The young man has a good appearance, and an ordinary sportswear cannot hide his handsome air, with a sense of pride between his eyebrows, and a pitbull in his hand.

The pitbull was in high spirits, and when he saw Du Gao holding by President Wu, he immediately leaned down slightly to reveal his sharp teeth, and his hind feet were slightly harder, only waiting for the owner's order to rush up and bite Du Gao's neck.

Yuan Ji pulled the rope to calm his pitbull, looked at Du Gao in Mr. Wu's hand, and sneered: "No, Mr. Wu, like this kind of thing raised from raw flesh and blood, Mr. Wu also dares to bring it with him?" "

Yuanji's father is a master dog trainer, who grew up with various dogs in the village and knows no less about dogs than some experts. And because he accidentally met a few bosses who like to play dog fighting, helped the boss train a few dogs, and played a lot of games for the boss, the boss was very happy, and since then Yuanji's father has become famous in this circle.

After that, Yuanji's father gave his craft to Yuanji, and he took the money back to his hometown to retire, leaving Yuanji to work hard in the magic capital.

Yuanji helped a few small bosses train a few dogs, and the small boss took the dogs to the dog fighting ring of the underground casino, and suddenly made a reputation, and was targeted by the manager who manages the fighting dog behind the casino, and hired him as a dog trainer in the underground casino at a high price, and occasionally played with some customers.

Two days ago, Yuanji rarely had the intention to play two handfuls with the guests, and suddenly drew this Mr. Wu.

Yuanji thought of this Mr. Wu who had spent money to hire himself to train dogs, but he didn't agree, so he was squeezed out by the other party from the place where he used to work, and he had some thoughts of revenge in his heart.

Mr. Wu sneered: "This doesn't bother the Yuanda trainer to care."

Qin Feng looked up and down at the pitbull trained by Yuanji, and his eyes lit up: "Brother, your dog training skills are quite strong!" This bit is very powerful, how much do you usually train one? I'm out double, how about you help me get one? Yuanji

frowned and sneered lightly: "I'm sorry Young Master Qin, I won't train dogs for others for the time being."

Qin Feng frowned, a little angry by Yuanji's proud and untamed look, but it was not good to force others, so he sneered and didn't say anything.

At this moment, the elevator on the side opened with a clang.

Everyone turned their heads and saw two tall and strong elevator security personnel walking out around the three people. As soon as he came out, he opened up some distance, but it was faintly a state of protection.

Everyone was attracted by a white wolf.

The white wolf is huge, squatting and sitting half a person tall, standing up when he saw the elevator open, wagging his tail, and running out gently, his eyes scanning the many fighting dogs present.


" "I'll go

" "This is a wolf, right? Can fighting dogs still bring wolves over? "

A lot of people who were going to participate in the dog fight gathered around. I wanted to ask, but looking at Wang Zicong and Qin Feng, I didn't dare to speak.

"WC..." Mr. Wu burst out foul language, and when he looked up and saw Wang Zicong and the three people walking out, he suppressed the foul language, and a fawning smile appeared on his face: "Wang Shao, Miss Huang, this should be Miss Ming, right?" The three of you came to play too? Reaching

out not to hit the smiling person, Wang Zicong snorted lightly, turned his head to look at Qin Feng: "Old Qin, let me see the new Caucasian you made!"

Qin Feng nodded and said that he would show you later, and then turned to Mingmei: "Mingmei also comes to play!"

Having said that, his eyes kept staring at the white wolf.

The eye-catching white wolf swayed left and right, and then quickly ran to Mingmei's side, rubbed Mingmei's calf and then squatted obediently.

Bright snorted.

Qin Feng swallowed his saliva and asked, "Bright, this white wolf is yours?"

Ming Mei nodded and touched the hairy child's head: "His name is An An, and I raised him."

Qin Feng wc snorted, and subconsciously asked if there was any evidence.

Ming Mei rolled her eyes: "Yes, yes, yes, it's all right."

Qin Feng snorted.

The waiter who greeted him on the side looked at the white wolf with some embarrassment, and then looked at the beautiful woman who welcomed him.

The beautiful woman waved her hand to signal him to go down, and the waiter sighed in relief and retreated.

There are managers who are not afraid of things.

Wu Zong's Dogo dog and Yuanji's Picasso both croaked their teeth at the white wolf, and the white wolf immediately straightened up and let out a breath, and the two grinning dogs immediately quieted down, shrinking next to the owner and watching the white wolf vigilantly.

The beautiful woman looked at the collar on the white wolf, but there was no leash, gave the people on the side a look, and said to Mingmei: "Miss Ming, do you want to bring a leash to the white wolf?"

Mingmei glanced at the fighting dogs present and nodded.

Yuanji has been staring at the white wolf with bright eyes since the appearance of the white wolf, looking at the white wolf's well-behaved appearance beside Mingmei, and finally couldn't help but step forward a few steps to talk: "Beauty, did you bring this white wolf?" Bright

glanced at the past.

Oh, nice face!

Quietly open the face value detector, and the person in front of him also has a face value of 87 points.

So, in a good mood, he replied: "I brought it." Yuanji

looked at the white wolf again and spoke: "Beauty, you white wolf is so well-behaved, you were raised by your family since childhood, right?"

Ming Mei nodded: "Of course." Yuanji

showed his fondness and spoke, "Beauty, are you selling this white wolf?" Looking

at Mingmei frowning, Yuanji quickly explained: "Beauty, I am a dog trainer here, I am very famous, dog training skills are also good, it seems that you are also a person who likes dog fighting, I will train you a few fighting dogs, pack you to win consecutive matches, you sell this white wolf to me, how about?"

Mingmei frowned: "I'm sorry, I don't plan to sell." Yuan

Ji looked at the girl in front of him with some novelty.

When he saw the girl in front of him and Wang Zicong and others coming out, he knew that she was definitely not short of money.

So from the beginning, he planned to seduce and lure in order to buy this beloved white wolf.

Yuanji thinks that he doesn't look bad, and many noble ladies Qianjin specially ordered some fighting dogs in order to get along with her, and he generally seduces and seduces can always let these noblewomen Qianjin do some small things for him.

Now it's lost.

Yuanji rarely touched his face to confirm that he had suddenly become ugly.

President Wu was yin and yang strange: "Oh, isn't the Yuanda trainer out of time?" Miss Renjia Ming brought a white wolf over, you have time?

Yuanji glanced at President Wu with disdain.

Vulgar people, who do not understand the beauty of white wolves at all.

He can do anything for this beauty.

At this moment, a waiter came over and said: "Distinguished guests, the third game has begun, please prepare the participants of the fourth game." Huang

Xue immediately instructed his dog to go to the players' lounge, and naturally several dog trainers served it and prepared it for the game.

Qin Feng's Caucasian dog was also led over, Qin Feng waved his hand, and the Caucasian dog obediently squatted beside him.

However, the Caucasian dog has been staring warily at the white wolf.

Qin Feng and Huang Xue went to the preparation room, and Mingmei followed Wang Zicong to the audience.

The audience was full of people, and the seats reserved by Ming Mei and Wang Zicong were extremely front.

Commonly known as VIP location.

Yuanji sat next to the two with a smile.

Ming Mei frowned.

Although this person has a good appearance, he immediately lost his mind after communicating two bright sentences.

The appearance is high, and there are many thoughts, this kind of man does not conform to her aesthetics.

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