Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 98 Master Xing’S New Talisman Is On The Shelves

Han Yuan knew the number of his talismans.

It was okay now, he could say it was inventory. Once the inventory was used up, the role of a certain master would be reduced a lot. But when he started to transform the talismans, the output would be greater than before, which might attract the attention of others or even hostility.

As the first contact person, Chang Yixin was in imaginable danger.

However, the market was within his detection range, and Chang Yixin would not leave the market, so he could still guarantee the safety.

"I wonder how much firepower she can absorb?"

Han Yuan shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He turned out a piece of yellow-grade lower-grade talisman paper from his inventory and began to refine yellow-grade lower-grade talismans again.

The first one he started with was the Gale Talisman.

The original Gale Talisman actually had eighteen fragments. If it was subdivided, it should be considered a talisman of the second level of Qi Refining.

Han Yuan pondered and found that five of the fragments were basically set up to ensure that the difficulty of refining was reduced, and he did not need them at all. There were also four fragments that could be replaced with better structures, so there would be five vacancies.

There were only three fragments stored originally, but now three more identical fragments can be added, and the storage limit can be optimized. Six fragments are equivalent to 2.6 times the previous effect.

At the same time, the fragments of the speed increase can also be composed of two more fragments to form a stronger acceleration effect.

He carved it, and a new version of the 18-fragment Gale Talisman was declared complete.

"Try it."

Han Yuan picked up the talisman pen and sketched on the talisman paper. There was no pause in the process of drawing the talisman. It was done in one go, beautifully and lightly. When the talisman was completed, the fragments of sensing the heaven and earth came into play and resonated with a certain force in the heaven and earth. The talisman paper exuded an amazing suction force, which drew a large amount of spiritual energy into it. After processing the fragments of spiritual energy, it turned into the wind spiritual power required for the Gale Technique and stored it in the six spiritual power fragments.


Han Yuan's mouth curled up. He didn't need to experiment to know the effect of the talisman. This was the confidence of a master of yellow-grade talismans. The endurance of this gust of wind talisman was doubled and the speed was increased by one third. It was called a yellow-grade lower-grade talisman, but its power had reached the level of a yellow-grade middle-grade talisman!

But it still only had eighteen talisman fragments, which really belonged to the category of yellow-grade lower-grade talismans, which showed the effect of Han Yuan's transformation.

This new talisman that was transformed was probably difficult for others to learn. Although it was only a yellow-grade lower-grade one, the difficulty of refining it was more difficult than that of a yellow-grade middle-grade one, and it was not something that ordinary people could learn.

But for Han Yuan, it was simpler and easier to make than the original one!

In other words, this transformation was only suitable for him, and even for the existence of the same level, it was not suitable. They might also be able to transform talismans, but masters all had their own characteristics and styles that suited them.

Han Yuan also improved the talisman encapsulation technique. In addition to retaining all the previous functions, he also added the effect of nourishing the spirit talisman. In this way, the talisman is not easy to expire and the validity period is greatly increased!

Compared with magic tools, talismans are not only disposable consumables, but also have a very short validity period. Usually, they will lose their effect in half a year to three years. This is why several major sects are also short of talismans. Talismans are fast-consumable items that are extremely scarce in wartime and very abundant in peacetime. Only in wartime will it be discovered that the talisman maker, who is usually at the bottom of the status, will suddenly be higher than the status of the alchemist and the weapon refiner.

The time for refining pills is not bad. Some have more and some have less. The importance is second only to the talisman maker, but the refining time of magic tools is usually very long. They can be stored in peacetime and there is no shortage of inventory. The importance drops sharply.

In peacetime, the weapon refiner is greater than the alchemist and the talisman maker.

In wartime, the talisman maker is greater than the alchemist and the weapon refiner.

Han Yuan casually put the modified wind talisman aside.

He picked up a new talisman paper and made the Gale Talisman again. This time he modified it again. This time he focused on the endurance. Under the condition of the same speed, the endurance can be increased four times!

The third talisman, while ensuring a certain endurance, increases the speed!

After some modification, he refined nine talismans of three types, one for endurance, two for speed, and all three for balance.

In short, the three talismans are much stronger than the previous Gale Talisman. After marking different prompts, he stopped refining the Gale Talisman and began to comprehend the second Fiery Fire Talisman.

One after another, the improved talismans were refined by him. On the table next to him, the talismans began to gradually pile up into a small mountain like before.

When Chang Yixin came to hand over the goods in the middle, Han Yuan did not even look up. He was immersed in the improved talisman and could not extricate himself. He waved his hand and signaled Chang Yixin to take it himself.

