After waking up the next day, Mingmei learned a news through the network

- [shock, the roadside wild dog suddenly went crazy and bit passers-by...

] At the same time, the system prompted [Dingdong ~ system prompt, the [wild dogs infected with rabies virus] exchanged by the host have completed the task arranged by the host, the target has been infected with the rabies virus, and now [wild dogs infected with rabies virus] have been killed by the target bodyguard, and the system automatically recovers and returns 200 points to the host. Bright

was satisfied.

Don't say she's ruthless or something.

If it weren't for the white wolf An'an, she would have died that day.

The surname Bai is coming for her life, if she is bright and has no gold finger, the end will not be much better than the surname Bai now.

Just then, the phone suddenly rang.

Bright and bright, it was Huang Xue's phone.

"What's wrong? Old Yellow? Bright

picked up the phone.

"I'm going, Bright, have you seen today's news? I specially let people top the hot search hahaha! Over

there, Huang Xue smiled with her teeth dancing and claws.

Ming Mei pretended to be puzzled and asked, "What news?" I just got up and didn't have time to see it.

Huang Xue laughed: "What else can it be news?" The surname Bai was bitten by a dog, I don't know where the wild dog came from, the bite of the surname Bai was bloody, I heard that the meat was torn off a piece, but fierce, hum, deserve it, who let this surnamed Bai calculate you? I still want to pick a soft pinch with persimmons, I deserve it now, right?

Mingmei pretended to be a little surprised and replied: "Oh, this is really unfortunate..."

Suddenly, Huang Xue over there quieted down.

After another while, Huang Xue slowly spoke: "Mingmei, you honestly tell me, does this matter have anything to do with you?" Bright

eyes froze.

Although the fact that "a wild dog with rabies wades through mountains and rivers just to bite you" looks very mysterious, in fact, as long as there are enough manpower and material resources, it can still be done without artificially through goldfinger.

Himself was suspected.

Huang Xue would ask this, and most of the princes also thought so.

Should I admit it?

Admitted, will Huang Xue and Wang Zicong hide it for themselves?

If you don't admit it, Huang Xue and Wang Zicong will bury a pimple in their hearts. This is very detrimental to his own development in the Dragon Kingdom.

Huang Xue and Wang Zicong, these people, the outcome achieved by six percent strength and eight percent strength is different.

For now, the best solution is to tell the truth.

However, there is one more point.

That is, if he admits it, will he record it by the other party or record it in other ways, give it to the Bai family in exchange for benefits or threaten himself?

Although it shows that Mei and Wang Zicong Huangxue have a lot of fun these days, but when you start to contact this circle, Ming Mei can vaguely feel that what can make these big young masters and young ladies play together is never your personality, appearance, character and the like.

Always the same status and similar interests.

Mingmei couldn't confirm that her proportion in the hearts of Prince Cong and Huang Xue exceeded the benefits that the entire Bai family could bring.

Just then, the system rang.

[Dingdong ~ intimate system sensed that the host was hesitating, and specially searched for the following goods for the host [Let me see what you are doing] The product can find out for the host what the person on the other side of the phone is doing at this time, the host has three opportunities to use the product to probe the opposite state, there is a three-month cooling-off period after the end of the three uses, and the product is a permanent commodity. Redeem 200 points. Ming

Mei glanced at the product introduction, and then exchanged it.

That's a good thing.

Click Use [Let me see what you're doing] to use the target, Huang Xue.

Immediately, Huang Xue's current state was transmitted.

Huang Xue stayed in the bedroom, the bedroom door was locked, Huang Xue was silent in the quilt in her pajamas, still holding her mobile phone in her hand, and the call displayed a bright interface.

"Use the first sniffing opportunity."

Bright said so.

"Check if there is any monitoring and recording equipment around Huang Xue."

In less than a second, the news came.



Mingmei only felt that her body was much more relaxed.

Huang Xue on the opposite side gently shouted flattery.

Mingmei agreed, and smiled lightly: "Lao Huang, people who want to use dogs to harm others are finally destroyed in the dog's mouth, don't you think this story is very interesting?" Huang

Xue on the other side was silent, and after a long time, he sighed.

"You're actually guarded against us, aren't you?"

Ming Mei was stunned for a moment.

"But we can understand you." Over there, Huang Xue seemed to have turned over.

"I am the eldest daughter in our family. There are several illegitimate sisters below.

Huang Xue said slowly.

"In the beginning, my social circle was only those young ladies. We are all girls whose families are prepared to marginalize marriages.

"Later, my father gave birth to a lot of daughters, but he couldn't give birth to a son, and in the end he didn't even have fertility, so he began to plan to cultivate me carefully, and I inserted into the circle of Lao Wang Lao Ma."

"I was like you at first, afraid that they would calculate me."

"But when I stayed in this circle for a long time, I found that there are too few people who meet the conditions for people in our class to make friends, so everyone who integrates into our circle is cherished by us." That includes you, Bright. Ming

Mei was stunned for a moment.

"You seem to trust us a lot these days, play with us everywhere, listen to us chat, in fact, you are just like when I first joined this circle, superficially gentle, in fact, no one trusts."

"We really consider you a friend, Bright, so we hope you can too."

Ming Mei was silent for a long time, stunned to look at the sunlight outside the window.

"I'm sorry..." After a long time, Ming Mei spoke.

"I'll try to trust you more."

Huang Xue snorted over there, and spoke again: "You didn't leave any tail to deal with the surname Bai, right?" Do you need me to lend you something? Ming

Mei looked at the flock of birds flying outside.

It's already November.

"Don't worry, Lao Huang," Mingmei said, "I never leave a tail in my work." "

In fact, the system does things without leaving a tail.

Huang Xue's side was relieved and said, "That's good." Remember to tell us something. Ming

Mei snorted.

The two chatted for a while before hanging up.

After putting down the phone, Ming Mei got up and closed the window.

Today, Assistant Ming Xing will take a female bodyguard who acts as an interpreter to contact the negotiators of Bolshlong to prepare for business talks with Fengxiang Yinlou in two days.

Waldorf Astoria Peter

is the Marketing Manager for Boucheron Jewellery Asia.

As the leader of the vanguard team of Boucheron Jewelry to open up the Dragon Kingdom market, he came to the magic capital to discuss business with Fengxiang Silver Building.

However, he is only a play assistant.

The real main communicator was the assistant sent by the mysterious largest shareholder of Boucheron Jewelry.

According to the appointed time, the assistant gentleman should be almost there.

At this point, the negotiating team of Boucheron Asia gathered in Peter's room, waiting for the assistant to arrive.

During this wait, Peter couldn't help but recall the largest shareholder.

I just remember that in the first two months, Boucheron's shares suddenly changed, and a mysterious person "M" held 25% of Boucheron's shares, becoming the highest shareholder and chairman of the board.

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