Huang Xue was stunned for a moment and looked at the manager: "Is it the stall that opened two big fists of Hetian Moyu that day?" The

manager nodded.

Huang Xue was silent for a moment, and then asked, "Have you asked what that stall owner said?" Is it the same batch of rough stones as the previous Hetian ink jade?

The manager nodded and said, "Don't worry, the young owner, I inquired when I came, and the stall owner's packing ticket was the same batch of rough stones as before, all of which were mined in Xinjiang."

Huang Xue nodded and said, "Okay, I know, it's hard for you, we'll take a look later." The

manager nodded and left again.

Huang Xue curled her finger and knocked on the table: "Comrades, hurry up and eat, after eating, the stall at the east end of Target Street!"

Wang Zicong frowned and said, "Is it the one who led the person surnamed Bai before to open Hetian Moyu?"

Huang Xue nodded.

Mingmei suddenly remembered Bai Shao, so she asked: "By the way, Lao Wang, did that surnamed Bai give you the money?"

Wang Zicong raised his eyebrows: "Of course, I sent the video to his father, and his father personally promised to give me the money."

Huang Xue rubbed her temples: "Is it okay?" What did your dad say? Beware of the next banquet where the annoying old men and ladies gather around you to preach, they are used to liking the kind of well-behaved people with the surname Bai. The

corner of Mingmei's mouth twitched: "Can the surname Bai be called well-behaved?"

Wang Zicong complained disdainfully: "People will pretend!" The mouth is sweet and good, and the reputation is good, but it's not as "notorious" as me and Lao Huang, hehe, I don't know what kind of expression the old man of the Bai family knows that his baby grandson is playing outside more than me, and men and women are not jealous?

Huang Xue poured Wang Zicong's stomach: "Our generation knows that the surname Bai is not a good thing, the older generation who is really in power says how good is the surname Bai, in fact, how many are close to him?" The old man of the Bai family is not in good health, don't be angry with people in the hospital like last time.

Mingmei blinked her eyes curiously and prepared to eat melons: "Lao Huang, what did Lao Wang do last time?"

Huang Xue suddenly realized: "Oh, yes, you don't know yet." Do you know the Meng family who does securities investment?

Mingmei nodded, she also knew a little about these families during this time.

Huang Xue explained with a smile: "Before the elder grandson of the Meng family offended Lao Wang, and also made an innocent appearance in front of the elders, Lao Wang, and directly poked the matter of people breading seven lovers outside to the old man of the Meng family, but poor old man Meng was born innocent, and he was dead set on his old wife all his life, and the Meng family men have always had a favored wife, how could they ever see such a flower?" Especially the eldest grandson he fancy, Old man Meng went directly to the hospital in anger, and the childhood sweetheart fiancée surnamed Meng was also so angry that she directly quit the marriage, and the two are now old and dead and do not communicate with each other, but the old king and his father are not light.

Ming Mei was stunned: "Huh? But isn't there a problem with the surname Meng? What does it have to do with Lao Wang?

Wang Zicong's eyebrows fluttered at Huang Xue and made a face: "Look at you, Mingmei also said that it has nothing to do with me."

Huang Xue sighed helplessly: "It's okay with you, but in the eyes of some people, if you don't poke this matter out, Old Master Meng won't go to the hospital, and the two people won't make a conflict, let alone quit the marriage, and the two old people will not communicate with each other."

Ming Mei looked surprised: "But no one thinks about people's fiancée?" If Lao Wang doesn't expose this matter, the girl marries the so-called Meng family who is single-minded to his wife with love for her childhood sweetheart and longing for her future married life, only to find that her childhood sweetheart's husband is actually a flower-hearted devil, there are seven lovers outside, maybe even an illegitimate child, no matter how fair and just the elders of the Meng family are, can they not be partial to their sons and favor their new daughters-in-law? Isn't it certain that the girl will be wronged?

Huang Xue rolled her eyes: "It's all a common disease of those male powers!" They always feel that the man's power and power to pack a few beautiful women are nothing, and they think that the surname Meng will definitely be good to their fiancée, but they just have a few playthings outside, maybe they can help other people's fiancées share the pressure of childbirth. But in the eyes of those men, it is a good thing, and they still think that the fiancée surnamed Meng is too good, but the fiancé breaks up if he finds a few lovers, and if everyone is like this fiancée, then their circle will not get married. Bah, I want to find someone to in, I give him endless money for a lifetime, my heart will always be his, I just pack a few handsome guys, why are they not willing to do it one by one? Wang

Zicong nodded: "But no, there are still people who feel that they have an infatuated personality, as long as those little three and four who are outside the bread don't make trouble in front of the big room, they feel that they are so powerful that they can not let their wives know that they pack the little three for the rest of their lives."

Huang Xue continued to roll her eyes: "Hehe, Mingmei, let me tell you, people like Lao Wang and Lao Qin can be called good men in our rich female circles."

Bright sighed and said, "Won't you?

Huang Xue put her arm around Mingmei and said, "Actually, if you think about it, people like Lao Wang and Lao Qin are quite suitable for people like me." Do everything in an upright manner, just sign a marriage agreement.

Ming Mei looked like she was eye-opening: "Then Old Wang and Old Qin are fluttering colorful flags outside, are you also willing?"

Huang Xue pointed to Wang Zicong: "Lao Wang, you tell her." Wang

Zicong finished eating the grilled sausages in two bites and said: "Anyway, I still have a B number for myself, I can't be single-minded about a certain opposite sex, I like all kinds of beautiful women, if one day I really need to get married, I will probably find an old Huang like this, know the roots, play the same, sign a prenuptial agreement, be careful when playing each other after marriage, pretend to be in front of the elders for the New Year and festivals, usually like a partner, when you are old, find a way to have a child, and then let the nanny bring it, We just need to give our children love when necessary. It's a pity, Lao Huang has to find a troublemaker, otherwise I will find Lao Huang and I.

Huang Xue leaned on Mingmei's shoulder and nodded: "Yes, it's a pity."

Mingmei was silent for a moment, and concluded: "I understand, the marriage partner you want is not a marriage partner, but a partner, signed an agreement to play their own, but when necessary, you need to fool others together?"

Wang Zicong took a sip of iced milk tea and snapped his fingers: "Smart."

At this time, Huang Xue asked again: "By the way, Mingmei, have you ever thought about what kind of marriage partner you will have in the future?"

Ming Mei thought about her own character supplement, and hesitated to speak: "It doesn't matter if I am, anyway, my family is just me, and I have a few cousins or something." If I say, if nothing else, I shouldn't get married, right?

Huang Xue sighed and said, "Don't your elders mind?" What about children?

Ming Mei thought for a while: "If the elders, they say that I am happy in marriage, and the children are not big, and when the time comes, I can find a random man to have one."

Huang Xue pouted: "Ah, if only my parents were as enlightened as your parents." I had to start a family. What's good about starting a family? "

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