Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 110 - Pillow Talk

[2. Put on smiley face, soft voice, tender massage.

Usually the wife will refuse, which means her body is still stiff. When her body is already relaxed, whisper, "Sorry, Ma". Even though you don't know what your mistake is, that's already enough. Once again, remember the first point, DON'T ASK.] (Article)

_Okay.. Okay.. I'll do this.. feeling inspired.

[3. Offer help to TAKE OVER the work she'll do after this.

For example, when she needs something while laying down, whisper "Let me wake up instead…"

Offer whatever help you can. This is one of the effective ways to make your 'apologize proposal' easier to be accepted.] (Article)

_Wow, this tip is useful too.. I need to ask : Is there any unfinished preparation to dad's house?!_ Getting more motivated.

[4. Don't ignore

This one is a little difficult, because husbands whose wives are OFTEN cranky, will think, "What else??". Please, throw that thought away, because that's indeed our destiny as a husband, can't be changed.]

_That's bad.. Every time she's cranky I always ask : 'what else', Oh turns out it should be avoided. Okay I get it now.. Feeling enlightened.

[5. Don't lecture.

This one, this is important, won't be accepted when your wife is angry. Rest assured, trust me. You'll get a strong gaze instead if you lecture her when she's angry.]

_I can do this.. I never lecture her.. Except when she wears wrong clothes or does messy eating_

[6. Last one, PILLOW TALK.

This is the time when your wife is calm enough emotionally, before sleep. Massage her legs. If a shaman uses a spell, you only need to smile while saying "sorry", that's the key.]

_Okay, I must act immediately_

The blue-eyed man felt enlightened, immediately headed to the bathroom to clean up and wear the clothes that Aruna prepared.

After that, it's his time to act. That's the pattern that he'll put into action.

In fact, this poor husband just got out of the bathroom. Aruna who was brushing her teeth, preparing to sleep, raised her eyebrows and immediately finished gargling.

"Thud". The sound of a toothbrush thrown to its place.

The foam on her cheek hasn't been washed properly.

"Why are you wearing those clothes?". That woman was irritated again.

"Because you prepared it".

"Don't you realize it's late enough to go to my dad's house".

"I know".

"Then why are you wearing those clothes?".

"I thought you'd be happy if I wear the clothes that you prepared". Confused, pathetic face.

"Hmm.. you're really an annoying man". Aruna wanted to go out, immediately stepped her feet.

I don't know. What does the female brain think? She looked even angrier.

Hendra the perfectionist reached Aruna's arm, spontaneously caressed her hand and rubbed her cheek.

"Your cheek is still dirty". His voice was calm, tried to calm her down. His tone was a bit weird, because it wasn't Hendra's style. This man was inspired by the article that he'd just read.

Because Hendra was suddenly a bit nicer, Aruna meant to tell him why she was angry: "I don't like you wearing those clothes, you reminded me that I should've already been at dad's house"

"I see.. Sorry, I don't know. Okay, I'll change into something that exudes my handsome charm". Burning passion.

"Ugh, crazy CEO relapsed".



Hendra really changed into another outfit. This man wore Aruna's style. White V-neck T-shirt and casual shorts.

_Okay, let's start. Remember, Hendra. Put on a charming smiley face, take over, do not ignore, do not lecture, pillow talk_ This man really repeated the lesson that he just got from an article. Sort of going to face the final semester test.

Aruna was looking at him with a weird feeling, because that smiley face looked funny on Hendra's face.

Suddenly he sat back near Aruna, leaned his body on the headboard. Joined her watching TV while glancing at Aruna.

"Why are you here? Go away! Suspicious?!".

He tilted his face then smiled at Aruna.

Aruna was really afraid.

"You know?! You're more annoying now. I'm afraid with what's on your brain right now".

Suddenly he massaged Aruna's feet.

"Ugh. What are you doing? You're really ridiculous".

Aruna was really shocked. Perhaps the food that she cooked earlier was problematic. That's why this person showed a different personality. Or even worse, he was possessed by an unknown creature.

"Hendra, stop! Or I'm really sure you have multiple personalities".

"I just want to be kind to my wife. What's wrong?".

"It's so wrong. You're not usually like this".

"Yes! I'll be kind like this until you're not cranky anymore".

"Fine! Okay! I'm not cranky anymore. But please throw away that weird smiley face".

