"Oh my God, what kind of ship

is that? It's too big!" "I don't know! That's the SS+-class Type 075 amphibious assault ship! The second only ship after the aircraft carrier!" "I heard that there is only one SS+-class Type 075 amphibious assault ship

in the entire South China Sea Fleet, and her combat effectiveness is second only to the Qilu aircraft carrier. Soon

, the freshman commanders present were all attracted by Yu Shengwan's attention and sighed one after another.

"Alright, don't look at it! All the commanders immediately boarded the ship and prepared to go to sea. It

was Lu Hairong who shouted loudly before the freshman commanders reacted and boarded their ships one by one.


Zichen also took Ye Lingyue and Ye Lingxing and boarded Yu Shengwan's hull.

After fusing his mecha soul with Yu Shengwan's hull, Li Zichen was also able to control it like a finger, including all systems and equipment such as its power system, command information system, electronic communication system, and weapon fire control system.

"Let's go.

With Lu Hairong's order, the Type 054A frigate under him took the lead and quickly sailed away from the base military port.

"Shengwan, let's go.

At the same time, Li Zichen also gave an order to activate Yu Shengwan's power system, which immediately made the entire Type 075 amphibious assault ship roar like a giant beast, and the huge steel hull began to sail forward with cleaved waves.

The rest of the commanders' ships were also launched one by one, and for a time, the entire military port was full of sails and hundreds of boats, and the momentum was huge and magnificent.

On the deck, the blue blue waves brought the salty breath of the sea breeze, and Li Zichen, Ye Lingyue, and Ye Lingxing felt the gentle blowing of the sea breeze, and they really felt a completely different experience from galloping in the blue sky.

"All commanders, now obey my orders! With the Type 075 amphibious assault ship Niang as the flagship, a double-layer circular formation formation will be formed, with the inner layers separated by 10 nautical miles and the outer layers separated by 30 nautical miles.

Not long after leaving the military port, Lu Hairong connected to the communication systems of the shipwresses and continued to order them to form a formation.

With Yu Shengwan's hull as the flagship, the frigates are arranged in

a ring at a distance of about 10 nautical miles to form an inner defense ring to provide close protection; the rest of the destroyers, submarine hunters, minesweepers, and other ships maintain a distance of 30~40 nautical miles from the flagship to form an outer defense circle, which is mainly responsible for reconnaissance, air defense, anti-submarine and other tasks.

"I remember it all, this is the basic formation of your 18th Ship Mixed Group to sail to sea in the future, with the Type 075 amphibious assault ship as the flagship as the core, the frigate is responsible for protecting its safety, and the rest of the ships are responsible for reconnaissance and vigilance in the outer circle. The

Type 054A frigate piloted by Lu Hairong was also in it, and the arch guard was in front of Yu Shengwan's hull, which could be described as full of security.

Soon, under the leadership of Lu Hairong and his ship's wife, Sun Peiwen, Li Zichen and the others sailed all the way forward, and in less than half an hour, they came to the Haijiang Management Area at the very edge of the Jiangcheng Naval Base.

This is the coastal sea area where the Jiangcheng Naval Base is stationed and heavily guarded, and an artificial island with a total area of more than 5 square kilometers has been built through land reclamation around it

, and a magnificent and huge fortress has been built at great expense! If you look down from the sky, you can see that the huge artificial island is in a huge rectangle, and the central position is divided into four halves of east, west, south, north and south by two criss-crossing military waterways

A sea-barrage dam has been built around the artificial island, with a total length of nearly 15 kilometers and a dam height of more than 10 meters above sea level, which can not only resist the surging and surging waves, but also block the endless marine mechanical monsters

! Once you sail out of this sea area, then it means that you have officially entered the marine forbidden area full of marine mechanical monsters!

"This is the sea frontier management area under the jurisdiction of our Jiangcheng Naval Base, also known as the South China Sea Naval Battle City!" Since the establishment of the South China Sea Fleet, countless naval officers and men have thrown their heads and spilled their blood to fight against the inexhaustible sea mechanical monsters!"

"In the hundreds of years since the establishment of the South China Sea Naval Battle City, I don't know that it has resisted thousands of attacks from the Ocean Machinery Monster Empire, but it is still standing to this day! This is the symbol of the sweat, tears and blood of countless officers and men of our South China Sea Fleet!"

Speaking of this, Lu Hairong's tone couldn't help but become excited, and he said sonorously:

"Almost every day when the sea tide rises, there will be a large number of marine machinery monsters that will launch an offensive against the South China Sea Naval Battle City with the rising sea water. It is not until the tide of the sea recedes with the sea water. "

With the rising tide and low tide of the sea,

everyone who knows the habits of these marine mechanical monsters for the first time can't help but be stunned.

Under normal circumstances, there will be two high tides and low tides in 24 hours a day, so doesn't that mean that the South China Sea Naval Battle City will encounter two riots of

marine mechanical monsters in a day?! This frequency is really a bit scary!

" This is only the most ideal state, generally the mechanical monster lord above the gold level has the ability to control the sea water, and can cause the tide to a certain extent, so that the marine mechanical monsters under his command will continue to attack.

"Since the Sakura Empire discharged nuclear sewage into the sea, these marine mechanical monsters have rioted even more, often led by high-level marine mechanical monsters to create waves, leading their subordinates to attack us directly.

"Just last month, our South China Sea Naval Battle City ushered in a first-level red alert, and a supreme-level mechanical monster master appeared, setting off a tsunami, and leading more than 1 million marine mechanical monsters to launch an offensive. "

That battle was definitely the largest monster rebellion encountered by the South China Sea Naval Battle City in recent years, the battle lasted for seven days and seven nights, and our army sacrificed thousands of officers and soldiers before finally completely repelling their offensive and defending the South China Sea Battle City.

Lu Hairong's expression was solemn and he continued to introduce to everyone.

Tsunami! More than a million marine mechanical monsters

! Seven days and seven nights of fighting

! Thousands of casualties!

It is hard to imagine how tragic the battle was at that time.

While speaking, under the leadership of Lu Hairong, the commanders' ships have also come to the waterway entrance of the South China Sea Naval Battle City, where a huge lock is set up, and there are naval officers and men in charge of identity checks.

"All ships are to be reverted to their mother-in-law form, and this military waterway must be kept open at all times for wartime ships.

Lu Hairong opened his mouth to remind.

So the short experience of sailing at sea ended, and one by one the ships docked at the mouth of the channel again, changed back to the normal form of the ship, and returned to land.

Finally, after some inspection, everyone was allowed to enter this ancient naval battle city.

Entering the South China Sea Naval Battle City, you can see everywhere the magnificent air intelligence radar station, the sea alert radar station, the coastal sonar station, the antiaircraft gun position, the missile launch position, the military railway, the military airport, the military port, and so on.

"Bang la la-——!!"

It's just that not long after Li Zichen and his party came in, they heard a sudden loud noise in the distance, which actually made the entire South China Sea Naval Battle City tremble slightly.

"What's going on? Could it be a tsunami?" said one of the freshman commanders, startled.

"The tide is rising, and the sea mechanical monsters are on the offensive again.

And Lu Hairong and Sun Peiwen had calm expressions, and they were probably used to this situation:

"According to your military training plan, you don't need to go to the front line to fight those marine mechanical monsters for the time being a few days ago, just familiarize yourself with the base and do some basic training, but well, you're here, I'll take you to see it with your own eyes now." "


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