Stay with the CEO

4 1.1 Min Cheng

As Min and her family finished their breakfast, Min decided to clean the house. She feels heavy but decided to ignore it.

After four hours, Min made a cup of milk and went to her room. As she is sitting in her bed, she is making her plan. Right now, She is still in her First year of High school. She is now12 years old and can't work yet.

As she is checking on her body, she found out that she is more the 200 pounds. Charry screams and went to look for a mirror. She is horrified when she saw her face. Thier are so many pimples, black heads, white heads and her skin is dry. When she tried to move she feels heavy and easy to be tired.

"Damn, how can I attract boys if I look like this. Thank God, school did not start yet" [Min]

She is happy, she checks on the inventory and checks the items she has.

*1000 Coins

used to exchange goods in the store

*beauty Pill

used to make the person beautiful like a fairy. After consuming, it requires you to exercise in the morning and evening. If you did not do the requirement, the pill will not take effect. It needstwo months to see the overall changes.

*Diet Pill

After consuming, you will experience to take your shit every 2 hours for one week.

*Poker Face Mask

When using the mask, people will only see oneexpression in your face.Even if your happy or sad your expression will not change.


a clone of yourself. It is pretty useful and you can command it to do your other task

* tea set

An old and ancient tea set used by previous conqueror of the world, Albert Bromans.

*lavander tea bags

rare and expensive tea that is usually tea of the royalty back in old days.

*Magical Escape Paper

To activate the M.E.P. you just need to tear the paper and imagine the place you want to go. No limit in distance but it is only for three person per paper.

*Set of clothes

A clothes that is made from silk and other rare materials. You can choose the design of the clothes you want or you can design it.

*Passive Skill

a skill that you need to survive. Each skill has its own uniqueness and too costly. A minute in the story is 3 years in the dimension room.


Any living things on Earth that has a mysterious power.

*1/4 halo of the protagonist

An invinsible hand that helps someone to make miracles or change it's fate.

*High Heal Pill

A pill that can make the dead back to life and heals all injuries.

*Poison Powder

A basic powder that can make a person numb for two hours, headache for half day and can faint to 50 times a day.

Min decided to use at the same time thebeauty and diet pill. Then she click on the passive Skill and another window pop out

Passive Skills

Martial Arts












As she is choosing what is the best and easiest skill to help her earn money, she choose on business, painting or hacking.Min really appreciates arts when she is small but thinks its to dangerous when associating with other people, while on business it is the same but it needs to be very hardworking and eliminates the rivals. But she don't want to involve inkilling and art of torture so Min decided on hacking. She can onlybhide its identity.

Min decided to learn the skill. A screen pop out

Would you like to learn the skill Basic Hacking?


then she click the "yes" on the screen and a white light sorrounds her body before she dissapears in her room. As she open her eyes she saw a thousand computers in the room she is in and an old man walk towards her

"Welcome. Now, lets start your training"[Instructor]

Min complied and starts to listen to her teacher but feels helpless as she knows it will be a tough and difficult to learn codes, patterns, and etc.

As she is back in her room, it only took for twenty-five minutes but she feels she finished her training for 75 years in the dimension.

Min felt exausted and wants to sleep but after an hour andthirty five minutes, she suddenly wakes up and she feels her stomach is aching and went to restroom. Min thought she needs to make an effort and make sacrifices.and she remembers Archy who is useless right now and only sigh.

Min found her phone.The phone is old and has an antenna with a big battery on the back and it's quite heavy. She sighs and call one of her friend, Mamie Chu.

"Hey, Mamie can you lend me some money?"[Min]


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