Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 115 - Ambiguous Seal

"Is it no problem??".

"Yeah. Better than hanging out, playing games, or drinking coffee. I think it's gonna be something fun for us".

"Oh okay.. I'm gonna buy the paint".

"You're gonna buy it??".

"Yeah. Who else?".

"How are you gonna carry it??".

"That motorcycle".

"You have no idea.. This room needs a lot of paint. Give me the money so my friends can buy it. Someone brought a car".

"Do they not mind?".

"I've told you, our life is relaxed.. So, you don't have to think too much".

That day was accompanied by unique music. Damar's group of friends seemed like painters who drew on the canvas. They turned the first floor into a gallery and product display worth enjoying.

They took turns working until late. The long-haired man was able to keep bringing his friends, not sure how and from where. They kept coming and going.

Dea was dumbfounded, let alone Aruna.

The thing that Aruna remembered the most was when they relaxed and ate together.

They would be very noisy, even the way they talked was abstract, sometimes weird.

*Don't smoke here or I'll throw you?!

*Can I eat for free again tomorrow??

*How about we ditch and play here again tomorrow?!

*Damn, the food is gone!! Someone stole my food!! (Already in his mouth)

*What, it's finished already?! My stomach is still empty!? (Satisfied)

*Eh' my ex-girlfriend saw my (Instagram) story. She thought I was working part-time. Hahaha.. She chatted me on WA 'fighting' (hit the person next to him, weirdly happy)

*Do you already have a boyfriend? What if I become your boyfriend? I think I'm pretty cool.

"Don't listen to them. They often talk carelessly and act weird. You know when men are hanging out?? Hehehe.. Just think they're being delusional". Damar calmed Aruna and Dea's shocked faces. (Magic Letter's original team)

Damar's friends slowly made Magic Letter as their basecamp.

The existence of Damar and his friends was like a group of volunteers.

They can be delivery men, helpers, even when Magic Letter needed people to display products on bazaar, including guard the booth, They were really dependable.

There was only one risk, when they gathered and played a game. Magic Letter's second floor would transform into a shipwreck.

If that happened, Aruna knew how to control them: buy them Okefood. After they are satisfied, tell them to clean up then go home.

The way of thinking to enjoy life was that simple and modest.

Too many sweet and precious memories. Magic Letter's main team, Damar's friends. Especially him, someone who was consistent with his ambiguous remark.

"You can flirt with a girl, but not her". (Damar)

"Why?? You're also not her boyfriend". (Damar's friend)

"But I've sealed her".

"What kind of seal did you use? Uzumaki Kushina's gear seal? Or Gaara's pyramid sealing technique?".

"No, I used the most effective one, fuinjutsu shiki fujin! God of death's caller seal".

"Don't use it, guys. The user will be dead along with its victim and they'll fight inside the God of death's stomach forever. A dangerous seal! You can die with your love bhahahah..". (Naruto anime seal)

"Can these literature kids disappear from our place?!". Dea began to object when they started being that delusional. Meanwhile, Aruna always put up the same expression, pretended not to hear it.

They came with all of the fantasy. Their words and behaviors were kind of abstract. After they were all gone, they seemed so precious. Magic Letters never missed anything at that time. Moreover, staff. Yesterday, Aruna was informed that she and her friends needed to recruit some people officially. Project design, administration, including social media admin.

In the past, when booking admin was overwhelmed, those kids would open WhatsApp web and took part in replying with their chatter that made several Magic Letter's customers become addicted and sentimental.

Magic Letter was the best dream of the girl who brought a reddish hue, the dream that was built from scratch. That literature kid indirectly had many roles in it.

Before Magic Letter was known like now, Aruna almost closed it. At that time, the concept was just a unique stuff project design that was decorated with custom sentences, including unique sentences that were done by Damar.

Since not everyone could enjoy it and had an interest in unique stuff, the journey of Magic Letter once slowed down. Aruna had a hard time paying her friends.

