Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 101 - Pocket Money

"Hendra, did you buy these clothes for me?"

She rummages the bag paper and other packages which Hendra hasn't cleaned.

"They have been here for so long, did you just realize that?"

She couldn't find anything else beside midi dresses. Midi dresses with long sleeves, short sleeves, and even sleeveless. The coats and accessories that he bought also complement the midi dresses.

"Why are you so obsessed with midi dresses? Why don't you use it yourself?"

"I have bought you so much, why are you angry with me?"

"Why don't you buy other clothes too? Do I have to sleep or work out in midi dress? Don't you think that I might need underwear too?"

"What kind of husband are you? You don't understand your wife's needs!" Aruna grumbled. 

"Oh… so you need underwear… just tell me then."

_hehe, she is so cute… but those are cuter_ (-_-)'

"Oh, did you buy me underwear?" She looks at him, expecting.

"Nope." Aruna's shoulders slumps.

"Actually, you just need to tell me if you need something." (Hendra)

"I'm embarrassed. The last time you bought it, you said that it ruined your reputation." (Chapter 15)

"But it's different, I am married now. If the store assistant asks, "Which one does your wife like? With or without pads?" (Chapter 16) And I will reply to her, "I will take the lacy ones to make our night hotter."

"Hahaha…" Hendra laughs seeing Aruna's cute and embarrassed face.


_Ugh… I don't even want to hear his laugh_

"Hendra, will you give me a platinum card, banking savings, or cash at least?"

"In those dramas that I watched, if you marry someone rich, you will get a lot of facilities. But in reality, I don't even have money to buy underwear. And how can I ask the maid to buy it for me, if I as the heir's wife don't have any money."

"And when I was about to buy via Okeshop, I didn't even know where I was. Actually, where is the main house located?"

"OMG, don't say you trapped me in a castle and I was married to a stingy prince."

"Buahahaha." Hendra laughs his ass off seeing Aruna grumbles passionately.

"You obviously knew that you were going to get married, why didn't you bring your stuff, rather than wearing your old T-shirt and jeans only."

"Why should I prepare? Didn't you say the sweet things like : 'After we got married, I will fulfill everything you need. Even when we finally get our divorce, I guarantee you will never need anything.' (Chapter 5)" Aruna impersonates Hendra's way of talking.

"Hello… who said you didn't need it arrogantly?"

_I was_ (Aruna)

"Hehe… you still remembered it."

"Okay then, you will get your daily pocket money after this." (Hendra)

"Pocket money?"

"Yes, cash as pocket money."

"Do you think I am a highschooler?"

"Well you are still studying in university. Isn't it the same?"

"Why don't you give me a platinum card just like in the dramas. You used to say that it is not important and tossed it to me."

_Of course I wouldn't let you give it for free… I can get other advantageous compensations_ Hendra is a businessman, of course he is adept in calculating profit and loss.

"Because in those dramas, they acted like they were real couples. And even if it happens in real life, the husband can ask for cute little babies."

"Don't talk nonsense. Didn't I tell you, that I will do whatever we have agreed in the contract. Nothing more and nothing less."

The man stops tidying the clothes and grabs shoes that he prepared as a surprise slowly.

"Would you like to put it on?"

"Should I need to give you some compensation for these shoes?"

"No… no need. I want to give it to you."

"Thank you." She smiles brightly.

"Is it too big on you?" Hendra looks at her intently.

"Hehe it's okay. Thank you once again. You can give me the address, I can change the size myself if you are busy."

"Ah, it seemed I forgot to tell them, so they are still using Tania's size."

The girl grows silent.

Both of them start to tidy the things around them silently.

"Um… Hendra, what is this for? You dropped this key from your pocket."



"Sorry, I came this late to see you."

"No problem. This is our job."

"How are you? I'm surprised you survived and did not faint".

"I was also surprised. I lost myself for a moment, then she greeted me and suddenly I could breathe again."

"Let's talk about it inside, we've found a lot of possibilities that can help you." 

