Status Meister

Episode 80 EX Rank

I slept early the day before and woke up pretty early.

The previous day's level has risen, so let's change jobs and adjust status while everyone is still asleep.

▼ Takashi Watanabe Lv.1 Alchemist Rank.B

HP: 648 (648 +0)

MP: 2576 (2376 +200)

ATK: 327 (288 +39)

MAG: 1552 (1512 +40)

DEF: 419 (360 +59)

AGI: 864 (864 +0)

STR: 4 (+ -) VIT: 5 (+ -) INT: 21 * DEX: 12 (+ -) CHA: 24 * (0)

JOB: M Alchemist Lv.1 S Announcement Lv.36 Mage Lv.30 Monk Lv.30 Adventurer Lv.9 Swordsman Lv.8 Space Mage Lv.1 Granted Mage Lv.1 Summoner Lv.1 Mage Lv.1 Priest Lv.1 Crusader Lv.1 Villager Lv.1 Fighter Lv.1 Warrior Lv.1 Shooter Lv.1 Cleric Lv.1

SKL: Alchemy Understanding Magic Rising Magic Rising Small * Magic Rising Small * Primary Healing * Primary Treatment * Primary Magic * Primary Magic Barriers * Primary Alchemy Magic * Primary Space Magic * Primary Granted Magic * Primary Summoning Magic * Primary Synthetic Magic * Divine Hand Eye Legs Divine Mouth

EQP: Feather Rapier + 3 Iron Shield + 1 Half Plate Leather Gauntlet + 1 Leather Boot + 1 Power List + 1

▼ Miriam Wale Lv.16 Magic Instructor Rank.B

HP: 357 (240 +0)

MP: 2028 (1728 +300)

ATK: 118 (96 +22)

MAG: 1155 (1056 +99)

DEF: 180 (144 +36)

AGI: 672 (672 +0)

STR: 2 (+ -) VIT: 3 (+ -) INT: 22 * DEX: 14 (+ -) CHA: 16 * (0)

JOB: M Mage Mentor Lv.16 S Grant Mage Lv.9 Mage Lv.30 Monk Lv.31 Adventurer Lv.10 Villager Lv.2 Clergy Lv.1 Merchant Lv.1 Fighter Lv.1 Warrior Lv.1 Swordsman Lv.1 Shooter Lv.1 Cleric Lv.1

SKL: Intermediate Magic Magic Magic Lifting Magic Lifting Magic Lifting Small * Magic Lifting Small * Primary Healing * Primary Treatment * Primary Magic * Primary Magic Barrier * Primary Granted Magic * Primary Synthetic Magic *

EQP: Moonstick + 2 Seif Kublazer Headdress Leather Boot Magic List + 2

▼ Farah Oslo Lv.13 Summoner Rank.B

HP: 342 (342 +0)

MP: 1974 (1824 +150)

ATK: 188 (171 +17)

MAG: 1140 (1083 +57)

DEF: 205 (171 +34)

AGI: 741 (741 +0)

STR: 3 (+ -) VIT: 3 (+ -) INT: 19 * DEX: 13 (+ -) CHA: 19 * (0)

JOB: M Summoner Lv.13 S Apostle Lv.33 Mage Lv.30 Slave Lv.5 Space Mage Lv.1 Granting Mage Lv.1 Mage Lv.1 Adventurer Lv.1 Villager Lv.1

SKL: Intermediate Summoning Magic Multiple Summoning Magic Lifting Magic Lifting Small * Primary Magic * Primary Magic Barriers * Primary Granting Magic * Primary Summoning Magic * Primary Synthetic Magic * Intermediate Healing Primary Space Magic Mimic Conversion

EQP: Magic Rod + 2 Gothic Lolita Headdress Leather Boot Magic List

Like this, I guess.

Marie and Run have just adjusted, so it'll still be good.

As a result of wondering if it was space or alchemy, I lost the temptation that I might be able to make a fortune from alchemy and turned it into alchemy.

In comics and cartoons, all I could do was work about not being able to make money or people, so I was tempted to give it a try.

But you can't just generate it all of a sudden.

What is alchemy understanding?

Still, MP and magic are supposed to suck.

With the extra point swinging to DEX, the AGI is up. This is now, that's an interesting status.

It's a game I've played before, and I've never seen or heard of evasive sorcerers.

It's just that games are good, but this world is what I actually experience. Now after a while of fighting, let's give it another chance to review it.

Looks like Run and Farah happened when I was thinking about that.

"Good morning, Takashi."

Good morning, Takashi-kun.

"Oh, good morning."

I didn't see the sleeping placement yesterday because I slept best, but apparently Farah was sleeping on the left and Run on the right.

Has Miriam's fixed position been taken? This evening, let's see where they sleep without saying anything.

"Then I guess I'll cook dinner. Farah, I need your help."

"Mm, okay."

"What about Run?

"Cut me some vegetables."

"Yeah, all right."

The three of us slowly get out of bed and prepare breakfast.

It's time to refill the ingredients. I'm going to the swart today, and I'll buy more there.

"Good morning, Takashi"

"Good morning, Takashi."

"Oh, good morning"

Miriam and Marie have been up, too, but they were on the verge of being able to do it now, so they sit down and wait first.

"Thank you for waiting."

"Thank you"

"Here you go!

The minute I lined up the plates, the runs started eating. This guy......

"Today, I'm going to go to Swart and then shop and go to Marie's hometown, how far is it?

"Yes! Uh, walking, I think it's going to take a whole two days or so because I really need to travel through the woods"

Don't take long.

Is there any other means of movement that you have deliberately designated as walking?

"When it comes to not walking, is there something?

