Ming Mei was stunned for a moment and clicked Claim.

Mansion? What kind of mansion?

Take a closer look, it is a courtyard located in the second ring road of the capital, and it also brings five servants.

Bright eyes lit up, and she quickly clicked to confirm.

The courtyard of the second ring road of Beijing is one street and two walls away from the Forbidden City.

There's a place to stay!

Mingmei directly sent the address to the housekeeper's equipment: "Butler, go to this place." The

housekeeper said yes and drove to Kyoto's second ring road.

Within the second ring road of Kyoto, there is an alley called Wangfu Hutong.

This is the former residence of the kings of the last imperial era of the Dragon Kingdom, and this alley is inhabited by princes and nobles, the sons and brothers of the emperor, so the original name has long been forgotten and is called Wang Fu Hutong.

After the great man established the New Dragon Kingdom, this royal alley became the most expensive place in the entire Dragon Kingdom - no, it would not even be sold to the outside world.

The Wangfu Hutong Courtyard is the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Cultural Relics Bureau, which has long been requisitioned and is not inhabited.

The owners of No. 3 to 10 courtyards in Wangfu Hutong are all noble figures who are either rich or noble.

The upper echelons of the entire capital know that in addition to the group of big people in the Forbidden City, the most honorable people in the entire capital are the gang of people in Wang Fu Hutong.

The upper echelons know that whoever can have a word with these residents in Wangfu Hutong, then there is nothing that cannot be done.

The owners of courtyards 3 to 10 in Wangfu Hutong naturally do not live in Wangfu Hutong - they each have mansions under their names, and although Wangfu Hutong is expensive, the housing price is only a matter of pocket money for these big people.

They bought houses on the side of Wangfu Hutong, just to show their ability and identity.

Being able to buy a house in Wangfu Hutong proves not money, but ability.

The owners of courtyards 3 to 10 did not live often, but they knew each other.

There is only courtyard two, which has always been a mystery.

Courtyard No. 2 lives with a family surnamed Ming.

However, this family is not the owner of the second courtyard of Wangfu Hutong.

The family lived in the collapsed house of Courtyard 2.

Reverse houses, generally the place where the servants in the courtyard live.

Whenever someone asked about them, the family surnamed Ming never considered themselves masters.

"We just show the owner the house."

The mistress of the Ming family explained to the people who came to visit.

Decades have passed, and the Ming family's husband and wife have also grown old, and they died of illness in the first two years.

Now the one who guards the second courtyard is the eldest son of the Ming family and his wife.

"I'm just a janitor, and the master's family doesn't live here."

The eldest son of the Ming family and his wife said to the people who came to visit with his eyes lowered.

As a result, No. 2 Courtyard became a legend in the mouths of the residents in Wangfu Alley.

The other residents of Wangfu Hutong did not know what kind of person the owner of No. 2 Courtyard was, only that the background of this big man was unfathomable.

It may even be the most background figure in the entire Wang Fu Alley.

Why do you say that?

Because they live in courtyard two.

The numbers are two to ten, and if you can choose, the more you go, the better.

Therefore, the number of courtyards in which the occupants live has also become the status ranking of the households.

The smaller the number, the more powerful the background.

For example, this old man who lives in No. 3 Courtyard has been involved in military, political and business, and there are often big people who come out of the Forbidden City to visit.

As a result, they became increasingly curious about the residents of Courtyard 2.

Until today, an ordinary Bentley stopped at the street entrance of Wangfu Hutong.

Ming Mei looked at this famous Wang Fu Hutong.

Say it's a hutong, but it's actually about the same as a street.

Ming Mei opened the mobile phone contact, and sure enough, found that there were five new contact methods in the mobile phone.

Tap the contact "Mingqi" and click Call.

The phone rang for only three seconds before it was picked up: "Miss? It

was the voice of a thick middle-aged man.

Mingmei recalled her background address to the middle-aged man: "Uncle Qi, I'm here."

The middle-aged man on the opposite side said excitedly: "Miss, have you already arrived at Wangfu Alley?" Please wait a moment, I will pick you up right away.

Ming Mei snorted and hung up the phone.

Then, he instructed the butler to purchase supplies, and then slowly walked into the palace alley.

Gu Yu is the eldest grandson of the Gu family in the capital.

Near the end of the year, the Gu family was going to come to the fourth courtyard of Wangfu Hutong to celebrate the New Year, and he first brought someone over as the eldest grandson to sort out the internal affairs.

This day was almost done, Gu Yu stood on the threshold and stretched, and at a glance he saw a young woman walking in from outside the alley.

Gu Yu looked at this woman carefully.

The woman looks young, about 20 years old at most, tall, slender and well-proportioned, with a particularly beautiful appearance, wearing a casual autumn dress.

Strange, which girl is this?

Gu Yu recalled it in his mind suspiciously.

The residents of their Wangfu Hutong have known each other from oldest to youngest, and several residents have in-laws between them, and he has never seen this girl.

Only hearing the sound of the gate opening in the depths of the alley, Gu Yu turned his head and looked at it, slowly widening his eyes -

he saw that the gate of the mysterious Wangfu Hutong No. 2 Courtyard was slowly opened, and Ming Qi, who called himself the gatekeeper, walked out with an excited look and bowed to the young woman.

The young woman said something, Ming Qi straightened up and led the young woman into the second courtyard.

“...... Could it be that this is the owner's house of Courtyard Two?

Gu Yu muttered.

Coming to his senses, he quickly called his grandfather.

Many bodyguards and housekeepers who helped the master guard the door also saw the scene of Ming Mei entering the second courtyard.

They also called their owners in turn.

That evening, the upper circle of the capital was fryer - the owner of the No. 2 courtyard of Wangfu Hutong finally returned.

Time returned to Bright and walked into the bright gate of Courtyard 2.

Ming Mei looked at the courtyard in front of him.

Generally, the courtyard is closed by a triad courtyard and a gatehouse, and the overall arrangement is in the shape of a mouth.

The system rewards this courtyard is a combination of a five-entry courtyard and a gatehouse.

The courtyard in front of you covers a large area, and the first courtyard is a narrow courtyard where the inverted house lived before the weeping flower gate, commonly known as the servant's room, where the five members of the Ming Qi family lived.

The second entrance is the hall room and the east and west wing rooms for external use, commonly known as guest rooms.

The third entrance is the back cover room behind the main room, and a door is opened in the ear room on the east and west sides of the main room, connecting the second and third entrance rooms.

After that, there is a small courtyard - in fact, it is not small, after the third entrance to the courtyard, walk through the weeping flower gate and enter the gate, directly opposite the shadow wall of the gate is a small garden, and there is a waterfall rockery set up inside. It's autumn and winter, so I didn't use the waterfall mechanism, just rockery rockeries, with some moss, which is very good-looking.

If it's summer, open the waterfall mechanism, the water vapor bursts out, and the air is cool.

Definitely comfortable if it's summer, Bright thought.

After passing another weeping flower gate, the fourth entrance where the main room and the wing are located is the main courtyard. The bright room is here.

Walking into the main house, directly opposite the door is a screen, beyond the screen is a living room of a hundred square meters, the left side of the living room is the pantry, the right is the passage of the inner room, raised some fish, planted a few pots of flowers, crossed the passage of the inner room and entered a small courtyard, the house in the small courtyard is the bedroom of the main house.

From the corridor of the fourth entrance hall, or through the small door behind the main house, there is a covered room, which is the fifth entrance room. In ancient times, it was common to live the master's personal servants or some favored concubines - of course, Mingmei planned to arrange the back hood room for the bodyguards.

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