On the day of the selection competition, people from both colleges arrived at the scene early. The air on the high-altitude Lingta Mountain was thin, and it was hard enough to climb up.

In order to cheer for his academy, Yuling students walked to the auditorium panting. Before they had a few sips of water, a gust of wind rolled up the yellow sand and whizzed past. Lu Ying, waving huge wings, lined up in the open space not far away. fall.

Student Weiying in an expensive uniform jumped down from the back of the eagle in high spirits. The leader raised his eyes and looked at the tired and sweaty spirit warrior with a taunting smile. The seats with the best viewing angles are all occupied.

"Tch, it's amazing to be rich."

The complaint was very low, but it couldn't stop the hearing of the people in the front seat, "I didn't think it was very good at first, but it's really cool to make you jealous like this."


"Don't quarrel, don't quarrel." The people next to him hurriedly came out to persuade the quarrel, "Be patient and don't make trouble, it's not good to spread the word."

"Is there still a need to pass it on?" Student Weiying who spoke just now shook her hair, "Who doesn't know that your Yuling specializes in raising a bunch of rough people from the countryside. It's fine if you don't know etiquette, and you are also irritable and uneducated."

"By the way, if the spirit removal team of your college loses ugly later on, you won't run wild and find someone to fight to vent your anger." The man moved his position and said to the companion beside him, "You have to get away from these incompetent people." Stay away from the mad dog."

"Can you bear it!" The girl in front rolled up her sleeves and wanted to fight, "Who doesn't know that you guys like to use those dirty tricks, you have the ability to compete openly, a bunch of cowards who put on airs!"

"Please, is it popular to spread rumors without evidence now?"

"Why is there no evidence? We all saw it—" A straight black figure made people swallow their words back.

Ling Qi led the members of the despiriting team to pass by, his eyes slightly slanted, and he stared coldly at the few people bickering in a small circle, "Have you had enough noise?"

"Lord Ling Qi, we didn't mean to quarrel, it was they who first scolded our Yuling students as uneducated vulgar..."

"Why, did you say something wrong?"

Hearing this, Ling Qi looked at the student Wei Ying who was speaking, and the latter knew her background, so he curled his lips and calmed down unwillingly.

"It will start right away, everyone sit down." Ling Qi said in a calm voice to the people in her academy.

Then she lifted her feet and walked down again, walked straight to the middle of the first row, took out a seat chart and handed it to Yu Ke who was sitting there—that is, the captain of the Weiying Exorcism Team.

"Captain Yu, please go and invite people from your academy to move away from our academy."

Yu Ke raised her face, the totem of the Tiannan family on the left eye patch was very conspicuous, her golden eyes were calm and unwavering, it seemed that the intimidating power of that face that could make even evil spirits feel terrified was nothing to her .

She didn't make a sound, so the two of them remained in a stalemate until another tall figure came out from behind the line, stood in front of student Wei Ying who was seated on Yu Ke's right, and said "scroll" simply and rudely .

This seat is symmetrical with Yu Ke's seat, and they are the two seats with the best viewing angles in the first row. Judging by the color of the student's earrings, he should have a high status in the Spirit Elimination Team.

But even Yin Beiqing, the queen of the country, didn't pay attention to it, so why would she care about it.

The girl was stunned, flustered by Yin Beiqing's overwhelming oppression, she retracted her knees reflexively to get out of the way, but turned her eyes to meet the sights of her surroundings, and her proud self-esteem regained the upper hand.

She is the vice-captain of the Spirit Elimination Team, so what face does she have to give up her seat like this, if she really does this, the academy and even the family will be shamed by her cowardice at this moment.

But she is also very clear that if she really offends the woman who is cold in front of her, she has no chance of winning if she makes a move.

Just as she was closing her eyes to prepare for the coming storm, she heard a familiar voice from her left side, instantly undoing the invisible iron chain that locked her neck and making her unable to breathe, "Sit on my left Well, it's easier to talk like this."

These words sounded like an angel's call in her ears, and without a word, she stood up and sat on the seat on Yu Ke's left that someone had just vacated.

"Please sit down, this classmate." Yu Ke didn't smile, but others could tell that this was her kinder tone.

