When Wang Jianye sent this Ming manager away, Wang Jianye's face was full of trance.

After the door closed, the door lock clicked, and Wang Jianye also shook with it.

Then, he looked at the onboarding contract in his hand in amazement.

How did you get hired?

How did you become a so-called practical training teacher?

But the salary of more than 10,000 a month is too attractive....

After the end of the year, you can join the company, five insurances and one housing fund according to high specifications, control and control, no overtime.

At his age, this education, in addition to this general logistics, what other company is willing to give himself such conditions?

Wang Jianye put away the contract in his hand, began to rummage through the cabinets, and found the notes he had made when he first joined.

Wang Jianye's father was a postal newspaper worker and his mother was a member of a supply and marketing cooperative, and when he looked for a job, he found a so-called courier similar to a postal newspaper worker.

When he first started working, the concept of logistics had just spread to Long's country, and it was even a niche industry, and it was not until the e-commerce industry developed that logistics developed with it.

Where did someone take him, where did the teacher explain the problem to her?

Their batch of couriers are all groped out by themselves, and everyone has a small book, what they have learned and what they feel, they are all written on it.

Wang Jianye found his son's blank notebook and gel pen, found out several large notebooks full of records during his work, and copied out useful things little by little.

Since he has agreed to do this job, he can't mess around and must be a good teacher.

At the same time, Wang Jianye, a group of retired old couriers in the capital, had better connections and were visited by Mingxing one by one.

Some of the more well-informed found the public account of the logistics association, found the official website of the passage logistics, and all of a sudden, those who originally did not believe or did not plan to do it were a little silent.

A logistics company that did not even have a warehouse built was put together by the logistics association to the three-way and one-reach level.

The big man behind him has hands and eyes in the sky.

What else is hesitant about this?

It's done!

After that, Mingxing hired several lecturers majoring in logistics from undergraduate colleges with high salaries, and these were teachers of cultural courses.

What is taught is the foundation of the basics, these teachers do not even have to prepare courseware, and they will give money for a lesson in the last class, who does not want to?

Here, the foundation of Mingxing's training course is almost laid, and it will start construction after a few years.

Ming Mei also plans to return to the magic capital.

This time, Ming Mei returned to the magic capital with Wei Hang.

"Don't you have to stay here for the New Year?" Bright asked Wei Hang.

Wei Hang shook his head: "No, I told my parents that I will accompany my girlfriend back to the magic capital for the New Year." After speaking, his cheeks were a little red, and his hand unconsciously rubbed the bracelet on his wrist.

It was a gift from Mingmei.

Mingmei smiled, hugged Wei Hang's waist and kissed him on the lips: "My relatives and friends are not here, just two people for the New Year, it's very boring."

Wei Hang buried his head in his bright shoulder: "I'm just with you, and I just don't want anyone else." "

This time, Ming Mei returned to the magic capital with Escort Hang, and what he did was his own private jet.

Zhang Chao directly gave Mingmei a back door after using the private jet, as long as it was an empty route, Mingmei's application time was directly halved, so yesterday he told the captain to return to the magic capital and could fly this afternoon.

After two hours of flight, I stepped off the plane and stretched out.

Magic capital, magic capital, she is back!

Today, Wang Zicong brought Huang Xue and Ma Yao to pick up the airport.

Huang Xue brought the white wolf An'an.

An An, who had not seen the owner for a long time, flicked his tail with excitement, and pounced the moment he saw the owner.

Ming Mei grabbed her own hairy child, took a few steps back when she was knocked, and happily rubbed An An's furry head: "An An, good An An, did you miss me?"

An An whimpered excitedly.

Ming Mei was teasing the white wolf, and Wei Hang stood quietly on the side, his eyes gentle.

After coaxing An An, Mingmei hugged Huang Xue Ma Yao one by one: "Hahaha, did you miss me during this time I left?" "

The hell misses you." Huang Xue rolled her eyes, rubbed An An's big head again, this little white-eyed wolf, his tens of thousands of yuan a tael of high-grade meat fed every day, when he saw the owner, he didn't recognize himself.

Ming Mei slapped Huang Xue's butt fiercely: "Cocked again, Lao Huang, your fitness trainer's little boyfriend is quite powerful, huh?"

Huang Xue blushed and snorted.

After a few people frolicked, Mingmei pulled Wei Hang over: "Dangdang~ Introduce to you, this is my current boyfriend, Wei Hang!"

Wei Hang smiled shyly: "Hello." He

still hates socializing, but when he thinks that these people are bright friends, it seems that socializing is not so difficult.

Because Wei Hang and them are people of the same class, the three of Wang Zicong also introduced themselves seriously, without the slightest perfunctory.

Because there were many people sitting today, Wang Zicong called the driver and drove a nanny car.

After sitting in the car, Wang Zicong asked: "Mingmei, do you and your partner go home first or do you have fun with us first?"

"Let's go home first," said Bright, "I'm a little tired." Wang

Zicong and the others immediately remembered Mingming's interest, and immediately said that they would rest well when they were tired.

Ming Mei looked at Ma Yao, this girl was not very interested from beginning to end, I don't know what happened.

Ask if you have something. Mingmei spoke: "Then Yaoyao, what's wrong?" All the while frowning.

At the mention of Ma Yao, Wang Zicong and Huang Xue also frowned, and their faces immediately fell.

"What else can it be for," Huang Xue rolled her eyes: "Mingmei, you are not here this month, you don't know how wonderful our magic capital circle is." "

Wonderful?" Ming Mei asked suspiciously: "How is it a wonderful method?" "

This wonderful thing that comes out of Huang Xue's mouth doesn't look like a good wonderful.

Wang Zicong said: "Yaoyao got engaged and quit within a month, is it wonderful? "

Huh?" Bright and inexplicable: "What is it called engagement and divorce?" What's the situation?

Ma Yao sighed and said, "Forget it, I'll tell you."

Ma Yao told the story of this time.

It turned out that in recent years, an e-commerce group has sprung up and quickly inserted into their circle.

The family is surnamed Mo, and there is a son named Mo Qing in the family, who began to socialize in the past two months after studying for a doctorate.

Mo Qing is a typical child of other people's families, with high education, good study, tall, handsome, and most importantly, very capable at a young age.

Ma Yao's father and Mo Qing's father met in the mall, and the two had business contacts, just because Ma Yao and Mo Qing were the same age, and the two planned to get their two children engaged.

Ma Yao's father was not the kind of father who insisted on going his own way, and he consulted Ma Yao's opinion in advance.

They Huateng Group is more or less the top in their industry, and they are not to the extent of sacrificing their daughters in exchange for benefits. It's just that this Mo Qing just fits, so I asked my daughter.

Ma Yao thought and thought and decided to agree.

Ma Yao knew that a girl of her class did not want to find whom, and her object was nothing more than several people of the same class.

Moqing is of the highest quality regardless of academic background and ability, and the two have business contacts, which is a good choice.

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