Chang Yixin naturally would not disturb Han Yuan from drawing talismans. He took away the finished talisman very consciously and put down the raw materials of the talisman.

However, when she checked the finished talisman, she was puzzled to find that this time the talisman was a little different. There were special markings on it, such as [Extreme Speed], [Extreme Length], [Extreme Power], [One Changes to Three], etc., which made her a little confused.

But Han Yuan had no intention of explaining.

Chang Yixin could only take all the talismans away in confusion and continue to put them on the exchange hall according to the previous price.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Guan Yuqi and the other two ran back from the market in a panic.

"Damn, when did those guys from Gengchun Market have so many talismans in their hands!" Wang Chongba said depressedly.

"Fortunately, the quality is not as good as the Xing Fu. They couldn't break the defense of the Vajra Fu and escaped with their lives!" Zhao Jiu said thankfully.

Wang Chongba said depressedly: "The Xing Fu is good, but the ones issued these days are all upper-grade yellow-grade ones, and you can't buy many of them. If there are more lower-grade and middle-grade yellow-grade ones, it will be more convenient to use."

Guan Yuqi waved his hand and said: "Okay, stop complaining! Go submit the task, and then go to the exchange hall to see, and buy some talismans issued by the disciples of the Earth God Sect."

"That's the only way."

The three returned to the northern area of ​​the market, but unexpectedly found that there were many people queuing in front of the exchange hall!

Wang Chongba walked up curiously and asked a friendly monk: "Brother, what good stuff is on sale in the exchange hall today? Why are there so many people queuing?"

"You don't know? The exchange hall has Master Xing's talismans again, and this batch is all lower-grade yellow rank. Oh, by the way, you know the Xing talisman, right? That is Master Xing's masterpiece. Those lower-grade yellow talismans are very useful, and you don't feel bad about using them. They are also quite powerful."

Guan Yuqi and the other two's eyes lit up.

Wang Chongba was surprised and said, "This is a good feeling. Speaking of it, it is still easy to use the lower-grade yellow talismans. I gave a few to the opponent right away. Hehe, Master Xing's talismans have all kinds of talismans, which are simply hard to defend against. What kind of poison, psychedelic, weakening, entanglement, slowing, etc., just give the enemy a few at a time, and the advantage is basically established." Guan Yuqi nodded in agreement. In addition to the quality, the most magical thing about Xingfu is that there are many kinds. The talismans on the Yunyang Sect come and go. There are all kinds of Xingfu, and there are even curses and bad luck. It makes the casual cultivators in Gengchunfang City hard to defend against, thus laying some advantages, and then turning the advantages into winning momentum, and winning will be easier! "Chongba, Zhao Jiu, you line up here, I'll submit the task first!" "Okay!" Guan Yuqi quickly ran to submit the task, and after a while, he came back and joined the team. They stood in the queue, waiting and getting anxious, fearing that there would be no more talismans to buy later.

The old man said with a smile: "Don't worry, Master Xing has taken out another 30,000 talismans this time, and everyone can buy them!"

"That's good!"

Guan Yuqi and others calmed down now.

When the queue was almost their turn, Guan Yuqi could already observe the talismans on the shelf.

Master Xing's talismans were indeed new, and he soon discovered that in addition to the same apricot tree mark, there were some special marks on these talismans.

The cultivator who was exchanging talismans just raised a question and asked, "Excuse me, what do the special words on the apricot talisman mean?"

The disciple of the Earth God Sect explained, "This is a new product. Compared with the previous ones, it has some more tendencies. For example, the meaning of [One Changes to Three] is that before it could only launch one fireball, but now it can become three fireballs. You can figure it out by yourself. I don't know most of the details."

"Is this strengthened? Hiss! These, these, give me some!"

"Okay, a total of 120 pieces, 600 military merits!"

"Huh, isn't it strengthened? Hasn't the price increased yet?"

"There is no price increase yet, but there is no guarantee that there will be a price increase later!"

"Then I will exchange 50 more!"

After listening, Guan Yuqi looked at Wang Chongba and Zhao Jiu.

"Buy more!" Wang Chongba said.

"Yes, buy all talismans. Anyway, there are still a lot of pills left, and the apricot talisman is a hot commodity!" Zhao Jiu said.

"I understand."

When it was Guan Yuqi's turn, he took out all the military merits in his hand. He had 3,000 points of military merits accumulated during this period. He exchanged them all for talismans in one go, and bought hundreds of them in one go!

The people in the queue behind him were stunned, and they couldn't help but increase the number they wanted to buy, fearing that there would be no stock later.

In just three hours, the 30,000 new talismans that had just been put on the shelf had been exchanged.

And these casual cultivators who got the new talismans naturally wanted to go to the battlefield to mix.

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