched Mingmei scrape off the layer of drawing paper on it little by little with a knife.

Looking at the corner of the exposed painting, a light flashed in the manager's mind, and at this time, regardless of his boss in front, he directly threw himself down next to the table and helped Mingmei support the painting.

Finally, the upper and lower pictures were revealed.

The manager quickly wiped his eyes with the corner of his clothes, and his eyes widened: "Ink technique... Botuo undulating, deep in the forest, this is, this is! This is the "Fuchun Mountain House Map" by Yuan Dynasty painter Huang Gongwang!

Huang Xue also came up, carefully observed, and then hesitated to speak: "It is indeed the appearance of Huang Gongwang's "Fuchun Mountain House Map"... Is it genuine, though? Wasn't this thing burned in half by Wu Chuan, and later supplemented by Wu Jigu into other paintings?

The manager almost snatched the words from Mingmei's hand, and his whole face came together: "Young owner, judging from some characteristics of this feng, most of them are true!" Wang

Zicong also reacted: "Fuchun Mountain House Map? Is it the "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map" that is comparable to Wang Xizhi's Lanting Order and is known as one of China's top ten famous paintings? I remember ruining this thing?

The manager turned his head at this time and explained: "Young Owner, Young Master Wang, you don't know something, Huang Gongwang has always had a habit of painting, that is, after drawing an original picture, put the original picture away, copy an identical one, and then give the copied painting to others." Huang Gongwang's other paintings have found a second one, only this one, only this one gave to the useless master monk "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map" did not find the second pair! The antique world has always known about the existence of this painting, but does not know where he is! Speaking

of this, the manager looked at Mingmei with tears in his eyes with excitement, if it weren't for Huang Xue, the manager estimated that he would have pounced on Mingmei: "Miss Ming!" You're so lucky! This is the only authentic work of "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map" that exists in the world!

Mingmei smiled embarrassedly: "I also happened by chance, touched that it was a little uneven, and remembered some TV series and novels, I thought there was something in it." Coincidentally, coincidentally. The

manager helped Ming Mei sort out the painting: "Miss Ming, can I tell my teacher and them the news?" They have been looking for this painting for decades!

Mingmei nodded: "It's okay, you say!" The

manager excitedly ran to the side to call.

Wang Zicong stepped forward and looked at the painting, sighed twice, and said: "Good fellow, bright, should we say that you have good luck or that you are lucky?"

Ming Mei smiled and did not answer.

Several people handed over their belongings to the hotel and asked the hotel to send them home.

After that, it returned to Gambling Stone Street.

Now the gambling stone street is less crowded than in the morning.

A few people strolled around and saw a bunch of people gathered around in front.

"What's going on again?" Huang Xue squeezed over with a gossipy expression on her face.

Wang Zicong and the two shook their heads helplessly and followed.

But I saw that it turned out that a person had bought five or six stones in a row and was opening them one by one.

Three stones have already been opened, either bean seeds, or a lot of impurities, and one has not opened anything at all.

The man's face was very colored.

The fourth stone opened a waxy jadeite, and it seemed that the water head was straight, and the man's face was better.

The fifth is empty again, and the sixth is still a waxy seed, although the water head does not have a fourth foot, but it seems to be a return to the roots.

Ming Mei casually looked at the stall, and suddenly, her eyes froze.

It was a stone about half the size of a human head, and it was bright and beautiful through the perspective eye that could see a purple qi inside, which was very transparent and beautiful.

Ming Mei knew in her heart that this stone would definitely ship.

So, Ming Mei squatted down and picked up the stone, pretending to look at it a few times.

Huang Xue on the side also squatted next to Mingmei: "Mingmei, do you fancy it?"

Wang Zicong also squatted down: "Why is the color of this stone so dark?" Can it be shipped?

The manager bent down and looked at it for a moment, frowning and said, "Miss Ming, how about we change one?" This does not look like it can be shipped. Ming

Mei looked at the other stones on the stall, and saw that the blurry and green ones were bean seed jade, and the dark ones were unable to open things, most of the bean seed jadeite on this stall were blurry and green, only one or two slightly transparent green, should be hibiscus seeds or waxy seeds.

This one in my hand is the most transparent piece of purple.

Ming Mei shook her head: "That's it." Boss, how did this come out? The

boss glanced at it and said, "Beauty, you also see that I don't have many stones, I plan to collect the stall with two or three more stones, if you really want to give you 30,000, don't bargain."

Ming Mei nodded: "Okay, then I want this." Let's start it on the spot! The

boss nodded: "Add 5000 on the spot." After

Ming Mei finished paying, the boss took the stone from Ming Mei's hand, took out tools and gloves, and took a large basin of water.

The people around saw that they were about to open the stones again, so they all gathered around.

The boss carefully polished from the edge, and after about two or three minutes, suddenly the boss exclaimed: "Oh, the little beauty has good hands!" Out of purple! Even the waxy seeds have been earned! The

boss washed the stone in the water, showed Mingmei the foggy purple outside, and asked: "Little beauty, do you want me to open it all for you, or?"

Ming Mei raised her chin: "Open it all for me!" The

boss nodded, picked up the stone and continued to drive.

After a few more minutes, a large purple patch was already out.

A middle-aged fat man wearing glasses bent down to look left and right with difficulty, and then straightened up with a happy face and said: "Although it has not been opened, there is no impurity cotton in this purple, absolutely transparent!" "

There are also a lot of people watching around.

The boss burst out with a bang, and then held the purple jade that could be seen with a transparent feeling even if there was a layer of impurities outside, and gently shook it in the water.

A translucent purple color pervaded.

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