Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 57 The Shocking Breakthrough Of Perfecting The Technique!

Du Yuanhe chattered for a while, then took Yue Xianxian away.

He was going back to help Yue Xianxian deal with the follow-up issues of killing the true disciple. Although this was a personal grudge, the true disciple was still a true disciple after all. Killing him in public would always be troublesome.

Han Yuan continued to return to the practice room.

He threw Wangcai in the practice room next to it and let it find a way to break through the realm. Now Wangcai does not need spiritual energy, as long as he can find an opportunity to break through, he can break through.

Han Yuan sat cross-legged on the futon, lost in thought.

Old man Du asked him to go to the Transmission Hall more often, but his situation was no longer recognizable from that of a normal practitioner. Although the technique was still the "Ancient Wood Nurturing Spirit Technique", it was too different.

But the basic core was still the same.

"So the so-called spirit in the Ancient Wood Spirit Cultivation Technique refers to spiritual consciousness? Did I practice it wrong before? No, it should be that the technique itself contains multiple meanings. One is to cultivate the spirituality of spiritual plants, the second is to improve the agility of spiritual power, the third is to cultivate the spirituality of the wood spirit heart, and the fourth is to cultivate one's own spiritual consciousness. This technique is simplified from the "Jianmu Xiandian". Obviously, the true meaning contained in it is not simple." Han Yuan's eyes suddenly fell on a storage bag of a black fruit. "Since the level of perfection falls on spiritual consciousness, this ghost fruit improves the permanent spiritual consciousness cultivation effect. If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools. Taking this fruit first will undoubtedly improve the efficiency of the technique practice." There are a total of 100 ghost fruits, and each one only costs 1,000 spirit stones. Because each person can only swallow one of these fruits, the price is not high, but the output is also not high. It is not a small amount to get 100 at a time. Han Yuan swallowed a ghost fruit. The ghost fruit melted in his mouth, and a large amount of cool air actually rushed directly to his head. Han Yuan's spiritual consciousness closely observed the direction of the medicinal power, and saw that the medicinal power was consumed after just one flush through the brain along the meridians.

The whole brain was indeed very refreshed, and the speed of spiritual consciousness improvement was improved by half.

There was indeed an effect, but it was better than nothing.

Han Yuan opened his eyes and looked forward.

The dice stopped spinning the moment he looked over.

[Random gain multiplier: 10]

[The effect of strengthening meridians by ghost fruit increased by 10]

"Strengthen meridians?"

Han Yuan was slightly stunned. Isn't this to improve the speed of spiritual consciousness cultivation? Why is it strengthening meridians again?

Before he could figure it out, ten times more medicinal power poured into his head again.

This time the medicinal power was much more sufficient, and he could feel the changes in the medicinal power more clearly.

The cool medicinal power of the ghost fruit began to blend into the meridians in the head, especially the meridians near the sea of ​​consciousness acupoints, which absorbed a lot of medicinal power.

Han Yuan suddenly had an idea, and while the medicinal power was exerting, he operated the ancient wood nourishing spirit skill.

As the technique was running, the wood spirit began to run in the meridians. When the spirit came to the meridians in the head that were being strengthened, the spirit began to be consumed for no reason and transformed into a much gentler energy. It entered the sea of ​​consciousness along the meridians. It can be seen that after these energies came to the sea of ​​consciousness, they sank to the bottom of the sea of ​​consciousness, where the soul was.

After a circle in the soul, it was refined into spiritual consciousness and soon integrated into the original spiritual consciousness.

Han Yuan suddenly realized that he had not paid much attention to the growth of spiritual consciousness before, but it turned out that the improvement of spiritual consciousness was not produced out of thin air, but from spiritual power.

Compared with gold, water, fire and earth, wood spirit is indeed more spiritual, and it is indeed easier to transform into power for the soul to absorb and refine.

Especially under the operation of Han Yuan's technique and the tempering of the wood spirit heart, the spirit itself is more gentle and spiritual, making it easier for the soul to refine.

Suddenly, he remembered the transformation of spiritual power and blood at the connection between the micro meridians and the blood veins, plus the changes in the spiritual power of the meridians near the sea of ​​consciousness, and he thought of a sentence.

Refining essence into qi, refining qi into spirit!

The ancient key to cultivation was fully demonstrated in him.

Blood and qi represent essence, spiritual power represents qi, and spiritual consciousness represents spirit. Blood and qi can be transformed into spiritual power, and spiritual power can be transformed into spiritual consciousness. The three are transformed layer by layer through the meridians.