Yin Beiqing ignored her words, took out a handkerchief from somewhere and wiped the non-existent dust on the chair, pressed Yan Yu's shoulders to let her sit down, as if proficient in changing faces, and used a completely different method than before. The tone speaks to her.

"If you're sleepy, sleep for a while." As she spoke, she magically took out a fluffy velvet hat and blanket to wrap Yan Yu's thin body, "I'll call you again when the game is about to start."

Yan Yu was wrapped up so that only the slightly red nose tip and a pair of eyes with water vapor were exposed. She sat upright and motionless, like a beautiful doll, and nodded slightly after Yin Beiqing finished giving orders.

"Well, I got it." After Yan Yu spoke, the others read the reason for the existence of the blanket and velvet hat from her hoarse voice.

She enjoyed the cold wind in the middle of the night in the back mountain last night. If she doesn't get the cold, who will get it.

Yin Beiqing was very angry at first, but when he saw Yan Yu's haggard look, he couldn't say a single harsh word.

"Go quickly." Seeing that Ling Qi and another candidate had walked out of the team, Yan Yu hurriedly pushed her away.

"Don't go anywhere."

Yin Beiqing found such a position for Yan Yu, not only for her to have the best viewing angle, but also for himself to be able to see her at a glance in the audience.

After she left, the deputy captain of Weiying's exorcism team, who had changed seats, gently tugged Yu Ke's sleeve, looking hesitant to speak.

Seeing their interaction from the corner of her eye, Yan Yu covered her mouth halfway and took the initiative to break the ice, "Sorry, I blow a cool breeze at night...cough I just caught a cold, if you are worried that I will infect you, I can change places with the person next to me."

She paused and coughed twice as she spoke, but she paid attention, turning her head to where no one was.

Maybe it's because the skin around the eyes is relatively fragile. After coughing, it turns a little red, and with the weak voice, it seems that she has a pitiful and weak feeling.

Yu Ke observed silently, thinking that the goddess was indeed the same as the one in the legend, and she looked like she was about to fall when the wind blew.

"No need." When Yu Ke spoke, she stared at Yan Yu's eyes in a very straightforward manner, and after a long time, the latter felt a little uncomfortable, so she moved away slowly, "Go to sleep .”

Yan Yu raised the corner of her mouth and replied "Yes", then tilted her head and closed her eyes tiredly.

No one knew that she also muttered something in her heart.

Yu Fusang's younger sister, like her, is very unpredictable.

The sun didn't rise in the morning, let alone the sun, most of the audience area was shrouded in cold shadows, but Yan Yu's seat seemed to be specially taken care of, the light warmed people.

The eyelashes cast long shadows on her cheeks, her delicate face is surrounded by the plush edge of the scarf, her skin has an almost transparent texture under the light, she seems to be in her own home, sleeping very peacefully, alone Create a quiet atmosphere that people can't bear to disturb.

The people who were chatting just now closed their mouths inexplicably, and for a long time after that, the entire audience area remained strangely quiet.

The people who control the spirit probably feel sorry for their overworked little goddess, and they don't want to disturb her. Weiying's...

How could they commoners guess what these nobles were thinking.

People entered the arena one after another, and when the auditorium was almost full, the queue of the royal family was long overdue.

Weiying and the dean of Yuling walked beside Yang Pei, and the three were smiling and talking, but if you pay attention, you can find that Yang Pei turned his head to Dean Weiying more often.

The process of setting up the scene is indispensable for the royal family to handle affairs. It has been half an hour since the deans of the two schools finished their speeches one by one.

You thought it was finally time to watch the game, but the Royal Military Band behind you suddenly started playing music. Amidst the music, dozens of referees in neat uniforms walked by in a square formation. Walked onto the stage and started her speech.

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen the queen with my own eyes, it's really very luxurious."

"Yes, yes, but why is the queen wearing a veil?"

"You don't understand. This is a new trendy outfit that has just been passed on from Tianlai recently. It is very popular among nobles. It is inlaid with hand-polished gemstones. It is elegant and expensive, especially the one worn by the empress now. On this one, there is a golden hyacinth stone that can only be used by the royal family."