Hendra and Nathasya enter the mini health clinic owned by the Wenceslas family. This place was used to take care of little Hendra and his mother. Now, this outdated place has been renovated. 

Hendra enters the room and greets Tio and Firman, the young doctors who are a part of Diana's team. 

"I'm sorry, Dr. Diana has left earlier."

"Oh, no problem."

They realize the gray haired doctor is unlikely to work late. 

"Let's get straight to the point, what new things did you find about my disease?" Hendra doesn't have much time. He hopes to meet Aruna soon.

"Actually, there are some things that we haven't told you related to the main factors that trigger your PTSD." Firman said.

Hendra is sitting, relaxed, but his brain doesn't stop working. To be honest he really wanted to get well soon, considering how difficult it is to fight his desire to approach Aruna with the conditions he is facing. So excruciating. He realized that his marriage is  a contract marriage, but on the other hand, to be honest, he wants to be the perfect husband.

"I think you have realized that the biggest trigger is your own wife." 

"Yes, that's right, according to my predictions."

"But I don't know the reason." Hendra is always curious about this. Since he used Tania in his experiments, he noticed himself reacting differently to Aruna and Tania. 

"Now, look at me." Nathasya lays down and closes her eyes as if falling asleep on the bed not far from where Hendra sits. 

Hendra watches her carefully and realizes that he doesn't feel anything towards her.

"Why is it only Aruna that affects me so much?" (Hendra) 

"Probably because she is your wife? A more accurate statement is the bigger the feeling you have for her will increase the triggering factor." Dr. Tio takes part in the discussion between doctors. 

"Oh my God, why did it happen?"

"Wait .." Hendra tries to remember. 

"The first time I lost consciousness because of PTSD, I didn't like her. We didn't even met that often." 

"You obviously were going crazy when she rejected you, and weren't sure about your feelings. Until I have to prove the love hypothesis all night long." Nathasya smirks. (Chapter 62) 

"Most likely you have liked her from the beginning, it's just that you didn't realize it." (Firman) 

The blue-eyed man slowly tries to remember each meeting and every impression that he had with Aruna. 

The doctors let him ponder since when this girl managed to steal his heart, wondering.


"Surya, do you realize that I lose control every time I face that child?"

"Who? Do you mean Aruna?" 

"Yes. Why did I stand, pull her hand, and even argue with her in the lobby?"

"Maybe because she's your future wife so you got carried away."

"It could be..." 

That day, Hendra felt that he was too talkative and quite childish. He is a person who finds it difficult to chat casually with anyone. He gives a standoffish impression that doesn't really care about others. 

(Chapter 6) 


After the hunt, Hendra remembers a light discussion that he had with Surya after picking up Aruna from her campus. 

_Oh, apparently I was impressed with her after picking her up from the campus. That is how quickly she stole my heart._ 

The Wenceslas's heir massages his temple. 

"Don't worry. Doctor Diana supports you marrying your wife because she has a strong conviction that Miss Aruna can help to fully heal you." 

"Ah, is it possible that she could be a trigger as well as a cure?" Hendra's logic can't find a correlation between those two. 

"Of course, it is very possible. Because the hyperarousal that you experience is the impact of the long-term trauma that comes from a bad incident between you and your mother."

(Hyperarousal is a variety of symptoms that cause the physical condition of a person with PTSD to be alert when they are triggered to remember about the trauma they have experienced. Such as Hendra's physical condition which suddenly has difficulty breathing, loss of voice, and even consciousness when the triggering factor is present in front of him.) 

Hendra's blood runs cold, hands trembling, and a panic attack hits him when he starts to remember the bad memories.

"Let's stop first." (Tio) 

"Nathasya, bring some water!" Firman instructs while frantically looking for a sedative. Nathasya quickly gives him a cup of water.

"Don't worry, I don't need any medicine. I just need a moment to calm myself down." The man reaches for a glass filled with water. 

The next few minutes ...

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