However, after his body transformation, spiritual power can be transformed into blood and qi in turn. In other words, as long as the spiritual power is sufficient, spiritual consciousness and blood and qi can be quickly replenished, and his ancient wood qi recovery technique ensures the replenishment of spiritual power. This is simply perfect!

The perfect cultivation cycle system only lacks the improvement of the spiritual consciousness cultivation speed!

Han Yuan continued to swallow the ghost fruit.

The cool energy continues to strengthen the meridians near the sea of ​​consciousness.

As the power of the medicine continues to increase, the scope of the medicine's diffusion is also increasing, gradually covering the micro meridians.

Han Yuan was pleasantly surprised. Originally, the meridians that transformed spiritual power were only the main and secondary meridians in the head. Now it seems that even the micro meridians can transform the energy promised by spiritual consciousness!

After the transformation of his Ancient Wood Spirit-nurturing Technique, he has already been able to utilize these micro meridians, and now it is also applicable to the transformation of spiritual consciousness!

The micro meridians are not inconspicuous. When there are more of them, the combined conversion efficiency is dozens of times greater than that of the main and auxiliary meridians. In this way, the speed of spiritual consciousness improvement will naturally be greatly increased.

At this moment, he could feel that the barrier to perfection in Gu Mu's Spirit-nurturing Technique had been broken silently, and he could reach perfection at any time.

However, at this moment, as the ghost fruit was digested, he discovered that the cooling power spread through the micro meridians and flowed into the blood veins!

After the energy passes through those connecting parts, the natural lines gradually become more complex.

The bloody veins also naturally began to absorb the medicinal power of the ghost fruit.

This scene seemed familiar to Han Yuan.

I had seen it before when I swallowed the Soul-Yun Fruit, but now, the medicinal power of the Ghost Fruit seems to be undergoing the same transformation!

The blood veins were more magical than he imagined.

The transformation of Blood Vein is still ongoing.

A brand new dice gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

The dice is significantly larger than ordinary dice, and the numbers on it rotate faster.

Han Yuan raised his eyebrows, but he still couldn't see the numbers on it clearly, and he still locked it by feeling.

A number "24" appears on it.

[Random gain multiplier: 24]

[The perfect effect of the ancient wood nourishing skill is improved*24]

Han Yuan was pleasantly surprised. The magnification of the skill was very important. This was his main skill. Naturally, the bigger the improvement, the better. However, he was curious, where would the 24-fold improvement be?

Han Yuan observed himself and didn't seem to feel any changes.

Suddenly, his attention came to the sea of ​​consciousness.

The sea of ​​consciousness is where the soul of a monk lies. In addition to the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness, there is only a dense spiritual consciousness that wraps the soul body. There is also a gray energy below the sea of ​​consciousness. He did not know this before. The source of energy, now known, comes from the transformation of spiritual power.

The edge of the sea of ​​consciousness is darkness. As spiritual consciousness improves, the edge of the sea of ​​consciousness will also expand.

When his attention came to the sea of ​​consciousness, countless illusory meridians suddenly extended from the bottom of the sea of ​​consciousness.

When Han Yuan was stunned, these meridians were instantly entangled in his soul body!

These meridians poured into his soul body, weaving a network of meridians in his soul body, forming an extremely complex meridian map. Han Yuan compared it and found that these meridians were exactly the same as those in his body. !

While he was wondering, gray energy suddenly poured in from the illusory meridians in the middle of the sea of ​​consciousness, and followed the meridians into the new meridians in the soul body's body!

Then he was surprised to find that there was also a wood spirit heart in the soul, which was automatically running the ancient wood spirit nourishing technique!

The gray energy is quickly refined during the operation of the technique, and part of it is integrated into the soul, and the other part is transformed into spiritual consciousness and dispersed into the sea of ​​consciousness.

When he understood his physical body, he could feel that except for the meridians in his head, most of the meridians on his body had inexplicable spiritual power disappearing during the operation of spiritual power!

The more Han Yuan looked, the bigger his eyes became!

"Isn't this? Isn't this the Gu Mu Qi Restoration Technique?"

That's right, if we make an analogy, those gray energies are like strips of earth vein spiritual energy. The meridians in his body are like earth veins. The soul is like extracting the earth vein spiritual energy, extracting the gray energy transformed by the spiritual power in his body. The spiritual consciousness transformed by the refining of the soul is like the light spiritual energy that spreads between heaven and earth!

This is to build a spiritual consciousness loop similar to the spiritual energy loop in his sea of ​​consciousness!

This is truly amazing!

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