Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 46 A Huge Amount Of Spiritual Stones Arrived, A Super Big Purchase

Han Yuan said: "Okay, I agree! However, these non-zong industry shares need to be delivered once a quarter. The first quarter is the same as before. I need to give me an estimated profit in advance, and then just follow the normal sharing time. ”

Diheng and Yanagisawa expressed their agreement at the same time.

"We have accidentally discovered four minerals and six fields in the past few days, and they will be in your name!" Di Heng said with a smile.

"Our family has also discovered seven special treasures for breeding animals in the past few days, plus three mines, which can also be named in your name." Yanagisawa coughed first and said.

The corners of Han Yuan's eyes couldn't help but twitch. Is it such a coincidence? Did you just discover them in the past few days? There is no need for this. If these industries are not reported to the sect, it actually does not violate the sect rules. It is just a matter of safety. However, if it is added to the sect's industry list, the sect will form a guardian mission. Many tasks in the mission hall come from here. Yes, if we encounter an irresistible and powerful enemy, the sect will also send strong men out.

"Okay, let's sign the agreement!" Han Yuan said calmly.


Both of them were obviously prepared, and they took out the agreement and contract. According to the same procedure, each family had three copies. In addition to one copy for each person, they also needed to deliver one copy to the sect.

In this way, Han Yuan, the Liu family, and the Di family were deeply tied together. While reaping the benefits, some costs naturally had to be paid.

In fact, this is good. Han Yuan can hide under the influence of the two families, absorb the nutrients of the two families and grow up, and at the same time, he can block the eyes of others.

One day passed in the blink of an eye.

At the end of the day, Han Yuan was busy for a long time, especially the handover with the sect, which took a lot of effort, but fortunately everything was done.

In front of the entrance of Cangming Tower, Han Yuan quietly watched a group of people put boxes of spiritual stones into the warehouse on the third floor of Cangming Tower.

Next to him, Chang Chun was shaking as he watched. Every time someone passed by, he would tremblingly write down the number of spirit stones that had been delivered in his notebook. The accumulated figures were extremely exaggerated.

Qin Feng was also checking the number of spirit stones. He was already numb from counting. In his opinion, no one is considered rich if he doesn't have more than one million spirit stones.

Di Qing and Liu Sixi were also waiting nearby, supervising the work of their family members. They were also surprised by the number of spirit stones. Although they were members of the family, they had never seen so many spirit stones before.

Only Han Yuan remained calm, appearing calm and calm.

Can you not calm down? In his previous life, he had heard that a company could lose several trillions. Now these are just a few million spirit stones. Although the things are different, the order of magnitude does seem to be very ordinary. It is only a few million, not even a tenth of a small goal. one.

The monks carrying the spiritual stones were finally done.

Liu Sixi came up and said, "Senior brother, I went to see how they arranged the zoo?"

"Go ahead, you will be responsible for the management of the zoo from now on." Han Yuan nodded with a smile.

Di Qing hesitated for a moment, stepped forward and saluted: "Senior Brother Han, can I also work with you?"

"Haha, that's great. You will also be responsible for Lingtian's affairs."

Han Yuan looked at the two of them and said, "You two can gather your daily affairs with Chang Chun first. From now on, Chang Chun will be in charge of the affairs of the cave."

"Yes!!" Di Qing responded quickly.

Chang Chun immediately blushed and said, "I will definitely handle it."

He was very happy. In this way, he had firmly established himself as the cave steward.

"Qin Feng." Han Yuan looked at Qin Feng next to him again.


"There are still some functional buildings in the mansion, such as the Alchemy Pavilion and the like. You can take care of it for the time being. If you have anything, you can report it to Chang Chun."

Han Yuan paused and continued, "Changchun, you can recruit some people to run these places. Now that the spirit stones are running, the cave doesn't even have a cleaning disciple, so it's really a bit shabby."

"Yes!" Qin Feng said excitedly, he finally got a specific position.

"Okay!" Chang Chun also looked happy. In this way, he can also take charge of the people directly under his command. The people in the spiritual field and the animal garden are not under his control.

"Yes." Han Yuan nodded and said to Di Qing and Liu Sixi, "You two go and do your work first. Chang Chun, Qin Feng, you come in, I have something to explain."

Liu Sixai and the others left first.

Chang Chun and Qin Feng followed Han Yuan into Cangming Tower.

The three of them came to the door of the warehouse and could see a large number of spiritual stones placed inside!

"How much is the total?" Han Yuan asked.

Changchun immediately reported: "Dijiadongfu Industry has given 2.2 million spirit stones in advance, Zongwai Industry has 500,000 spirit stones, Liujia Dongfu Industry has 1.9 million spirit stones, Zongwai Industry has also given 400,000 spirit stones, a total of 5 million spirit stones!"

