Here Wang Zicong dealt with Hetian Moyu, and the three of them strolled around for a while, seeing that the sky was darkening, and they planned to go home.

Wang Zicong sent Mingmei back to Hua Chengming's residence, put his hand on the window of the car and asked: "Mingmei, there will be a dog fight in the underground casino tomorrow, will you go to see it?" Very exciting!

Ming Mei thought for a while: "Do you need to bring your own dog?"

Huang Xue said: "You can bring it with you or not, you can participate if you want to, and you can watch others fight."

Mingmei nodded: "Then I will bring our dog over tomorrow."

Wang Zicong nodded: "Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow."

Mingmei waved away Wang Zicong and returned home.

When you get home, open the System Store.

Koenigsegg CCR, I'm coming!

After redeeming the sports car, Ming Mei set her sights on the pet area again.

Click on it, Ming Mei was silent for a while.

Good fellows, all are beasts sitting in prison.

Point to the canine, the bright eyes fall on a picture, and they can't leave for a long time.

Good - handsome - ah!

I saw that in the picture, it was a white wolf standing on the top of a mountain roaring at the moon.

The white wolf looks powerful in limbs, thick fur, and blood-red pupils are creepy to look at.

That's a little too handsome, isn't it?

Take a look at the exchange point, 400 points.

Just enough, this is exchanged!

A burst of white light flashed, and Ming Mei heard the canine gasping.

Turning his head, a half-human tall white wolf appeared behind Mingmei.

The white wolf whined, rubbed Mingmei's thighs with a wide snout, and then obediently put his paws together and sat next to Mingmei.

Ming Mei saw a virtual question mark on the head of the white wolf.

Ming Mei clicked the question mark with her hand, and a dialog box popped up.

[Hello dear host, I am the breed [Kenai Mountain White Wolf], please name me~ After naming, you will get full control of me, and I will obey any of your orders~]

Bright click on the name, named An'an.

Click to confirm, the white wolf's eyes seem to have something more, looking more excited, the whole white wolf pounced on Mingmei, licking Mingmei's face with a rough tongue.

Ming Mei was surrounded by this handsome furry for the first time, directly hugged the thick neck of the white wolf and buried it in its fur, and sucked it happily.

After sucking enough furry, Mingmei suddenly reacted to one thing.

[System, are you a regular white wolf? 】【

Hello dear host~ Wolf is a national second-class protected animal, and more ferocious, this kind of animal personal breeding needs to be allowed by the forestry department, the system has successfully processed for the host [Wild animal domestication and breeding license] The host can safely take An An on the street~ Friendly reminder, the license has an electronic version, the host can download xxAPP to query]

Bright now rest assured.

Looking at An An who was sitting obediently on the side, Ming Mei clapped her hands, An An obediently ran to Ming Mei's side gently, rubbing Ming Mei with her furry head.

Furry! It's the best!

The next day, Wang Zicong came to pick up Mingmei early in the morning.

After Mingmei washed, he whistled, and An An, who had been crazy in his house for a night, immediately rushed out of the gate and ran to Mingmei's legs to rub around.

Wang Zicong and Huang Xue were taken aback.

Wang Zicong swallowed his saliva, wanted to push the glasses, remembered that his flat glasses did not bring out, pinched the trouser leg in embarrassment, and spoke: "Bright, this is yours... Dog?

Ming Mei smiled and nodded: "That's right! This is my dog! It's called An'an!

Wang Zicong swallowed another mouthful of saliva and hesitantly spoke: "Uh... Ann? What a cute name..." The

white wolf heard someone call his name, turned his head to look at this strange man suspiciously, whined twice in his mouth, and obediently squatted next to Mingmei, his tail flicking around.

Huang Xue took a deep breath and took Mingmei's hand: "Mingmei, tell me honestly, is your home safe and on the right road?"

Ming Mei rolled her eyes: "Don't worry, the Forestry Bureau has crossed the bright road."

Huang Xue asked again: "Have you applied for the certificate?"

"Of course! How dare I bring it out otherwise? This is not Americana!

Huang Xue breathed a sigh of relief, squatted down and looked at An An at eye level, and hesitated to speak: "Uh... Ann? The

white wolf tilted his head and looked at the strange woman in front of him, looking at the strange woman's outstretched hand and flicking his tail.

Since this woman knows my name, it seems that she has a good relationship with the owner!

After An An figured it out, he put his furry head on Huang Xue's hand.

With a pop, it was as if a sharp arrow had penetrated Huang Xue's chest.

At the end of the arrow hangs a love heart, and the word cute is on the heart.

Huang Xue exclaimed softly, rubbed An An's hairy head, and said in surprise: "An An is so well-behaved!"

Bright nodded proudly: "Of course!" I have someone at home who trained me! Wang

Zicong wanted to feel a cigarette, and remembered that he was going to see Mingmei today, so he didn't bring a cigarette, he could only feel a lollipop from his clothes pocket, and crushed the lollipop in a few bites: "Mingmei, I'm more and more curious about what kind of family you are behind..."

Here, Huang Xue had enough furry and stood up excitedly: "Haha, count my white teeth, this time we won!"

Ming Mei asked suspiciously: "What to win?" Wang

Zicong explained: "Lao Qin got a race-level pitbull, registered a fighting dog team, and forced me and Lao Huang Laoma to pull a few of them into the team, I usually only look at fighting dogs, never raised it myself, Lao Huang has a race-level Brazilian filer, called White Fang, also registered, today just happened to be Lao Qin's fighting dog team lined up, Lao Qin thought it was better to play it in person, so he let Lao Huang bring the White Fang." Bright, do you want to register with it too? White wolves are also canines.

Ming Mei shook her head: "Still no, it's too bullying for me to take An An to the competition." Playing fighting dogs, originally a picture of excitement, open and hang is a little boring. Wang

Zicong nodded: "Also, I didn't bet much anyway." Let it be! Huang

Xue thought like this, who wants to have an open hang if you play games well? So they didn't think about letting Mingmei join their team.

After a few pleasantries, they prepared to go to the underground casino.

Today Wang Zicong drove a car similar to a minivan, with four seats in front and a small cargo compartment in the back.

"Bright, put your An An and my White Fang together!" Huang Xue said as she opened the door of the cargo compartment.

Mingmei nodded, patted An An's hairy head, and said, "Good An'an, go to the car by yourself."

An An meekly flicked his tail and jumped in gently.

Huang Xue smacked his lips, looked at the Brazilian Philer who was frightened into a ball, and reached out with distress to summon the Brazilian Phille to hold him in his arms and rub it, comforting the hairy child who was frightened by the white wolf and clamped his tail.

Mingmei looked at the collar around Basifel's neck and suddenly reacted: "Do I want to bring a collar to An An?"

Wang Zicong bit the lollipop and said vaguely: "Although it doesn't matter if you bring it to the underground casino, it doesn't matter if you bring it with you outside!"

Ming Mei nodded, called the housekeeper, and the housekeeper who had been standing silently with a smile bowed slightly to Ming Mei, turned and entered the house.

Wang Zicong squinted his eyes and looked at the butler's steps-this housekeeper, about 30 years old and about 40 years old, his face was clean, but he could see that he had a beard and looked a little handsome. The figure is very stylish, and the main thing is that every step taken by this butler is the same length by sight.

This housekeeper, like that driver, is not simple.

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