Stay with the CEO

8 1.5 Min Cheng

Charry wakes up and she feels a very familiar surroundings.She thinks she is back in her original world, her world where family and loved ones lives. She feels emotional, that tears slowly flows in her face.

Charry remembers when she met the system who will fulfil her wishes if she will succeed to complete the missions. It gives her hope and joy to fulfil her wishes and dreams to come true. She wants to change herself to be better like others but she is coward when changes made her to come out of her comfort zone. Charry knows she is only in talk but not in action, she feels guilty and not trust herself but she wants to be better so she tried to accept the system. But now that as she has experience in her first world, she feels helpless as she don't know what to do and want to give up.

Charry want to calm herself and decided to go out later and have a fresh air. Before goes out of her room and cook food for her family, she first prepares her clothes, a simple white shirt, denim pants, white shoes and purse.

During thier breakfast, her parents and siblings didn't notice the changes that affects Charry. As usual she did her housework and went out. Charry goes to the park and went to her favorite spot to sit and think.

She sits under a big willow tree, closes her eyes, and as the wind blows gently makes her listen to the whispers of her surroundings and try to relax.

This is her first time to go alone outside without companion. At first, she feels uncomfortable, but as she tries to relax, she felt comfy sitting.

Then suddenly, a man who finished his exercise routine notices a woman sitting in the tree. When he saw her with her eyes closed and smiles, it is a very beautiful view like those famous paintings.

The man want to talk to Min, so he casually walk towards her. When Min feels someone's presence coming, she open her eyes and look who is it. She suddenly feels nervous and she wants to run but her body froze and won't listen to her as she tries to move her body.

The man standing infront of her, smiles and says hi to her. Min automatically lowers her head and says hello softly.

"By the way, I saw you sitting in this spot and you don't have any companion, so maybe can I accompany you and also be your friend?"[man]

"...Oh, I see" [Charry]

"I am Harry Fernandez, nice to meet you"[Harry]

"I'm C-c-ch-a-arry H-e-erman. N-i--ce to m--eet you too.[Charry]

Harry notices that Charry is feels uncomfortable so he tries to be nice as possible.

"Dont worry, I am not a bad guy, I just want to know you and be friends,is that okay with you?"[Harry]

Charry nods her head. Harry talk to her many things but she just answer by nodding her head or saying few words. Harry understand that she is shy and quiet, so most of the time he is the one talking. Harry says

" See you around Charry, I hope I can see you here tommorow or sometime these week" as he smiles

"Sure" [Charry] and wave her hand. Charry knows Harry tried to make the conversation between them comfortable but she feels nervous at that time that makes her uncomfortable. Some people approach her to talk to her or tries to be friend to her but she is difficult to express herself so they just left her alone after making few talk. She felt confused and suddenly thought maybe he is different and stand to walk around the park.

She enjoys walking around the park, as she is thinking what will she do next. She first decided to eat sinceit's already 12 noon. She went to McDonalds, and order her food. She seats in the second floor, near the windows. Charry is satisfied as she eats and after that she went to the supermarket to buy the things needed to prepare for dinner. Around 3 pm, she is already at home and arrange the things that she bought, then starts to cook for dinner.

Around six-thirty pm Charry finished cooking and she arranged the table. It consists of dishes of meats, vegetables, seafoods, a steamed rice and soup. She look satisfied looking at the table and calls her family to eat. Eating dinner with the family is very important because most of the family members are already at home. Eating with your loved ones makes your food more delicious, enjoyable and warm. And also in their family tradition they should not talk while eating. They can chat later after dinner. After dinner they will have tea time and they can chat.

Charry prepares a jasmine tea for everyone and they enjoy it as they talk to each other. She decided to go to her room to make her plan on what she will do next on her mission. She first wash up and sit at her bed.

Charry closes her eyes and imagine a screen that will appear. Then, the screen appears and she selects the store icon.






As she select the technology, selection of tech pop up. The technology contains all low to high technologies that are made from the all of the system's world. These technologies are used in everything like cooking, cleaning,spying except for war machines.

Charry choose in the area for spying. She scrolls down to see if there are some items that she can afford. After a few minutes, she found a small round camera that looks like a lady bug. Its uses is to record audio or video, limited to one week and it cost for 800 coins. And also she found a diamond earring, that will put in your left ear, limited to one day and it cost 200 coins. Charry bought the two items without hesitation.

"Welcome back host, I'm here your cute little bunbun hehe."Archy

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