Han Yuan nodded. In the first quarter, 20% of the revenue from Zongwai Industry was 900,000. This was only a quarter, only 20% of the revenue, and the total revenue was 18 million. On average, an industry earned 900,000 spirit stones in a year. .

"These spirit stones will leave one million for the cave to run. I want to spend all the other four million!" Han Yuan said calmly.

Chang Chun was shocked, all... all flowers?

Qin Feng was also suffocated. Four million was spent as much as he wanted.

"Do you still remember the list I asked you to collect?" Han Yuan asked.

"Um, of course I remember!"


Chang Chun and Qin Feng both nodded quickly.

Chang Chun immediately said: "I have added some item information during this period, and they are all here."

Qin Feng also replied: "You asked me to collect the common items in the market and sect trading market. I have also checked them out. Here is the list!"

The two of them each took out a list.

"Now, mark out all the items that are easy to buy." Han Yuan instructed.

Hearing this, Chang Chun and Qin Feng looked at each other in astonishment.

However, they did not dare to ask any more questions and quickly took out the lists they had collected and compared them one by one.

Han Yuan watched from the side, also making comparisons together.

The number of items found in Changchun has reached more than 120, and there are indeed quite a few. However, many of them are off-the-shelf items that are either rare in quantity, expensive, not cost-effective, or simply not available on the market. .

So the number was easily cut off by a hundred, and then a comparison was made, and a dozen or so inappropriate ones were removed.

In the end, only a total of nine items were left for Han Yuan to choose from.

"Bloodroot grass, grass leaves with red veins, can be refined into qi and blood pills to improve physical fitness. Swallowing the ten-year-old bloodlock grass directly can permanently improve a small amount of calcining qualifications. It will be ineffective after three swallows. Price: 30 spirit stones/plant (ten years old).”

"Yunling Grass can be used to refine Qi Gathering Pills and Qi Condensing Pills. Swallowing it directly after ten years can permanently increase the speed of absorbing a small amount of spiritual energy. It only takes effect once. Market price: 80 spirit stones/plant (ten years old)."

"The gallbladder of the rhinoceros snake, a yellow-grade high-grade monster snake gallbladder, has a certain effect of clearing the eyesight. If swallowed, it will permanently improve the qualifications for some types of magic practice. The market price is: 200 spirit stones/piece!"

"Tongmai Dan, a high-grade Huang-level elixir, can expand the width of meridians. It only takes effect once. Market price: 500 spirit stones per pill!"

"Lingcui, the ore associated with the Lingshi mine, has the effect of improving the aura and spiritual power quality of various items. It is mostly used in skills such as refining weapons, elixirs, and talismans. Monk refining can also improve the quality of spiritual power in a small amount. Price: 800 Spiritual stone/piece!”

"Ghost Fruit, which grows mostly in dark and damp swamps, can permanently improve your spiritual consciousness cultivation qualifications. It can only take effect once. Market price: 1,000 spiritual stones/piece!"

"Nine-leaf Sword Qi Grass is a weed that grows in the Sword Valley. Absorbing the sword Qi from the leaves can permanently improve your sword practice qualifications. Each leaf can only be used once, but the common one is only one leaf of Sword Qi Grass, which only takes effect once. , market price: 1,500 spirit stones/plant (one leaf)!”

"Hundred Poison Bee Peak Honey can permanently improve your ability to resist toxins. Price: 2,000 spirit stones/box!"

"Life-Extension Pill, a top-grade Huang-level pill. Swallowing it can permanently increase your lifespan by one year. You can take up to five pills. Price: 5,000 spirit stones per pill."

When Han Yuan saw the last item, his eyes couldn't help but straighten.

Life extension pill?

Life extension pill!

He frowned slightly, wondering whether this elixir could really increase his lifespan? Or is it just improving something on the side to increase lifespan?

"Is there a recipe for longevity pill?" Han Yuan asked.

"There is only some information about the main ingredients." Chang Chun said, "It is made from fifty-year-old blood fruit and the core of the spirit tree!"

Han Yuan thought in his mind: "This life-extending pill should enhance the activity and vitality of the physical body, thereby extending the life span."

He has heard some sayings that the limit of a person's lifespan can only be broken through breakthroughs in cultivation. This elixir can extend lifespan only because the physical body has weakened, but the lifespan of the soul has not yet reached the limit. It can improve the condition of the physical body, but the lifespan of the soul has reached the limit. , there is absolutely no way to break it.

"But since this elixir can permanently increase 'life', there must be something extraordinary about it."

Han Yuan had made up his mind and said to the two of them: "You should prepare to purchase these nine items during this period. You don't have to buy them all in one go. Buy as much as you can."

"Yes!" Chang Chun and Qin Feng said in unison.

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