"Oh...it's really pretty."

Teng Jingjie glanced at it from a distance, raised the corner of his mouth in disdain, and spit out: "Cut."

No matter how high-sounding the reasons are, no one knows that this is just an excuse that Yang Pei came up with to cover the scar on her face that was stabbed by their valley owner.

When Yang Pei finally finished her speech, the military band blew the horn again and followed her to **** her away.

The huge movement caused the birds on the treetops to spread their wings and run away. Yu Ke subconsciously turned her head to look at Yan Yu, only to find that this person was still sleeping peacefully, as if no one could disturb her.

But in fact Yan Yu hadn't fallen asleep all this time, she slept very lightly, with the mentality that at least closing her eyes was considered a kind of rest, so she maintained an unshakable posture and fell asleep.

So in fact, before Yin Beiqing came to call her, when she heard Lin Luo announcing that the contestants were starting to prepare for the match, she had already woken up first.

Yu Ke who was next to him was not in his seat when he woke up, and he probably was also making preparations.

Yan Yu walked off the stage together with other members of the spirit extermination team. Under Yin Beiqing's insistence, she could only bring the cumbersome blanket to her place.

The team points competition is divided into two schedules, a knowledge contest and a practical exercise. If both sides of the two competitions reach a tie with one win and one loss, there will be an extra match, and the candidates for the final winner team will be able to enter 20 minutes earlier. The final game is played.

In such a race against time, the side that gets the 20-minute reward is equivalent to having a huge advantage.

Yan Yu held her own cup in both hands, slowly swallowed a mouthful of hot water, and by the way pretended to be inadvertently exchanged glances with Ying Fan on the left.

The latter understood what she meant in seconds, stood up from his seat suddenly, and raised his hands high.

"I have a question for the referees before the game."

The referee team is divided into five-person pairs, who take turns to score points. Usually, there are two Yulings, two Weiyings, and one royal family member.

The two referees who are on the court right now happen to be Lin Baizhu and Yu Fusang.

Lin Baizhu was the first to answer Ying Fan's words, "What's the matter?"

"There are eyewitnesses who once saw the royal family disregarding the pre-match avoidance rules and talking privately with Weiying's students. Does that mean that the game has lost its fairness from the very beginning."

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Wei Ying's people, even Yu Ling's student's expression was not very good.

Everyone has heard the rumors, and they have discussed them in private, but it is too bold to spread them out in front of the Queen without any real evidence.

At that time, if the queen gets angry and is charged with slander or rumor, they will have to make the group of "higher species" next door laugh again.

Sure enough, Yang Pei opened her mouth and asked Ying Fan about the evidence, "You said there were witnesses, so are the witnesses at the scene now? Can she guarantee that she has not identified the wrong person 100%? After all, it is not a trivial matter to discredit her. What you said is true, then we really need to deal with this matter properly.”

"Your Majesty, you're making me dizzy with all these questions, and it's hard for me to answer." Ying Fan looked at Yang Pei who was speaking, and instead of panicking, he frowned to express his doubts, "Because I was just asking questions, so The rumors are not made by a few or dozens of people, but almost everyone has heard of them. Hasn’t the competition heard any news? We all know the groundless truth. It should be the referees who need to find out the answer for us Let's talk to you, Her Majesty the Empress."

"Why are you talking about these messy things? Isn't this just an upright frame-up? If you just ask someone to ask a few questions without giving any evidence, you can ask Her Majesty the Queen to deal with these trivial matters. Then just ignore you guys every day." The childish farce is too busy to sleep." The members of Weiying's exorcism team immediately stood up and retorted.

"It's because you're so complacent that you don't even bother to do superficial kung fu, so people can catch the loopholes." Ying Fan choked back, "It's not easy to find evidence, but you can find someone who can prove that your Weiying Despiriting Team is here. At the juncture of the competition, it is not difficult to have witnesses who are leisurely entering and leaving the flower building."

"Go, what's wrong with Hualou, can't we recite the questions in a different environment!"

As soon as the words fell, the face of Yu Ke sitting next to her turned dark, and the students in the auditorium were also rolling backwards and forwards with laughter.

