"Tens of millions of years ago, Cybertron was colonized by an alien race known as the Pentafacial Monsters, who created two lines of robots on the planet Cybertron, one for military and one for civilian robots, and drove them as slaves at will.

Immediately afterwards, behind the white curtain, Li Zichen also took out a silhouette of a mecha, imitating the scene of its production and labor, which was vivid.

Later, from these robots were born intelligent robots with independent thinking and learning abilities, and they began to rebel against the tyranny of the five-faced monster, and eventually overthrew the rule of the five-faced monster.

"But there are also internal divisions and contradictions within these intelligent robots, divided into two hostile factions, namely the Decepticons, who are mainly military robots, and the Autobots, who are mainly civilian robots. "

Li Zichen is playing a shadow puppet show with a vivid voice

, the left hand is the Transformers of the Decepticon faction, and the right hand is the Transformers of the Autobot faction, and the mecha silhouettes of the left and right hands are intertwined and fiercely fighting, and there is also the sound of metal colluding and cannon roaring, which is really a unique audio-visual feast!"

In order to solve the energy problem of Cybertron, the Autobots had to leave their homeland in search of new energy sources, while the Decepticons pursued the Autobots, and after a fierce battle, they both crashed on a planet also called the Blue Star.

"Because the Blue Star is rich in a lot of energy, the Decepticons want to plunder and occupy it at all costs, and the righteous and brave Autobots continue to stand up and start a new round of struggle against the Decepticons in order to protect the Blue Star and humans..."

And Li Zichen also tried his best, playing multiple roles by himself, sometimes playing the Autobot leader Optimus Prime, sometimes playing the Decepticon leader Megatron, as well as many classic roles such as Bumblebee, Ironskin, and Red Spider.

The main reason why I chose Transformers to tell the story is because it is more in line with the worldview of this world

, they are all mechanical lifeforms, they can all be transformed in different forms, and even have the existence of a fire source, and the acceptance will definitely be higher.

"Autobots, transform! Let's go!"

told for more than an hour, and Li Zichen performed the story of the movie version of Transformers 1 in the form of a shadow puppet.

Although the form is a bit simple, the story setting is novel and interesting, which makes Yu Shengwan feel refreshing.

"I want to know what happened next, and listen to the next breakdown!" As

soon as the words fell, the silhouettes on the white curtain left one after another, Li Zichen also wiped the hot sweat on his forehead, walked out again, and asked Yu Shengwan with a smile who was obviously unsatisfied:

"Shengwan, do you still like this birthday gift?"

Yu Shengwan nodded without hesitation, her misty eyes were even filled with crystal tears, like shining crystals rippling with joy

: "I like it! I like it so much! Zichen, thank you! This is definitely the favorite and most satisfying birthday gift I have received over the years!"

Next, she turned into a curious baby, chasing Li Zichen and asking non-stop:

"Is this Cybertron planet real? These Transformers are very similar to our machine girls, but they are very different! What is their strength level? What level has Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, reached? Is it a more powerful existence than the king level? Is this story created by you?"

Li Zichen showed a wry smile, and then patiently explained:

" Shengwan, there is no need to be so serious, the story of Transformers is just fiction, and the worldview is completely different from our current world. And this story is not created by me, it was just hearsay when I was a child. "

Li Zichen's cheeks are not thick enough to be a copyist from another world, after all, Transformers is one of his favorite movies in his previous life, even if there is no so-called Hasbro in this world, he will not plagiarize it as his own creativity.

Yu Shengwan came to his senses and continued to ask

, "Okay, but the story of the Transformers is not over yet, right?" Although Megatron was killed, the Red Spider fled back to the planet Cybertron, and it will definitely return to Blue Star to take revenge on the Autobots and humans, right?"

Li Zichen nodded and said softly with a smile

, "There are still many stories of the Transformers, and I won't be able to finish it for a while." It's not too early now, and when you want to hear it later, I can tell you about it at any time!"

Yu Shengwan bowed his head excitedly, his beautiful face was still with a touching flush, and finally he suddenly stepped forward boldly, took the initiative to throw himself into Li Zichen's arms, hugged him tightly, and his cheeks were also attached to his broad chest.

At this moment, she only felt joy and happiness in her heart, and she just wanted time to stay here forever.

And Li Zichen also stretched out his hand and gently hugged Yu Shengwan's delicate waist, and when she listened carefully, she could even hear the sound of the mechanical parts in her body speeding up.

At this time, Yu Shengwan's scattered cherry pink hair and the delicate body covered in moonlight were intertwined, and the brilliance was dazzling.

There is a lingering tenderness and honey in the starry eyes, the pale pink cherry lips are a smile that can't be suppressed, and the heroic spirit of the independent machine girl and the soft elegance of the Jiangnan woman are blended in the flawless snow and jade, outlining almost perfect facial features, which makes Li Zichen's heart beat faster when he sees it.


Shengwan, are you willing to make a contract with me?"

Now that the atmosphere has been set to this point, Li Zichen also calmly submitted a request for a formal contract to Yu Shengwan.

"I... I do!"

Yu Shengwan slowly raised his head, there were still a few crystal clear tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, and he replied a little reserved but still did not hesitate.

As early as when she was training with Li Zichen in the Nanling Forbidden Area, she had already fallen in love with him, and getting along with Li Zichen every day after that was more like getting involved in love.

Especially the birthday gift that Li Zichen temporarily prepared for her today, which made Yu Sheng fall in love completely.

"Then let's go back now, the night market is almost closed. Everything

fell into place, and the strategy task that lasted more than a month was finally completed, and Li Zichen was also overjoyed.

"It's better to... Go to my dorm, I'm living alone now.

Yu Shengwan's face was slightly red, and he proposed.


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