Seeing thousands of mechanical seabirds attacking, the four J-20 aircraft girls who escorted the escort immediately attacked, launching air-to-air missiles one after another to bomb.


A large number of mechanical seabirds were hit by the missiles and turned into huge fireballs that fell from the sky.

Even so, it failed to scare the other mechanical seabirds, and one after another launched a fierce charge, as if desperately trying to collide with it.

You know, even if a small sparrow hits a high-speed plane, its power is no less than a shell, especially if it hits the engine, it is extremely easy to cause a crash.

And these mechanical seabirds are not ordinary sparrows, the smallest black iron-level mechanical seabirds have a wingspan of more than 2 meters, and the wingspan of the larger bronze and silver-level mechanical seabirds has reached 5 meters or even 10 meters.

Once it hits the fuselage of the Y-20, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Change the mecha form!" When

the mechanical seabirds approached, the four J-20 machine girls quickly transformed into mecha forms, all

of them were platinum-level mechas! Although the mechanical seabirds were menacing, but with the cooperation of the four platinum-level mechas, none of them could get close to the rear of the Y-20, and in the end they were almost completely wiped out under the ferocious artillery fire, and only a few fish escaped from the net.


Y-20 quickly returned to its normal and stable flight state, and the students who had been taken aback also calmed down, but the instructors were very calm throughout the whole process.

"These mechanical seabirds, most likely, have been stimulated by nuclear sewage, and their temperament has become more irritable and irritable, otherwise they would not dare to provoke us under normal circumstances.

Yu Shengwan said.

Li Zichen also had to sigh that the people of the Sakura Empire had really done all the bad things, and they deserved to be punished by God!

If they continue to discharge nuclear sewage, they may not know how much of a threat these marine mechanical monsters will pose to the surrounding countries.

The next voyage did not encounter any more danger, and in more than half an hour, the Y-20 approached the Jiangcheng Naval Base.

Jiangcheng Naval Base

is located in the southeast of Jiangnan Province, bordering the South China Sea, with a tortuous coastline, many natural deep-water harbors, and many islands as natural barriers to shelter from the wind.

Entering the Jiangcheng Naval Base, Li Zichen also saw several large harbors and wharves, among which a large number of warship units, coastal defense units, air defense units, and logistics support units were carrying out their daily work.

As far as the eye can see, the brilliant midday sun is sprinkled on the blue waves at the wharf, and the sea surface is shimmering with dazzling sparkling waves, reflecting on the majestic and magnificent fuselage of the ships moored

! SS+ class, Type 075 - "quasi-aircraft carrier" amphibious assault ship

! SS class, Type 055 - "Blade Sea class" missile destroyer! SS-class, Type 052C/D - "Tianlong Aegis" missile destroyer!

S+-class, Type 054A-"New Youth" air defense frigates

!S-class, Type 056-"Sea Cavalry" corvettes

!SS-class, Type 094-"promoted" strategic nuclear submarines!SS-class, Type 093-"Shang-class" attack nuclear submarines!


addition to these combat ships, there are also various types of minesweepers, icebreakers, dock landing ships, integrated supply ships, island and reef supply ships, ship degaussing ships, Electronic reconnaissance ships, service support ships, and so on.

It is worthy of being the headquarters of the South China Sea Fleet, and the lineup of ships and aircraft at the Jiangcheng Naval Base can be called extremely luxurious!

Unfortunately, I have not been able to see the SSS-class Qilu aircraft carrier aircraft carrier with my own eyes.

The infrastructure construction in the base is also very perfect, office buildings, dormitories, hospitals, air stations, airports, training grounds, dry docks, auxiliary floating docks, machine repair shops, etc.,

and there is even a military academy dedicated to training naval commanders and ship operators, Jiangcheng Naval Military Academy is set up here.

When the Y-20 Aircraft Niang and the four J-20 Aircraft Niang escorting the escort slowed down and flew over the Jiangcheng Naval Base.

"Woo——!! woo ——!!"

At this time, all the ships and aircraft mothers moored in the harbor actually honked their horns in unison, so that the long and thick whistle echoed in the sky for a long time.

This welcome battle is really not small

! But Li Zichen doesn't think it's strange when he thinks about it, this time Jiangnan Mecha University is nominally to let freshmen come to military training, but in fact it is to reinforce their

Jiangcheng Naval Base, after all, the two vice principals who lead the team are both supreme-level powerhouses, and the rest of the mentors' strength levels have reached the diamond level and the grandmaster level, which is undoubtedly a huge help to the Jiangcheng Naval Base!

Soon, the Y-20 Aircraft Lady and the four J-20 Aircraft Niang landed at the airfield of the Jiangcheng Naval Base, and the instructors and students got off the plane one by one.

On the other side, I saw a group of officers wearing naval uniforms and obviously not inferior ranks, and immediately stepped forward to greet them.

The man at the head was none other than Vice Admiral Qi Zhenhua, commander of the South China Sea Fleet and commander-in-chief of the Jiangcheng Naval Base!

The silver-white fuselage is decorated with glittering gold parts, and the whole person naturally exudes a majestic and overwhelming momentum just by standing still, which makes people awe-inspired.

This machine girl, undoubtedly the real trump card of the South China Sea Fleet, the SSS-class Qilu aircraft carrier aircraft carrier, Vice Admiral

Wang Nanrong!

Wang Nanrong's personality [name]: Wang Nanrong

[occupation]: Ji Niang [level


king of the prefecture level

[Airframe Model]: Qilu Aircraft Carrier (SSS-Class)

[Airframe Attributes]: Attack Power 7500w, Protection 7800w, Attack Speed 5, Attack Range 10, Electronic System 8000w, Energy 1E;

[Maximum Speed]: 31 knots [

Airframe Performance] The hull is 315 meters long, 75 meters wide, 10.5 meters draft, 55,000 tons of full load displacement, conventional power of 4 steam turbines and 4 diesel generators, equipped with 346A S-band active phased array radar and 382 radar.

[Weapon system]: Type 1130 short-range air defense gun×3;HQ-10 short-range air defense missile system×3; It can carry 40~50 carrier-based aircraft, including J-15 carrier-based fighters, Z-18 carrier-based early warning aircraft, and Z-9 carrier-based helicopters, carrying about 2,500 personnel.

[Current Contract

Status]: Contracted [Number of Historical Drivers]: 1 person [

Aircraft Status]: Good



by glancing at Wang Nanrong's body attributes, Li Zichen was deeply shocked.

I remember that the last time I checked the supreme-level Han Yanling's body attributes, they only broke through the million mark.

And the king-level Wang Nanrong's body attributes directly broke through the 10 million mark, which was more than ten times more powerful than it.


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