"This is wrong, that is wrong, what should I do?".

"I don't know.. Think about it by yourself!?".

_Wow.. Exactly. Just like in the article_ Hendra is even more sure with that unique article.

"Hmm.. Aruna, are the preparations to dad's house all done?".

"Not yet. I haven't bought a gift for them".

"Alright. Let me handle everything. Is there anything else I can help with?".

"Hendra, can I ask for something?".

"Sure. Anything for you".

"When can I go to campus and go back to work at Magic Letter with my friends?".

This man was quiet for a moment, the meeting on the D floor was too focused on discussing other things. He forgot an important point that should've been discussed. About people in his wife's private life.

"Either Wednesday or Tuesday, maybe can go back to activities". Hendra counted the possibility of him making a meeting agenda with the D team.

"Still 4 or 5 days left.. Isn't Wednesday our wedding party?!".

"Which means Thursday". Aruna estimated.

"Be patient, everything is for your own good". This man is still massaging his wife's legs.

"Good? I really don't understand your point of view".

Hendra just smiled at Aruna's gloomy face.

"If you count it, 6 days are indeed long. But the next 2 days, we'll be at your dad's house. So 4 days left. Be patient".

"Is that so hard being here?". Besides, Hendra also chose to stay at a hotel, went away from this house.

"Very!! You locked me up like a caterpillar that is meditating, you made me a cocoon now".

_I was very active out there_

"What do you really want?".

"Get out of this house, do a lot of activities including work with friends".

"Wait! Can I go with you to work, looks like you're really busy. If I can go, perhaps I can help".

"I don't know. There are a lot of things that… (Thinking for a moment) even Surya isn't allowed to follow me".

"Come on, Hendra! Or I'll really find a way to escape from here".

Hendra was thinking hard.

"You can sleep while hugging me tonight".

"Really?!". Suddenly his logic was paralyzed.

"If I'm allowed to go those 4 days. Even I…".

"Put off our contract marriage??".

"What the hell?! It has been our deal. Who once said: nothing will change!".

_I need to get out from here after 2 years_

"Sleep while hugging me for 4 days, is that enough for our exchange??".

"Can I ask for a bonus?!". The blue-eyed man was used to lobbying.

"No! I don't want to kiss you. You're scary". Aruna started to remember what this man wanted. Suddenly, her face was horrified.

"Let go of my feet! No need to massage, I'm not tired. I'm just doing nothing here every day".

This woman curled up in a blanket and the husband turned off the TV in front of them.

Hendra curled up too, reached Aruna's stomach, held her wrist. He looked for this tiny woman's pulse.

"Hendra, why were you late?".

"I had a meeting with a client outside the office and there was a traffic jam".

_He lied again_

The room light was turned off now, only warm dim. Light from a reddish yellow night lamp on the right and left sides of the super king bed.

"I'm sorry". The CEO of Wenceslas Group rubbed her wife's hair. He still did the last tips on the article (pillow talk).

Hendra pulled this tiny body getting closer to his chest. Aruna's head was exactly under her husband's chin.

There was a whisper coming out from the blue-eyed man's mouth : "Can I get this every night?"

Aruna ignored him, she was pretending to fall asleep.

_How do I conquer her?_

_If this is the case, how do I live without her?_



When morning came, not sure when that woman woke up, what Hendra found was a beautiful woman with a ponytail.

Midi dress and bright face were already on her, just like yesterday Hendra also got his breakfast.

After that, she crawled, shook Hendra's body who was pretending not to be awake yet.

"Hen, wake up. Wake up, Hen. Come on, it's time to get ready".

At 6 AM, she was already so noisy. Hendra stretched a bit, opened his eyes seeing the clock on the wall.

"It's still 6 AM, Aruna. Why are you so in a hurry? I still want to sleep more".

"Come on. Wake up!". Aruna pulled Hendra's hand. That man replied more skillfully, pulled Aruna making her fall back on their bed.

"Give me a kiss on the cheek, I'll wake up".

"You're always like this".

"Will you? If you won't, I'll sleep again".

Aruna really did what Hendra wanted. She didn't have much choice, hoping she'd enjoy her air of freedom soon.

She sat next to Hendra's lazy body, who was still lying down. She arched her body. A moment later, she put her seductive red lips on her husband's cheek. Once released, it felt too light and fast. Hendra immediately reached her body and dropped her on the bed.

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