"Hahahahahaha, go to Hualou to recite the questions, it turns out that Weiying's people are so 'pure'?"

"The lie I told when I was ten years old is more reliable than this."

"Isn't this an indirect acknowledgment that the members of our Spirit Elimination Team have gone to Hualou? Look at their captain's expression, I guess they have the intention to beat someone up."

Yang Pei on the high seat frowned, Lin Luo immediately understood the hint, turned his head to stop the noisy crowd, "Be quiet, the queen hasn't spoken yet."

After all, the students still abide by the rules, and they just leave when they laugh almost as soon as they are good.

Yang Pei was thinking about it and was about to speak, but at this time another crisp voice took the lead.

Yan Yu stared at the man, and asked in a flat tone, "This student looks so confident, it must be because he has memorized all the questions by heart."

"Of course." Wei Ying's people are most concerned about face, even if he vaguely knows that this may be a radical method, how can he admit that he can't memorize the questions in front of the public, "every question on the test booklet, everyone in our team has You have memorized it backwards, so please apologize to us immediately!"

Lin Luo saw that the situation was not good, and was about to stop Yan Yu from speaking. At this time, Yu Fusang, who had been watching the play, suddenly took two steps forward, blocking her movement without bias.

"This student has a really good memory. He can memorize tens of thousands of questions in just a few days. I'm afraid ordinary people can't even finish it. He really deserves to be the seed player of the Spirit Elimination Team."

Yu Fusang couldn't tell whether it was a real compliment or a sarcasm, the muscles on his face trembled, and he smiled unnaturally, "Hehehe...Of course, I, I..."

When he was still stuck, Yan Yu suddenly asked three questions like a cannonball.

"Since this is the case, why not choose a few random questions to test this classmate with an excellent memory."

"When did the Polai tribe become extinct?"

"Which area of ​​the Kingdom of Jin was the world's first imperial master born in?"

"Which principal of your school designed the badge of Weiying College?"

Anyone who was asked three questions in this situation would feel nervous, and the member of Weiying's exorcism team faltered and hawed for a long time without saying a word.

"Where are the others?" Yan Yu looked at the remaining opponents.

Obviously she just used a very ordinary questioning look, but it made people feel nervous that even the strands of hair were being examined one by one.

Before the answer came, Yan Yu turned to his team members and asked, "Do you remember the answer?"

Several people whispered to each other and passed the words to Ling Qi, "No one has ever memorized these three questions."

Seeing this, another member of the Weiying Spirit Removal Team took the opportunity to stand up and speak, "As your school teacher Yu said just now, it is impossible to memorize tens of thousands of questions in such a short period of time. My team members may just be vain. It was only then that I answered stiffly, and it doesn’t mean anything if I can’t answer now.”

"And the contestants from your own school can't answer the questions?"

"Really? This classmate." Yan Yu met the opponent's gaze with a smile on his face, "My team members couldn't answer because the question I asked just now didn't appear in the question book."

"Question 1, although the Polai tribe has declined, it has not become extinct; question 2, the first imperial master who appeared in the world was not from the Kingdom of Jin; question 3, Weiying College does not have its own school badge, and the one used now is one that has been The deprecated old royal army crest."

"These simple logical mistakes, I believe that your school will not be unable to answer even a single student, but none of you dare to answer."

"Are you afraid?"

"Because I haven't even read the complete question booklet, so I feel guilty and have no confidence to answer?"

Yan Yu's gentle tone made the student speechless.

The author has something to say:

Lin Luo: There is an insider, terminate the transaction.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-2021:00:21~2021-11-2121:00:21~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: mulberry picking, 1 piece of mulberry;

Thank you to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: Mo Qiya~90 bottles; Sylvanas 60 bottles; Yunxi 35 bottles; Zhaomu 25 bottles; Liuxiang Picking Fireworks 22 bottles; 14 bottles of white sauce; W10 bottles;. 9 bottles; 7 bottles of Qiugu; 5 bottles of lily at the bankrupt station; 4 bottles of ink; 2 bottles of Jingchu, 50642497, and Xianyu don't want to turn over;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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