Mingmei originally thought that the research and development of the APP could be handed over to the professionals who exchanged the system, but after looking at the professionals related to the network, none of them were less than a thousand points.

...... Leave.

It takes at least a professional team of more than ten people to develop a large-scale APP, and Bright does not have so many points for the time being.

Therefore, the early research and development of the APP can be outsourced to the professional team, but the later development and upgrading can be handed over to the network robot.

The 5,000-point web robot, equivalent to an APP customer service, can collect user feedback on the APP within a brightly set period, automatically reply to customer questions, and automatically sort out customer feedback.

It can also automatically monitor and fill in system vulnerabilities, find bugs and modify bugs, and upgrade the APP according to bright needs.

For example, Mingmei wants the APP to have one more function, if there is no network robot, you can only find a professional team to maintain the APP and add new functions to the APP, but with the network robot, as long as you tell the network robot its own needs, the network robot can automatically upgrade and maintain the APP according to the demand.

The moment Ming Mei saw the network robot, she decided that she must buy it.

With it, the APP developed by yourself is still afraid of problems?

But after taking a closer look, sure enough, there are limits to outrageous things like this.

First of all, 5,000 points is the discounted price.

Secondly, this thing is time-sensitive! Redemptions can only be used for five years at a time! Continue redeeming after five years!

Finally, a web robot can only bind one APP, not other APP.

Despite the many restrictions, Ming Mei still redeemed, after all, it is now discounted.

Don't activate it first, after all, the prototype of the company has not yet been completed.

Looking at the points, she just earned more than 6,000 points from Zhang Chao's side, and more than 20,000 points from Weihang's side, as well as the previous fragmentary points, and now her points are very abundant, and she is not panicked at all.

Then, tomorrow at Christie's auction.

The women's suit that was custom-made a week ago also arrived, and after confirming that there was no problem, I sat and waited for the auction to arrive.

The next day, seeing that the time was almost up, Ming Mei changed into a suit and went to the auction venue Splendid Restaurant with Ming Xing, who had arrived two days ago.

Splendid Restaurant is a long-established restaurant in Beijing, and it is not open to customers today because of the auction.

At this time, as soon as the bright car arrived at the auction venue, the security guard who maintained discipline on the perimeter took the communicator to inform the inner field to greet the guests: "Attention, pay attention, Miss Ming is here." Immediately

, two rows of tall male attendants waited at the gate with standard smiles on their faces.

The bright Bentley stopped at the gate of the Splendid Restaurant with a turn, and Ming Xing bypassed the side and opened the door for Bright Beauty.

The male waiter, who looked the most handsome, immediately stepped forward and bowed 90 degrees to the bright 90 degrees who got out of the car: "Hello Miss Ming, Christie's auction house welcomes you!"

The rest of the waiters lined up neatly in two rows and bowed 90 degrees to the bright 90 degrees: "Welcome to Christie's auction house!"

After bowing for three seconds, the male waiter straightened up and made a guiding gesture to Mingmei: "Miss Ming, please come with me, we have arranged the first row for you." Because

of this battle, many people who also came to participate in the auction looked bright.

The first look at the person, the second look at the car, the third look at the license plate.

Although this woman is beautiful, she is very strange, the car is also very ordinary, and there is nothing exaggerated about the license plate, but the other people still quietly remember the bright look.

For the waiter of Christie's auction house to make such a courteous appearance, this girl's identity is definitely not simple. Don't offend even if you can't make friends.

Ming Xing behind Ming Mei handed the car keys to another waiter, who bent down very respectfully to Ming Xing, and then drove to the parking area.

Ming Mei followed the waiter to the elevator all the way to the top floor and sat in the first row of the auction area.

The rows behind the auction area were already filled with more than half of the people, but the first row plus Ming Mei was only four people in total.

Ming Xing sat next to Ming Mei and prepared the bidder.

At this time, the woman in a white suit next to Ming Mei showed a smile at her: "Hello Miss Ming, it's nice to meet you."

Although Ming Mei didn't know her, she knew very well that the people who could sit in the first row at this kind of auction were probably the people of that class, so she replied with a smile and said hello.

The woman in the white suit introduced herself: "I am Gu Man of the Gu family in the fourth courtyard of Wangfu Hutong, and Gu Yu is my younger brother." The

smile on Mingmei's face was a little more sincere: "Hello Miss Gu."

Gu Man said: "Miss Ming, I made it clear that I fancy the auction item No. 4, and I hope it will not be the same as what you want."

Mingmei recalled the auction item of No. 4 and said, "Miss Gu, don't worry, what I want is after No. 10."

Gu Man's worry in his heart was less, and he stretched out a hand: "I have been doing e-commerce business recently, and I heard that Miss Ming plans to open a logistics company, and I hope we can cooperate happily in the future!"

Mingmei held Gu Man's hand: "Happy cooperation."

After that, the two exchanged business cards and scanned WeChat, and the auction almost began.

At the beginning of the auction, the old three things were displayed, all the lots were displayed, the venue was warmed up, and the host came on stage to thank this and that.

After going through the process, the auction officially begins.

"The first thing to show you is the No. 1 auction item of this auction, which is the three pages of the "Book of Departure" by Mi Fu, an outstanding calligrapher of the Song Dynasty, donated by Mr. Wang of the Jinling Wang Group, which was identified as the authentic work of Mi Fu by the Beijing Cultural Relics Bureau, with a starting price of 20 million, and each price increase must not be less than 500,000, and the starting auction begins!"

As soon as the host's words fell, someone came out with 21 million, and soon, it was pressed down by others with 22 million.

You came and went for a few rounds, and finally a middle-aged man auctioned it off for 30 million.

"Now I am

showing you the No. 2 auction item of this auction, which was donated by Mr. Song of the Song Group of the Magic Capital..." "Now showing you

the No. 3 auction item of this auction..." The No. 4 auction item is a pen wash made by a well-known craftsman at the end of the Ming Dynasty, with a starting price of more than 10 million, which was won by Gu Man at a price of 30 million.

Lot 5 is a famous wooden birdcage, Lot 6 is a pair of antique bracelets, Lot 7... Lot 8....

When the host shouted out the eleventh auction item, Mingmei came to the spirit.

"Now I am showing you the eleventh auction item of this auction, which is the "Beijing A88888" license plate number donated by Beijing Jinxiu Group! The starting price is 8 million, and each price increase must not be less than 500,000, and the starting auction begins! Ming

Mei sat up straight, and Ming Xing was ready to bid.

This is one of the auction items that Bright fancy.

Jing A88888 license plate number is the beautiful number of the beautiful number in the Beijing license plate number.

It has not appeared in front of people in all these years, and there has been no quasi-letter in the hands of this rich man for a while, and rumors in the hands of that rich man for a while.

Who knew it was in the hands of this Splendid Group!

Splendid Group is the group behind Splendid Hotel, a wealthy group that has developed in Beijing for hundreds of years.

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