Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 118 - Not A Dream

"Do you know what that means?".

"Yes. I just understood a few days ago, but I won't apologize since I just understood". (About Wenceslas family's past)

"If you've been playing around until this moment, you're ready for all the risks. Really, I'm sure you haven't understood how far the risks that we'll face?".

"If one day they betray you, make sure to clean our family's reputation too, regarding the case in the past".

"I think our influence this time is already more than enough. Moreover, our power".

"Do the best or back off right now!!". Wenceslas Group's president director who was more known as the old man attacked Hendra with his sharp statements at length.

"I already wanted to back off since the beginning, but wasn't Grandpa the one who supported him until becoming mayor?". Hendra called him 'Grandpa' on purpose, so that old man would realize that he's a human.

In the past, when it became like this, Hendra would call him with the phrase 'you'. There were a lot of things that happened to him lately, ever since he had someone he could hug every night. He felt his life becoming more meaningful and understood how to interpret life.

"Haha, looks like he's already informed a lot". Wiryo thought hard.

"Just so you know, the threat towards you will increase. That's the initial risk that I can predict".

Hendra analyzed and tried to catch the phrase from his grandfather.

"So you know exactly who threatened us. You can predict? It means you know who the mastermind is!". The blue-eyed man indeed had more expertise in catching bait from his interlocutor.

"What's the point of us knowing if we never have any proof? Everything's gonna be nonsense".

"Let's take that risk and let's fight with a more tangible form". Hendra's words this time surprised people around him.

Wiryo smiled, that old man smiled at him only this time.

Hendra didn't realize that smile meant: the president director was that happy seeing his grandchild cared about the company that he'd inherited for him.

Wenceslas's grandchild never showed his concern. Even though he was a CEO who successfully increased company profit, honestly some people had known that he only positioned himself as an employee.

Not more than an employee who was reliable in his field. Not an heir who needed to think about the future of the company that was inherited for him.



"Okay.. We'll start from now. Make sure everyone's ready to receive their threats anytime".

Hendra caught his grandfather's words once again: 'they?'. It meant that this old man knew deeper.

"If we already know that the possible culprits are certain people, why don't we try planting intruders into their group or whoever you mean?".

"Vian, Leona!".

"Prepare your personnel and let some of them infiltrate into that company". Surprisingly Hendra's idea was immediately applied by his grandfather. Hendra was a bit shocked, both were rarely in tune in the past.

"I heard you would also put your people to protect your wife. Are you sure you'll let Lesmana's daughter go out freely from the main house?". Wiryo put up a disagreeable facial expression.

"For this decision of mine, I don't want anyone to interfere including you!". Hendra frowned. He really didn't want Wiryo to interfere in his marriage life this time.

"Fine! I won't interfere. Fulfill the consequences that we once agreed immediately. This family needs the next generation. You understand how important their presence is".

"Grandpa, you were the one who married me to a girl whose age wasn't even 20 years old. She still wants to go to college, still young enough to have a baby. I don't want anyone to pressure her, especially you".

Wiryo stood up and left his chair. Next, a screen on the table showed faces and identities of the Raka team who were already assigned in Aruna's surroundings.

Hendra gave approval to the leaders on the D floor. Now, Hendra only had to persuade his wife to have at least 2 or 3 bodyguards.


That man was immersed in dozens of scattered papers. He'd been doing the same thing for several days, held his guitar then wrote. Over and over like that. He only stopped when he ate, went to the bathroom, then did the same activities again.

He didn't know another way to muffle the turmoil in his chest. Other than immersed himself in a sheet of paper and his craziness this time.

His world stopped for a moment after he had an incoming message on his handphone. Lately, he didn't really like handphone. He used to use that handphone to spend so much spare time by writing notes, wild ideas that could be used as materials to write novels or make simple phrases, bait for his Instagram followers.

Even more fun when he used his handphone to enter the game world, playing Mobile Legends. He could stare at it for hours. Or the most tantalizing was disturbing the Reddish Hue. He would launch ridiculous and ambiguous writings as a way to receive a laughing-out loud sticker or a hitting sticker.

But now, no more fun. He had to shut down all of his social media because he didn't want to see 'wedding inspiration' accounts appear on his home. Because the photo of the Reddish Hue appeared there several times.

The presence of an image who could take 6 out of 7 lives that resided in him.

The most mesmerizing stop after how antipathy he was towards handphone. Of course, when that green application gave him an update that the person who was sealed in his imaginary space showed signs of life in real life again.

Three words that meant 'missing' suddenly presented 6 lives that were taken by angels. As if those lives had blown from the crown of his head and got back in his body. He came back healthy without a doctor's prescription.

Apparently, not all logic was right, he could even heal only by staring at three words: 'Miss you Damar".

Those words were like an endless energy. He would encounter his imagination at a wedding party in three days. A crazy plan that was arranged by people around him. Maybe because of the pity that was sickening them so those people couldn't stand not to care about him.

Damar didn't care either. A crazy idea of singing in front of her who was dressed in a wedding gown, Damar couldn't do it.

But those three words suddenly transformed into an extraordinary power. He had to be there to treat the 'miss you' sentence. If necessary, had time to talk to his imaginary creature who was predicted could be found in real life.

Damar was making his new poem for the Reddish Hue. He even already counted what hour and second that girl would be freed from the room that shackled her.

"I'll wait for you 730 days, 17520 hours, and 63 million seconds". He whispered in his deepest heart, once did the same, waited for her in the same length of time. To repeat the same thing wasn't something difficult.

"Be patient, I'll set you free from him who's not worthy of mention". Now he reached a device that produced sound when a row of black and white rectangles was touched by fingers.

Not sure since when he could play the piano.

Those notes transformed into a love whisper. He found the tone and the lyric. When the Reddish Hue listened to this, that girl had to know that there was someone who kept waiting for her and was ready to pick her up anytime.



*For you who's longing

*Calm down and wait for a moment

*I'll be present in the most unfit place

*When finishes feeling the lyrics that I leave

*Meet me in the most invisible hallway

*I wait for you there

*Demand you to return 6 lives

*That once fly with your leaving

That man finally had the courage to open Instagram. A picture that read 'I Call Her The Reddish Hue'.

Carrying the message underneath, a writing that was soon overrun with various comments. Comments that said admiration along with incomprehension. But he was sure that the Reddish Hue would understand the meaning behind his writing.



A tiny woman ran hugging him when the blue-eyed man hadn't finished opening the door.

The husband immediately caught his wife's tiny body that was immersed in his chest.

"What's this??".


"What happened??".

Between happy and confused. Aruna never did something this sweet. He was really touched because he got a hug that was so deep.

But that heartwarming feeling suddenly stopped, when repeated questions were launched but that girl cried instead. And when his wife's chin was lifted, he saw her eyes were red.

"What happened? What makes you cry??". Hendra stroked her wife, calmed her down.

That man asked her to sit on the bed. Moved a chair right in front of the girl who started crying. Moved some hair, searched and found the woman who broke his logic.

"What happened??". Once again, a question was launched.

"Earlier ee.. Earlier hiks..". Aruna's voice was unclear because that girl couldn't calm herself down.

"Finish your cry then tell clearly!".

After a few times her wife wiped her tears, she finally could find herself.

"Earlier, I bought spicy noodles at the front, not far from home. I scolded your bodyguards because they wanted to follow me".

"Then when I went home, suddenly someone followed me. He chased me".

"I thought he was a lunatic but his clothes weren't so bad. And he brought a knife that was hidden in his hand".


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