"Yes, on the east side of the swart, there is a large river that flows from south to north, so if you go down by boat, I think you'll get there soon"

"Ship. That sounds interesting. All right, let's use the ship."

"Maybe I'll be out after lunch"

When you get to Swart, first go to the sailor's yard and check your time before you shop.

With today's date set, everyone was finishing their meals while Marie was asking about the sailboat yard location, the store location, etc.

"Then we're off!

Fly to the swart with the four of you, through the gate to the sailor's yard.

I was wondering if there were any Mukimuki old men on the sailyard, but that's elf country after all. They're all good-looking.

Muscular, but refreshing, than elves in the city.

"Hi, I'd like to go down the river, but what time do you start sailing?"

"Whoa, we'll be out by noon."

"Do you have something to prepare or something?

"Uh, isn't that about money? Ask him after noon for more information, because I think people are standing there."

"Really? Thank you."

There, where I was fingered, it's like a little cabin. I guess that's where you pay to get on the boat.

We don't seem to have anything to prepare, so can we just finish shopping?

"Ugh, shall we go buy ingredients or something? Miriam, talk to Farrah and Marie and buy me some ingredients for a few days."


"What about the run!?

"You watch the three of them from behind."


Give Miriam five gold and ask for groceries.

I'm going to keep my face on the guild in the meantime.

"Meet me, it's cocky"

"Okay. What will Mr. Takashi do?

"Oh, there's something I'd like to try. Farah, can you summon enough kids to ride on my shoulder?"


- Pom.

A small palm-sized cat or raccoon-like thing is summoned.

"I'll keep this kid on my shoulder and act separate from you, so Farah can keep this kid from disappearing."

"Okay. Good luck."

I'll see you later.


That's what I'm saying. I'm breaking up with the four of you.

The goal is an Adventurer's Guild that was near the city's entrance.

"Farah, if you can hear me, hit me on the shoulder three times."

- Pom! Pom! Pong!

Looks like you're still okay. Is this also the result of practice?

Away from Farah, turn around the corner of the building to the city entrance. You won't be able to see from Farah, so this is where it's coming from.

"Farah, the reply from now on is yes.” Shoulder twice. “No” is one shoulder. If it's going to disappear, hit me on the shoulder three times. "

- Pom! Pom!

Arrive at the guild with conversations such as Farah as it is and whether food prefers A or B.

Peek at the bulletin board without going to the reception.

D Crusade for Hard Wolf (Reward: 4 Silver/1)

D-Harpy's Crusade (Reward: 5 Silver/1)

D Crusade for Butterfly (Reward: 4 Silver/1)

D Crusade of Sentipede (Reward: 5 Silver/1)

D Crusade for Forest Rat (Reward: 4 Silver/1)

D-Snake Crusade (Reward: 4 Silver/1)

Crusade for D-Slime (Reward: 4 Silver/1)

Collecting B-Elements (Reward: 50 Silver/1 Piece)

A Collection of mandragolas (Reward: 2 gold/1)

Ex Bandit Crusade (Reward: Consultation)

Ugh, there's an EX rank!

But I guess I can't take it because my rank is B.

In the meantime, take the request of the monster you crusaded by the time you come to Swart, and then go to the counter.

"Hello, I'm here to report completion of the request"

"Hello. So will you let me out here?

Line up the items to be crusaded on the counter.

Ask about the Bandits while doing the work.

"There's a bandit crusade on the request, is there a condition or something to take that request?

"Oh, that's a sudden request, unlike a normal one, so anyone can take it."

"Really? You think the bandits are rampaging somewhere?

"Yes, there have been more slave hunts lately. Because the Knights of the Nation are beyond our control, we are also looking for ambitions for adventurers."

I see. I've heard that there aren't many elf slaves, and I guess it means calling for vigilance.

"Eh, are there restrictions or penalties for not being able to accomplish them?

"As I said, it's not like a normal request, and it could be a real kill, so there's nothing. Once the Knights have declared an end, that's where it ends."

"Really? Ok. Then I'll help you, too."

"Oh yeah! Helpful. If you hand over the bandits you've caught to the Knights, you'll be contacted by the Alliance, so come."

"Yes, I understand."

The receptionist's brother went in the back to redeem the money, so I'll get a request to crusade the Bandits in the meantime.

Ex rank? That's your first time.

When I return after receiving the request, I receive the reward because it was already available.

I asked Kash if the amount of bandits I handed over to him the other day to try doesn't count, but he turned me down because it had nothing to do with this one. Well, I guess so.

Stay out of the guild and ask Farah to explain to everyone that he's going to crusade the Bandits.

Maybe the bandits who attacked Marie's village.

Then we arrived at the sailor's yard first, so we bought some nectar-like citrus fruit from a nearby outdoor store, peeled it off with our hands and waited while we ate.

"Oh, this is the first fruit I've ever seen, but it's good"

- Tassi!

If I had deliberately eaten to look like Farah, I would have gone along with the eating move and the Summoner would have slapped me on the shoulder the whole time.

At first, it's something I beat so many times, I worried it would disappear, but apparently I just wanted to eat it myself.

"Uh, this is good. I would have liked to feed Farah, too. But I'm already done eating, I'm sorry."

- Pesi pesi pesi pesi pesi pesi pesi pesi pesi!

I actually still have a few left, but they hadn't checked the number of pieces I bought.

Maybe he was being conscious of different fruits.

Sounds like Farah.

Farah's protest has also calmed down, so I'll give her a word.

"I'll take a nap till you guys get back, so you can still take your time shopping. Maybe we'll have some extra money, so you can buy something you like. Like the fruit just now."

- Pom! Pom!

"Come back or if anything happens, be sure to wake me up"

- Pom! Pom!

After that, I'll leave it to Farah to get some sleep.

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