That day, someone took her using an old Vespa motorcycle, then stopped in front of an ATM.

"Even though I don't look cool, I have savings".

He went out with a bag packed with a rectangular sheet of paper after both stopped by at four ATM machines.

"I rarely use it. Let's say I invest but the condition is you can never close down my basecamp". That was the only thing that Damar said. Relaxed, without burden.

"Don't stare at me weirdly. This long-haired man is an author. Hehe. I often forgot to take the profit that I got, since you often gave me free meals".

"You're strange since you're suddenly like this".

"You want to cry". That girl nodded and started shedding tears.

"I don't have tissue. But I have a hoodie jacket that I haven't washed for a week. You can use it to wipe your snot". He offered the jacket that he was wearing. Aruna pulled it and really wiped her face on Damar's hoodie.

"Damar, it smells, you know?!"

"If it were clean, I wouldn't have offered it… Your snot is gross".

"Who told you to be heartwarming like this out of a sudden!".

"You want to hear something more touching?!"


"I'm hungry".

"Buy me cilok!! There, at the front. I don't have any money at all. I've surrendered my body and soul to you".

Aruna hit him because his words and behaviors were always ambiguous.



That afternoon, while enjoying spicy cilok on the side of the road, Damar finally wanted to use his brain to think about the continuity of Magic Letter, after he kept saying agree every time weekly discussion agenda happened. (focused on gaming than listening to discussion)

"You know that my Instagram is followed by a lot of my novel readers? I think we can use it".

"What do you mean?".

"I have an idea. What if we start opening services for writing love letters or heartbreak letters, including other heartwarming expressions? Like poems, lyrics, whatever that is but it's paid. I'll try to post it massively and direct it to our start-up account". Aruna knew Damar's novel and Instagram were widely loved.

"And you only have to pack the design of the letter so it can be iconic".

He was right. Damar's idea was the initial step that made Magic Letter become stable. At first, the name was Magic Design, then that brand changed along with Damar's idea. Including the profit that slowly became stable, exceeded Aruna's expectation.

She could've given Damar's money back. Unfortunately, this man rejected it. He asked for several percent of the ownership. Aruna agreed since this Padangnese man once said: "Someday, if Magic Letter has to be closed down, there should be at least 2 people who consider for it to rise again".


Miss you, Damar.



The blue-eyed man entered a room with 'baby Aruna' written on it. He was surprised and stepped back because that girl fell asleep on her desk.

_No, Aruna isn't sick. I can handle this_

He walked slowly and his eyes were closed a few times, trying to muffle his doubt. Finally, Wenceslas's sole heir found his courage.

He touched her fingers and vein. Slowly getting closer and closer, his eyes stared at her closely. He smiled since he was able to get closer to his girl's mesmerizing face which was adorned by closed eyes.

Right now, the heir folded his feet, rested on both of his knees. He aligned his height with the table that supported his wife's head. Hendra also tilted his head on the side of that table.

Enjoying the exhaled breath as a living sign of the woman who messed his logic up.

_You're not as pretty as the other women who approached me_

_Tania is way prettier than you, but I chose you instead of her_

_I don't know what makes me so attracted to you_

_Maybe since you're my wife?_

_Ah' Of course not, because I've been bound to you way long before_

_Or is it because you're a good kid? Not sure, I didn't even know that you're a good kid_

_Or is it because you're a simple and warm kid?_

_It can be, since I don't have that ability_

Hendra touched her face and got rid of a few strands of hair that were messy.

Suddenly, those eyes were opened. Blinked a little, recovered her senses.

"Hendra, what are you doing?".

Aruna woke up and immediately tidied herself up.

"I'm happy. I can see you sleeping without being afraid". His explanation was a bit confusing. He's indeed a confusing man.

"You're afraid to see me sleeping?".

_Is that why you're weird?_

Hendra got up, ignored Aruna's question.

"Come on, they're waiting for us to eat".

He just left Aruna to the stairs heading to Lesmana's dining room.



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