The air-raid shelter was crowded with countless people fleeing.

The area of the entire bomb shelter is very large, reaching tens of thousands of square meters, which is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time.

There are no less than 10 similar bomb shelters in the city of Ataile, and it is precisely because of its special geographical location that it is particularly vulnerable to air raids.


At this moment, two powerful mecha figures finally appeared in the night sky.

One mecha is none other than the city lord from Ataylor City, Hu Yanchen, a grandmaster-level commander, and his awakened mecha soul is a handsome-level [Double Whip Huyan Zhuo];

The other mecha is the bronze protector from the Cult of the Mechanics, Charlemagne, who is also a grandmaster-level commander, and his awakened mecha soul is the emperor-level [Caroline King Charlemagne].


In this regard, the A-50 early warning aircraft led by the machine girl seemed to have expected it, and immediately issued an order to retreat, and the rest of the machine girl did not have the slightest intention of staying, and quickly evacuated in a neat and orderly manner, leaving only the devastated and mournful city of Ataile.

"They're... The Carrier Force of the Hairy Bear Empire's Aerospace Force?" Hu

Yancen, the city lord of Ataile City, wanted to chase, but he was not as fast as the opponent's troops, so he could only watch as these air raiders went away.

Especially when he saw the identity of the other party with his own eyes, he was even more shocked.

The other party is not those terrorists of the Dark Mechanic Sect, but a soldier from the Mao Bear Empire, although it is not clear which

side of the big Mao or the second Mao belongs to! But this undoubtedly means that this is an undeclared war of aggression launched by the side of the Mao Bear Empire! This will undoubtedly become the fuse for the outbreak of war between the two empires.

"Your Excellency the City Lord, please give an order immediately, give priority to treating the wounded, and organize people to move all the survivors to the bomb shelter, no one knows if the other party will send another air raid by the machine girl troops!" and

the bronze protector of the Mechanic God Sect beside him, Charlemagne hurriedly spoke.

The Furry Bear Empire has sent an extremely elite machine girl army, and with the strength of the city guards of Ataile City, they cannot organize an effective defense line at all, and if they attack again, the losses will be even more serious.

Hu Yancen also reacted, and didn't care about chasing those air raiders, but hurriedly ordered the inspection bureau and the city guard to be responsible for settling and treating the survivors, and spread the news as quickly as possible.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.


The next morning, it came as promised.

Fortunately, the Woolly Bear Empire's air raid machine unit did not return.

The people who were lucky enough to survive the air raid disaster left the bomb shelter and saw the devastated city of Ataylor again, and they couldn't help but cry loudly, and for a time let the long-lasting haze hang over the ruins of the entire city.

Li Zichen and his entourage, who came out of the air-raid shelter again, saw the city of Ataile that was changed beyond recognition overnight, and countless people who were killed and injured, and they also deeply felt the cruelty and horror of the war.

"If nothing else, the Heavenly Dragon Empire will also be involved in the civil war of the Hairy Bear Empire next, so that the five empires of the Blue Star Alliance are all involved.

Li Zichen frowned, the civil war situation of the Mao Bear Empire was becoming more and more complicated, with the mixing of the Bald Eagle Empire and the Great European Alliance, and now the Heavenly Dragon Empire, which was out of the way, was forced to get involved.

Could this really be a prelude to the imminent outbreak of a world war

?" "What should we do next?" Ye Lingyue couldn't help but ask worriedly.

Although they have a grudge against the Celestial Dragon Imperial Family, the Celestial Dragon Empire is their homeland, and how do they want their home country to be drawn into a meat grinder-like war.

And when the war broke out, it was those innocent civilians who suffered, I don't know how many people had to be sacrificed, how many families were ruined, and wives were separated!"

Li Zichen thought about it for a while, and he could only leave early, if he delayed it any longer, it would not be so easy to get from the Heavenly Dragon Empire to Mocheng.

All the machine girls nodded in agreement.


The Hairy Bear Empire, the capital of Mocheng, and the Sand Emperor Palace.

This is where Catherine XIII, the contemporary Tsar Emperor of the Romanov Dynasty of the Woolly Bear Empire, was located.

"Can any of you give me a reasonable explanation. Why did the 47th Air Regiment of the Aerospace Forces suddenly mutini and launch an air attack on the territory of the Celestial Dragon Empire?!"

Catherine XIII's eyes were as cold as a sword, and she glanced at the generals of the Aerospace Forces present.

She had blond, fluffy hair that was as majestic as a lion's mane.

The facial features are like a knife and axe, the contours are sharp and angular, the years have not left a single wrinkle on her delicate face, but the beauty and mature temperament have made her more and more beautiful and moving as time goes by, like a mellow old wine that has been brewing for decades.

The skin is full of charm and bronze, with a neutral beauty, and the whole body exudes the ultimate heroic and domineering aura.

Catherine XIII's name is also known to everyone in the world, known as Catherine the Great, the top ten super powerhouses on the Blue Star Alliance's heavenly list

, ruling and leading the huge hairy bear empire as a woman, and actively resisting the blows and splits from the Western hostile forces.

In the face of Catherine's questioning, all the generals from the Woolly Bear Empire's Aerospace Force were all panicked, and none of them dared to speak up.

The 47th Air Regiment of the Aerospace Force, but the ace of their Woolly Bear Empire's Aerospace Force, has made great achievements before.

However, what no one expected was that just last night, all the members of this ace machine girl unit, including the regiment commander, suddenly mutinied, crossed the border between the Mao Bear

Empire and the Tianlong Empire without authorization, and launched an air raid bombing on the territory of the Tianlong Empire! After the air raid and bombing, the machine girl and the commander of the air regiment were also nowhere to be found, and their whereabouts were unknown!

Now this air raid and bombing incident, not only between the two empires, but also caused a huge sensation around the world, has reached the point of being out of control, once not handled properly, it will be the outbreak of an imperial war.

"Your Majesty, the 47th Air Regiment is likely to have defected to Ermao's side, and this air raid and bombing incident against the Tianlong Empire is most likely planned by them.

Andrei, the chief of staff of the Aerospace Forces from the Hairy Bear Empire, frowned tightly and spoke.

Other generals of the Aerospace Forces also echoed it, except for the Ermao side and the Western forces behind it, who else would be so deliberately trying to make their Mao Bear Empire and the originally friendly Tianlong Empire break out into conflict?

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